Love and War

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(I don't know how to write the wedding scene so I improvised. I hope you don't hate it!)

Adjusting to having Aemonds love child around the keep was a hard thing for Eowyn. But thankfully everyone was fooled by the story of the other brother. It seemed Aegon was keeping that secret for some reason. No doubt so he could announce it to the realm at the worst possible time. Otto had been in his ear and no doubt encouraging the slander. He was on their list too. Grandfather or not. He had caused all of this when he sent his young daughter to comfort an old man over the death of his beloved wife.

The last few days had been especially tough, no matter how little she did in a day she still felt exhausted. The babe was taking everything and even now at dinner she felt dizzy, holding onto her husband's left arm for support. He was ready to carry her back to their chambers whenever she was ready. It was an awkward dinner, everyone was there. Including the Baratheon daughter and bastard child. Alicent never knew how to read a room before she opened her mouth. "My wonderful family, I'm so happy to see all of you here. Probably the next time we all sit together we will have a beautiful new babe with us." Aegon laughed and it made Eowyn grip her fork in her hand as she over aggressively stabbed her fresh berries. The room fell silent for a moment and then Aegon decided to speak.

"Maybe we should see if anymore of Aemonds bastards want to join us?" There was a growl from beside her and she simply held onto her husband a little tighter, not wanting him to make such a public attack.

"Or how about we invite the ten of yours which live outside of the gates?" Eowyn's words didn't falter as she stared down the man who keeps trying to destroy her life. "Might be nice to see them considering there's no more of your future children." Her response had shocked a few people in the room, but Aemond was just grinning proudly. He knew she could hold her own but maybe others still saw her as some kind of pushover and that wasn't the case. Not anymore.

"I think the King and I should go and get some fresh air." Otto gently pulled the already drunk boy from his seat, and they left the room before things could escalate and everyone went back to eating their food like nothing had happened.

Once everyone finished, Eowyn and Aemond left the great hall and went to watch some of the new knight's train in the courtyard. They both sat on the bench and watched, both eager to get back to training but they were waiting for the arrival of their little one now. "Before the babe is born, I want us to marry."

"Aemond, did you fall and hit your head? We're already married." She chuckled softly, looking over at him just to see his eye roll at her. "And you didn't even want to do that."

"I want us to get married properly, how Targaryen's are supposed to get married." She smiled a little at his offer, her hand capturing his chin to direct his gaze. There was a gentle kiss shared and that told him her answer. They both deserved this. A wedding that they both wanted, without any outside interference. Just the two of them and maybe Belladonna so she could be their witness.

"Tonight. Meet me outside where we first met." There was another quick kiss shared between the pair before she left him sat alone on the bench. She went to organise a sept to perform the proper ritual and then when she found Belladonna, she helped her to dress appropriately. This marriage would be theirs. Their choice.

Darkness finally fell over Kings Landing and the bride and groom had avoided each other until they now stood before the inn, they had disguised themselves as commoners. Back when Deanna and Robert were a forbidden love story. She smiled proudly at her husband, he looked so good in his robes, and they matched in colour. They copied the sept's words. Gently cutting their bottom lip so they could collect some blood to draw a cross on the others forehead before their palms were cut and their hands joined together. Sharing the blood of the dragon and bonding the pair for life.

"Let us burn together like our ancestors. My dear Aemond. My Prince. My King." Her last word made him lick his lip and when he tasted the metallic taste of his blood, he pulled her forward for a kiss. A little earlier than the sept had wanted but who would argue with Aemond?

"My Eowyn. My life. My fire. My dragon warrior. I would do anything to be yours for the rest of our lives, you just need to ask it of me." Her bloodied hand now adoringly touched his face, his chin between her thumb and forefinger.

"You may now kiss to seal your future." They both grinned, kissing each other excitedly. Yes, they were already married. But this was real. It was done properly, and it was something that they both wanted. They got to make that decision themselves. The kiss didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon so the sept and Belladonna returned to the keep, a guard staying with the newly married couple just in case. Finally, they broke away to gasp for air, forgetting it was something they both needed to survive.

"Come on, let us head back." Eowyn whispered softly. They both walked back to the keep, smiles not leaving their lips and when they returned to their chambers there was already a bath drawn for the pair. She turned to face Aemond and started to slowly take off his robe and remaining clothes. "Let us enjoy our last days of freedom before the babe arrives."

He smirked at her words, his own hands toying with her own clothes and removing them from her body. They were soon both naked and he loved how much her body had changed since she fell pregnant, everything was bigger now. His hands instantly going to grab at her ass cheeks, he was definitely an ass man. "You're beautiful." He mumbled against her lips as he went in for another kiss, her own arms wrapped around his neck, to pull their bodies together as their lips battled for some control. Their tongues clashing and massaging against one another as the passion grew between them. He walked forward, causing her to walk backwards until they hit a desk. His hands scooping her up and placing her on it so he could step between her thighs, her hands dropping now to push everything off the desk, so they had plenty of room.

"Belladonna is going to hate you." He chuckled, his right hand moving from her waist – up along her ribs across her left breast before it wrapped around her neck. He gave it a light squeeze as he manoeuvred her to lay back against the wooden desk, his body now towering over hers at an angle. His lips were all over her body, causing her to moan as there was a familiar tingle between her thighs and he knew she was ready for him. His cock pushing against her entrance and forcing himself deep inside of her at this angle. They both groaned loudly as he started to move against her, the table nearly buckling beneath them from the force in his thrusts, but it was what they both needed. "Fuck. Harder Aemond, please." He was a little hesitant at first, not wanting to hurt her but when she reached up to slap him, he snarled and started to buck his hips even harder against her. She was nearly screaming now but the pleasure was just what she craved. The hand that had slapped him dropped to his hand around her throat, forcing him to squeeze harder and he nearly came in that second.

"Eowyn.." He whispered breathlessly; she looked so beautiful in that moment when she was fighting for air. His eye was fixated on her, watching her body writhe and contort beneath him as he arched his back to drive his cock even deeper into her. His free hand dropping between their bodies to rub at her sensitive bud of flesh, and she was practically purring. Electricity passing throughout her whole body. Her body wouldn't stop trembling, her inner walls throbbing around him as she screamed his name when the climax finally hit. He held her throat harder now, letting her choke out her last couple of moans as his own climax hit. He snarled and finally released his grip, leaving them both red faced and gasping for air. It took several minutes for their souls to return to their bodies. Aemond was first to move, carefully removing himself from her and helping his wife find her feet again. "Too early to marry you again?"

She laughed loudly, gently pushing him into the direction of the bed. "If that's the performance I get when we get married, we will have to marry every night." He grinned and laid beneath the covers, pulling them back for her as she climbed in beside him. "I think I could live with that." He gently peppered kisses along her back. The pair of them quickly falling to sleep from pure exhaustion.

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now