Aegon's Wedding

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Of course, the last thing Eowyn wanted to be doing was carrying on with her life like nothing had happened. But until she was fully healed, she couldn't risk putting herself in that fight, she would only be a distraction. Her mother and Alicent had taken the witches children under their arms, naming them Visenya and Vaegon and they were under the castle's protection. The children were innocent and would not be punished for something they had no control over. Aegon still avoided them, trying to focus on his soon to be wife. Alysanne had been making more of an effort with Eowyn these last few days, not only were they going to be related by marriage – Alysanne knew of her brothers love for the princess.

Waking up after three days of being on bed rest, Eowyn knew she was ready to join her husband on the battlefield. But before she could announce her plans to everyone else there was a knock on her chamber door. "Come in." She was expecting Belladonna or even the maestor who came to check the healing process every morning. But it was Aegon who entered, this was probably the first time they had been alone since Aemond had been returned to them – very much alive.

"My apologies for the intrusion. But I know you want to run out of here as soon as you are able to. I just wish you would stay until after the wedding today. I am already short my brother. I would like you to be there." He stood across the room from her, waiting for her to respond and when she didn't his hands started to nervously fumble with things on her desk as a distraction.

With a small chuckle, Eowyn moved from the bed to stand beside him. Her hand gently touching his to get his nerves to calm and she shared a small smile with him. "You deserve to have the best day. I will stay until after you two marry, but I will be leaving before the celebrations. Your brother and Cregan will be awaiting my arrival. I have already taken longer than predicted to heal properly."

"Thank you. Dear sister. I'll make sure the children are well protected until you both return to me. I've arranged for Ben to be your chaperone for the wedding, he will be here shortly." His hands moved to her shoulders, giving her a gentle reassuring squeeze as his lips met her forehead and then he left almost as quickly as he arrived. But she was glad he had found someone to call his own. He seemed happier. Sober.

Belladonna was the next to knock and she helped Eowyn to bathe and then dressed her in a fine silk dress that hid her beaten and bruised body. Eowyn then went to spend the next couple of hours with the twins and with baby Aemond. She hated that she had spent most of their young lives absent, fighting in wars she didn't have to. But she hoped when they were old enough, they would understand why she had to go and fight for Agron. Fight for all of their futures because the iron throne was part of their destiny no matter how much Eowyn hated the cursed chair. She would rather burn the whole kingdom to ashes and live a happy, long life with her husband and children than have to worry about wars – usurpers and snakes in the walls. 

Hopefully her mother would have a long and peaceful reign and then she would name Viserys or Aegon her heir instead of Eowyn. While cuddling the children she had fallen asleep without realising, the soft knock on the door stirring her awake and her heart melted as she saw the three children asleep on her too. Trying her best to whisper without waking them. "Come in." Thankfully the children remained asleep, and the door opened to Ben who was dressed in fine fabrics compared to his usual armour, he smiled at the sight before him, whispering back to her.

"It's time, Princess. Let me help you take them back to bed." He picked up the twins, one balanced on each side of his body, leaving Eowyn to carry the lighter of the three. They put them back into their cribs, covering them with their blankets and Eowyn gave them each a gentle kiss on the top of their heads. She wouldn't see them again until she had found their brother. Leaving the room under Belladonna's care and the several guards outside the door. They would be safe, it's what she had to keep telling herself – convince herself of that fact otherwise she would never leave.

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