Visit from Dragonstone

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(Credits from tumblr: florencentherpdumpshit)

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(Credits from tumblr: florencentherpdumpshit)

(TW: Miscarriage and baby loss.)

Her mother wouldn't come personally because she had declared herself Queen and her being around threatened Aegon's claim. And many people would have her head. So of course, her father was sent instead. Eowyn couldn't help but shed a few hidden tears as she saw her father for the first time in nearly a year. "You're getting old." He chuckled loudly, moving to sit opposite her on the table. She was meeting with him first, seeing how things went before sending Aemond to the lion's den. "I miss you all, dearly."

He smiled at her; she was his first born. He loved her in his own way. But his love for her mother ran deeper. "We miss you too. Jacaerys is in the north, he went to go see Cregan Stark. They'll fly their banners for your mother."

"Good, good." As they were talking, Juliet brought them some drinks over and following Aemonds advice she made sure to drink plenty. "I want to do this as peacefully as we can. I was married into this family to avoid a war; I don't want my misery to be for nothing father." He nodded, drinking some of his own drink. But he seemed far more interested in her finishing her own.

"Drink up girl, you're wasting away out here." She chuckled softly; the drink wasn't great. She assumed Juliet had brewed her something at Aemonds request. She finished her drink and placed the empty chalice in front of him.

"Is that better?" She noticed a sudden chance in his stance, he was now leant back in his chair and making it clear he didn't want to be here. "Father?" He laughed loudly.

"No, Eowyn. You stopped being my daughter the second you let that murderous cunt lay his seed in your belly." He looked at her with such disgust as he moved to his feet. "A son for a son."

 He left abruptly and once he did, she threw up. Her stomach pained and when she tried to get help from Juliet, she shook her head and followed Daemon. She was their spy. She had told them about her suspicions, and they'd brewed her the moon tea. She knew Daemon would have never made this move without her mothers' permission. Her eyes filled with tears, and she stumbled to her feet. She manged to get back to their chambers before she threw up again, this time there was blood in it. And then she felt a trickle down her legs. Her hand dropped between her skirt and when she saw the fresh blood it brought on more vomit.

"Aemond! Aemond!" He was nowhere to be seen so she had to ask someone else. "Guards! Please, fetch the maestors." This tea was made to stop a seed ever laying, she didn't know what would happen if the seed had already settled. Eowyn was in a pure panic. The family she adored her whole life had turned their backs on her. They had let their personal vendettas cloud their judgement. Tears fell down her cheeks, burning hot to the flesh as one of the maestors finally arrived. It was a shock to them because they weren't aware of her condition. "Please. Will the babe survive?" There was silence, she had her answer and she just cried more.

"Thankfully Princess, the babe wasn't fully grown. They will just pass in your bleed. You won't know any pain." What a lie. Her heart was breaking. She was about to swear at them, curse them out when Aemond arrived back from a hunting trip. He seemed happy, until he saw her being examined.

"What's happened? Are you okay? Are they?" For some reason it broke her heart more to tell him. Since he found out she was pregnant he had a new lease of life. He placed his left hand on her stomach and used his left to brush back the stray silver hair that fell in front of her face.

"I met with my father. It was supposed to be a peace treaty. He tricked me into drinking the tea." Saying those words again, it killed her. She wanted nothing more in this world than to be a mother and it had been stolen from her. "He said a son for a son and left me there in a pile of my own vomit." Something would snap in Eowyn that day. Her loyalties would flip. Seeing the disgusted look on her husband's face and his reaction showed that she could only ever trust him.

"I'll have his head for that." He waved off the maestors now, shutting the door and making sure they were alone so they could both properly grieve their loss. "You don't deserve this." He carefully helped her to undress, grabbing a bowl of warm water and a small cloth so he could clean the blood from her thighs. He held his composure better than she did, but that's because anger had replaced his sadness.

"I'll wield the blade." Her father signed his own death warrant when he robbed her of her child. She loved her brother, so much. But she understood it was an accident, a stupid and childish mistake that robbed him of his life. But for her parents then to decide to do this to her? She would never forgive them. She watched Aemond as he helped look after her and make sure she was clean before they laid down together, he pulled her close and she slept against his chest. Had this loss just created a bond between the two? If so, everyone was going to live to regret it.

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now