The reveal

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She dressed in all black for dinner, her hair was styled in a perfect war braid. She was a force to be reckoned with. Especially considering today was day one of the stupid two-week affair of basically feeding the two Princes ego. She sat in the booth next to the King and he introduced his two idiot sons. Eowyn didn't even watch them as they started to joust one another. Even when Aemond had the nerve to approach and ask for her favour. His appearance was hidden behind his helmet and when all eyes were on her she groaned. Climbing to her feet she slid the favour down onto his jousting lance. "Try not to die dear Prince." She grinned through the venom and went back to her seat. She didn't pay anymore attention until Aemond had knocked his brother off his horse. He removed his helmet and enjoyed the crowds love and admiration.

"Princess Eowyn. That was for you." She finally looked over at him, about to respond with a sarcastic comment but instead she felt the air get knocked out of her chest. It was Robert. The man that had been so kind to her, helped her plot her escape and planned to run away with her. It was him all along. What was his gameplan? "What's wrong Princess? Too violent for you?" She angrily sipped her wine, sitting back in her chair. If he wanted to play games, she would show him who was the master. After the event she was waiting outside the gardens which she knew he would walk from.

"So, you often pretend to be a commoner, do you?" He laughed because that's exactly what she was doing, it's her fault for not knowing her Uncle. Or listening to any stories about the horrible Aemond 'one-eyed' Targaryen. "Why do all that? Why take me to those places? Why.. Kiss me?" The last few words made her feel sick. They had kissed and at the time, she had enjoyed it.

"Because I don't want you to pick me. I knew I would best my brother in all of these stupid games you would line up. I don't want to marry a pathetic, useless woman like you. So, I knew I had to make you hate me, then you'd pick my brother, and he can have the miserable life with you." She growled through her teeth, the blood of the dragon warming her veins as her right hand collided with his face in a hard slap. In the distance she could hear Juniper roaring, a reflection of her own emotions. He just laughed at her. A slap wouldn't bother him at all. "See you tonight, Princess?" He mocked her before walking away and leaving her with her anger to fester more.

Aemond won every challenge she had set out for the Princes and she just hated it. She hated having to see his face daily when she was trying to grieve for a man and a life that never was. She wasn't broken hearted, thankfully she hadn't fallen that deep, but it hurt. It hurt knowing she wasn't destined for greatness. She couldn't write her own story and she certainly wouldn't make the history books. Women seldom did. But the longer the days went on she realised if she had to live a life of misery then she could at least get to pick who she got to torment. And after his behaviour lately she decided that would be Aemond. He'd pay for everything he did to her.

The final event was riding their dragon and shooting at a target accurately. Eowyn watched on in amazement at how large Vhagar actually was. The history books didn't do the old girl justice. It's just a shame she got stuck with the most self-absorbed owner she could have. Even Aegon was a better choice and he was an absolute drunken mess who didn't even have the ability to piss straight. Of course, Daeron failed miserably but she applauded his attempt anyway. She wanted Aemond to believe his plan had worked, just so she could wipe that god damn smile off his face.

"Have you decided dear granddaughter who shall be your future husband?" Viserys was always so oblivious to his surroundings. He didn't realise his wife and hand were poisoning his mind and choices. But thankfully he always remained loyal to her mother. He never once desired to replace her right to the throne with one of her idiot brothers.

"I think I have, my King. I do believe we could be quite happy together." Lies. Complete lies. She couldn't even bring herself to look at either of her uncles. One was absolutely useless and undeserving of the name Targaryen and the other, well. The less said about him the better.

Queen Alicent stood from her chair to applaud both of her songs attempts and the crowds gathered followed suit. "Thank you all for joining us on such a joyful occasion. Now I may present to you Princess Eowyn. She is going to decide which one of my sons will gain her hand in marriage."

Eowyn's dress today was a bright red colour, with black linings around the edges and once again she wore her war braids. She approached the balcony to speak to the people of Kings Landing. "I too express my gratitude that you could all join me today. I don't make this decision lightly. But I have decided who I am to marry. There's no one else I can see myself being with every single day that I have left on this earth than this man. I choose Aemond Targaryen." She saw his single eye twitch in hatred. She had ruined his master plan. And now, they had to marry. The King and Queen would force them both to marry. "Good day." Eowyn smiled over at her future husband. Checkmate. And then she left the balcony without another word. She wanted to savour the win, even for a little while.

She had barely made it through the gardens when Aemond had caught up with her. He was angry, she could feel the hostile energy radiating off him, but she wouldn't back down. Even as he towered over her. "Why did you pick me? I thought we had an understanding?"

"Oh, my dear husband. You just helped me realise that there's no one else in this world worthy of the torment you have signed yourself up for." He growled under his breath, and she just held her hand up to silence him. "Stop acting like a child. You could have let me run, escape on that ship but you decided to play games. So now dear Uncle. I'm going to give you a lesson in how to truly play a game." She wasn't expecting him to smirk, but maybe he hadn't realised how much fire she truly had within her. This would be fun. She'd find her happiness in ruining his life.

He tried to intimidate her by closing the space between them but when that didn't work, he just skulked off. She could hear a long 'hmm' as he left. Once he was far away, she took a deep breath. He was intimidating, he was threating. But she was a woman and if there was one thing she knew how to do and that was fake it.

She returned to her chambers, changing into something less extravagant for the joint family dinner. Viserys thought it would be a good idea to put the opposing families in a room together with plenty of sharp objects. He truly thought the best of everyone. This time she opted for a silver gown; the corset wasn't as tight so she'd actually be able to join her dinner for once. When she entered the grand hall everyone else was already there, everyone except Aegon. His squires were washing him up and trying to make him look presentable. Eowyn sat beside her mother and was opposite the man she hated the most. He sat at an angle so he couldn't see anyone on that side. He was an actual child. How was he a year older than she was? Aegon finally appeared as the feast was being served. So far it was peaceful. For now.

Before the cakes were brought forward Alicent stood forward and tapped her goblet to get everyone's attention. "The King and I have been speaking. We both decide the royal wedding should happen sooner rather than later. Preparations are already underway to have Eowyn and Aemond marry by the end of the week." It was peaceful for five minutes at least. The families started arguing and Eowyn just glared at her future husband. In less than a week they'd be married, and she'd be forced to live here, with him. It turned her stomach.

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now