The Rogue Prince and his daughter

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Eowyn woke up before the sun broke, following Alys's instruction and changed into a tight fitted black dress but with added armour plates. She kept her swollen stomach on show, hoping the sight of it would distract her father long enough for her to speak, or at least try to before an inevitable fight would break out. They had each other's temper, which was short and quick to jump to conclusions. Something she seemed to share with her husband too. True to her word, Alys had sent a hand maiden to wake her, but she settled for the help with braiding her hair instead. "Is Alys awake? I wish to thank her for all of her help these last few days." The young raven-haired girl nodded her head and when they were finished plaiting Eowyn's hair, she led her back out into the grand hall where Alys was sat already waiting.

"Ah Princess Eowyn, you look even better in that dress than I dreamed of." Once again, this response flustered Eowyn. She was used to compliments, Aemond complimented her several times a day, but she wasn't used to them coming from a woman with such a tone. It was almost like she had been sent here as a temptress. "Your father is close; he will be here by the hour. Are you ready?"

"No. I don't know what's going to happen. The last time I saw him, he had just killed my unborn child. His first grandchild." Eowyn sighed softly, playing with her fingers nervously before her eyes met the older woman's again. "I wish for no more bloodshed. I wish for the Kings death and for peace to return." Alys moved from her chair now, moving over to take a hold of her hands gently and to stop her nervous tick.

"I'm sorry Princess. I saw his death, but this morning my dream changed. The King lives." Eowyn looked at her like someone had just stabbed her in the gut. How could Aegon still be alive? He needed to die for her terms she would offer her mother and father to exist. She couldn't offer them a throne if he still sits in it. "Someone did die though." There it was again, another stabbing pain but this one was in her heart, and it sucked all of the air from her lungs. Aemond.

"No. He can't have, I sent him there because it was the safer option." Tears were starting to form, and she was pulled into a tight embrace before she heard Aly's sigh softly.

"No. It's not your husband. It's your.." Before she could tell Eowyn, who had fallen that night there was a sound of a war horn outside and they both knew Daemon was here and Eowyn quickly left the embrace to run outside to meet her father in the grounds. Juniper was perched on the towers, protecting their dragon rider as the two Targaryen's met one-on-one. No one had drawn steel so far.

"Why are you here daughter? Why do you tempt fate? Especially so swollen with child." His distaste in his voice wasn't even attempted to be hidden and her hands dropped to her stomach on instinct. Even though she no longer had anything in her womb to protect. "Have you come to deliver your husbands head?"

"No. I have come to deliver terms. Aemond living is one of my terms. The protection of my children is the other. If you can agree to both of these, then I want to give the rightful heir the throne." She stood tall, as if she wasn't about to break in his presence.

"Tell me girl, how can you promise such a thing when the usurper still sits the throne?" His curiosity was piqued but he knew better than anyone that things could never be so simple. If it was, he would have been married to Rhaenyra all those years ago when he begged his brother and they would have sat the throne together and ruled the seven kingdoms.

"He's to die, in an unfortunate accident. But I need your word. My husband and children will be safe." He chuckled softly, he was considering her terms but before he could speak again one of his men rushed over, they were out of breath and grasping a piece of parchment that had just arrived. Daemon read the words in silence, his left palm dragging down his face before he looked at his daughter with total and utter disappointment.

"This was your plan. Distract me long enough so your husband and that cunt could take over Rooks Rest. They killed your grandmother. My men say your husband dragged his brother from the carnage and they both made their escape. It seems he's picked his side daughter. You could live. Just come back to Dragonstone with me." Her body froze in shock. Rhaenys was dead. Her husband had saved Aegon and abandoned their plan. Tears started to well up. "Stay here, have the babe then fly to Dragonstone. Be with your family."

"I'm not pregnant father. I had the babes, the same night you sent those vile men to the castle." He listened; his face looked a little pained – had he killed more of her children? "I sent them away. Away from all this stupid fighting." She could have sworn there was a flash of relief on her father's face, but he hid it well. "I promised you and mother a throne, I will deliver on this promise. But I need your word."

"Your children will be safe Eowyn. Protected even." His eyes softened a little as he spoke, as if he was willing her on to believe his promise but it wasn't enough for her.

"Aemond too." She argued with him, her arms crossing across her chest as she stared back at her father.

"Eowyn. Didn't you hear what the letter said? He's betrayed you and he will be known as a traitor. He killed Luke and now Rhaenys." He tried to reason with her, but she shook her head firmly.

"Luke was an accident, a horrible accident. Let me go speak to him, there must be a reason this happened. This was his idea. He's wanted to kill Aegon ever since he forced himself on me." Her last words had him reaching for dark sister which laid against his hip.

"Bring me his head. We will consider your terms after that. You have one week, before I come to collect it myself. Now go, get out of here."

Eowyn ran back inside of the grand hall, grabbing a hold of Alys by the shoulders gently to force the woman to look at her face-to-face. "My father is going to take over this place. I can't leave you here to him and his men, you're too valuable." She suddenly felt vulnerable as she spoke. "I mean, your gift. I can't have it falling into his hands. Come with me. Please."

Alys couldn't do anything else, but nod and the pair left out the back of the building, after introducing Alys to Juniper and explaining how she was a friend they climbed onto the dragon and flew back to Kings Landing with no time to spare as Daemon and his troops took over Harrenhal. 

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now