Just a little poison

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By the following morning when Eowyn finally found her exhausted body allowing her to wake, Alys had returned to her chambers. Probably to bathe and prepare the tonic they would be using on Aegon. She turned to see her husband who had just returned from his early morning training session with some of the gold cloaks. "You're so beautiful." He laughed rather loudly at her comment as he allowed his hair to fall down and frame his face properly.

"How can you say such a thing when you're here." His left hand gently cupped her face, subconsciously tilting her face to place a gentle kiss against his palm. "Come, I had Belladonna prepare us a bath." He didn't have to tell her twice, climbing from their bed as they both undressed and let their sins be washed away by the warm water. "How are you going to play this thing with Aegon?"

Eowyn thought for a moment, her hands gently running through his long locks as she applied special oils. "I'm going to convince him you and Alys are having an affair. That I'm broken hearted, and his company is my only comfort." She felt her husband tense a little, his one eye looking at her as he finally turned his head to face her. "Obviously I know that isn't true. I don't think you two particularly like one another." She chuckled softly, placing a gentle kiss against his lips. "Even if you still taste of her."

He groaned at her comment and dramatically splashed water at his face before using his wet cloth to wipe around his mouth and chin. "We all got lost in the moment. You're a bad influence." She laughed softly; it was music to his ears as they shared another kiss before he settled for just holding her. "I just want him gone. I want our children to come home, I miss them." His little confession nearly broke her heart, she hated how they couldn't be with their children until Aegon was dead and her mother sat the iron throne. Even then, she still felt like it wouldn't be completely safe for them. The curse of the iron throne. There were always enemies waiting.

"I know. They would have grown so much, even in such a short time. Alys told me that they would live long and happy lives. She also told me how our first child would have been a girl too." His arms tightened around her momentarily, he didn't understand the visions Alys had but his wife seemed to believe them, so he did too.

"Once Aegon is dead and your parents return to Kings Landing. What will happen to her?" He was curious because he knew his wife had grown attached to the older woman. Even if he didn't like her that much, he could see that Eowyn enjoyed her company and companionship. There was silence for a moment, she clearly hadn't thought that far ahead. "Forget it darling, we don't need to think on such things until we have accomplished some of our plan." Belladonna had arrived to change their sheets with another hand maiden. "We should get you ready. Plant the seed."

Once the room had emptied again the pair climbed from the tub. Drying themselves off on a towel each he helped his wife to pick out one of her dresses. Her swollen belly had nearly disappeared, the only evidence of motherhood was her larger breasts and of course she picked the one dress which they nearly fell out of. "Are you trying to get locked in here with me all day?" Aemonds hands were quick to reach her hips, his lips peppering kisses along her exposed flesh as she roughly clasped his hair between her fingers to force his head back to look at her.

"Control yourself husband. You will have your turn later." There was a playful gleam in her eye as her lips connected with his softly. Her hand dropping from his hair to his chest, giving him a gentle push back as she sat at her table and started to brush her hair in front of the mirror. He chuckled softly and changed into his usual attire before leaving her to finish getting ready. She felt sick. She didn't know how she was going to fake enjoying the Kings company for so long. But Aegon had always been somewhat blind when it came to her. Or any woman who paid him any attention really. Belladonna returned to help aid her with styling her hair.

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now