The Last Day

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At lunch, Eowyn played with her bracelet. She hated to admit it, but she had gotten closer to Aegon these past few weeks, he wasn't as horrible as she remembered and although she thought she could never forgive him for what he did. Killing an already weakened man didn't seem to agree with her moral compass. Her attention was finally snapped away from her thoughts when she heard the guards introducing Aemond for the dinner too and Lady Rivers. Aegon looked almost as confused as she did but the glint in Otto's eye gave him away. This was his idea; he wanted to cause a scene or build a bigger divide. Aemond sat beside Eowyn, and she was now sat between both Targaryen brothers as Alys sat on the other side of Otto who seemed extremely interested in talking with her. Like he was reunited with an old friend.

The wine was flowing for the rest of the guests, even though Eowyn didn't touch it – not wanting to risk throwing up again as she had the day before. Her eyes glanced at Aemond for a moment as she felt his lingering stare on the one jewel left on her bracelet, he was wondering why she hadn't already put it in his drink. Music echoed around the hall and at one point Otto had taken Alys for a dance. Aegon moved to his feet, rather clumsily as the alcohol was clearly going to his head. "May I have this dance?" He bowed his head a little, like the men at court were taught to do when approaching a lady. She quickly nodded her head, knowing it would be the perfect opportunity for him to let his guard down, but she could feel the hatred radiating from Aemond who sat perfectly still and just stared off into the distance.

"Of course, your grace." She took his hand, being pulled to her feet and then they were dancing. Aegon was rather respectful, keeping his hands where they should be, and he had memorised the steps which surprised her a little. "I never knew you were such a good dancer." He chuckled softly, of course he was. He had most of the women at court wrapped around his little finger when he was younger. Everyone wanted to be noticed by a prince and Aegon was more than happy to explore each and every one of them. They only had the one dance, both returning to their seats when the music had changed tempo, but it was the perfect opportunity to drop the last vial into his drink as she walked by. Tomorrow they would know if the plan had worked.

Aemond moved to his feet after several more minutes, his hand pulling on the back of Eowyn's chair. "If you excuse us, my wife and I must retire for the evening." His sudden change in attitude confused her, and she quickly nodded and followed him. Otto, Alys and Aegon remained in the hall with his guards. He didn't walk back to their chambers though, he walked beside her through the gardens and towards the training yard.

"What's the matter Aemond?" She was a little annoyed at the silent treatment she was receiving, and he picked up one of the training swords before throwing her one too. "You want to fight? What has you so worked up?" She laughed softly but he was advancing on her in a second, her laughter quickly fading as she fought him off. Her footsteps retreating as he kept trying to break through her defence. She was soon backed up against the castle wall and he had the sword pinned to her chest and she could see the anger in his face and that's when it hit her. He was jealous, but not because of her dancing with Aegon. "Alys." It was all she said, her voice faltering slightly as he left her there all alone.

The next few hours were spent battling training dummies, she fought until her muscles ached and her hands blistered from her tight grip on the pummel of her sword. Hearing heavy armour approach, she turned to face the same guard she had fought only a few hours ago. "Ah, Ser Blackwood. What can I do for you?" His hands dropped to her bloodied hands before he looked at her with a pained expression on his face. "Don't worry, you learn to fight through the pain." She continued to attack the dummy but was soon forced to stop as the knight moved in front of her wooden sword, it wouldn't kill him, but it would hurt so she stopped at the last second. "You're in my way."

He couldn't help but laugh at her bluntness, something which only enraged her as her eyes glared at him. "Come, let me clean your hands and escort you back to your chambers. It's getting late out here." She groaned but followed him over to one of the fountains in the gardens, he cut off a clean piece of the bottom of his tunic which hid beneath his armour and wet the fabric before cleaning her hands. "I know I'm beneath you, but if you need to talk. I could listen."

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now