Long live the King

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The flight took less than a couple of hours and when they landed Eowyn helped the older woman down from the saddle and she took a deep breath before they made the walk from the red keep to the castle.

"I need to find out what happened. I need to know if he has truly betrayed me." Eowyn spoke in a quieter tone than usual, and Alys was completely silent which was unheard of since they met. She was either making the Princess blush profusely or speaking about her prophecies. When they approached the guards at the castle doors they hesitated before finally pulling the wide wooden door open for the pair. "I'll take you to the guests chambers and then I will come to find you later."

The walk was in silence once more and Eowyn hated it, because she was overthinking. Left to her own thoughts about her husband's betrayal. But when they reached the chambers and the door opened Alys turned to take a hold of the Princess' face, pressing her lips to hers in a quick chaste kiss that left the younger girl speechless as the door closed. It wasn't that she had feelings for her, her heart would never love another, but it stirred something up in her body. Made her question a few things she never had before.

Her feet quickly carried her to their marital chambers which she found empty to her annoyance; the small council room was empty too except Otto sat staring from the window.

"Where is Prince Aemond?" Otto didn't even bother to glance in her direction, he was never a fan of hers and when she was met with his ignorant silence, she left the room and thought of the many places he could be. She was outside of the throne room and sighed softly before she approached the door, opening the door with a creak she peered inside and met eyes with a badly scarred Aegon whose barely lifeless body clung to the throne for support. She bowed on instinct. "Your grace. Do you happen to know where my husband is?"

"He's in the Kings Chambers under my orders, he deserves a reward for saving my life. The guards have been instructed not to let him leave until he beds the women, I supplied for him." Her stomach turned and threatened to empty its contents onto the marbled floor as she stared at him. He was now as ugly as his personality. "Does this bother you? It would give me enough evidence of infidelity to annul your marriage, so you'd be free to marry someone better fitting of your station."

"Why would I wish to annul my marriage? We have a happy marriage my lord. There is no one else I desire to marry." Eowyn's eyes glanced at the guards either side of the throne and they seemed to be holding him upright against the throne. If it was just them, alone – she could kill him. End his wretched life but the guards would kill her before she got close.

"Because a King wishes to marry you." She couldn't help but laugh but she quickly hid it behind her hand as she shook her head at his words.

"You already have a Queen. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find my husband." She left the room quickly, worried he'd have his men stop her, or worse. But Aegon didn't make any attempts. He didn't want to overexert his energy. Thankfully. The walk to Aegon's chambers didn't take long and there were several guards waiting outside before Eowyn approached them. "You can leave, I'm sure you all have better things to do. Ale to drink or wives to visit." The men quickly nodded and left, she was a Princess and her request would never be ignored. She took a hold of the handle, taking a deep breath before she opened the door. There was five women sat on the bed, barely dressed and waiting for Aemond but he refused to move from the balcony where he focused on reading his book. Her eyes met the whores from flea bottom and she gave them all a voiceless 'fuck off' as she smiled and the women ran out of the room.

"Eowyn! What are you doing here?" Aemond moved quickly to his feet, nearly tripping over his long legs as he rushed to meet her. As soon as he was close to her again she felt like she could breathe again, life returning to her. Her heart and soul warming at the sight and he rested his forehead against her own before whispering softly, afraid to admit his own failure. "Aegon attacked your grandmother, they both went down fighting. I was too late to save her. But then I looked at him, burnt and begging. I thought he'd die on the dragon ride home. I didn't expect him to survive."

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now