Dead End

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The next morning, Eowyn found herself waking up to an empty room. The exhaustion over the last few days finally catching up with her and allowing the two men to sneak from the rooms without as much as stirring her. Turning under the covers with a groan, she used the fabric to try and block out the little light in the room, but it didn't help. Plus, the heat was already starting to be unbearable. Today's outfit was a bit more risqué than before, her breasts barely covered by silk that tied around her neck and exposed all of her back. The back of the dress covered to the top of her ass and her scarred stomach was on show, but she didn't care. She wouldn't hide from her flaws. She pulled her hair up, using rubied clips to tie it in place. When she made her way onto the deck it was like the men had never seen a woman before, silence fell, and her eyes rolled at how obvious they were all being.

As she approached Aemond and Cregan she saw as Cregan had whispered something to Aemond and earned a elbow into his stomach which had him laughing. He played with fire far too much. As her eyes gazed out at the vast oceans, she could finally see the tall buildings in the distance, Dorne was getting closer with every passing moment.

"Princess, you're looking.. Well.. Prince Aemond, how is she looking today?" Cregan chuckled softly, not wanting to pay her a compliment after the elbow in the stomach he had just received for already making a comment.

"She's beautiful, like always. But that dress. Maybe Stark can find somewhere else to sleep later?" He reached out for her hand to bring her closer to the pair, so she was out of view for the other prying eyes in the area. Finally, the sailors returning to work and the noise filtered through the air again.

"My bed is far too comfortable to give up. Just pretend I'm not there." He grinned mischievously; he liked being the reason for the lack of intimacy. Maybe because he was still jealous and well, he wasn't getting any out here, so why should anyone else?

Eowyn's eyes rolled, her fingers trailing down Aemond's exposed arms. He was still wearing his signature black leathers but each day a little skin became exposed. "You snore too loudly. No one can ignore you." She could feel Cregan smiling down at her and had to fight to pull her eyes away from him to look back out at the clear ocean. "We shall find you a woman in Dorne, don't worry. Or I can send a raven to Lady Arryn?"

He scoffed loudly before giving her a condescending pat on her head. "I would rather feed my cock to direwolves than go near that woman." This comment seemed to catch her attention, not because of the castration comment. But the direwolves, he had never mentioned them before and they were still considered a myth. Like most people refused to believe that dragons existed.

"You have one? I knew the books didn't lie. I'd love to meet one." Cregan laughed again, he forgot the rest of the seven kingdoms would have probably never encountered one.

"His name is Butcher and Rickon has a pure white one called Blade. There will be a pup for Agron too." Eowyn could feel Aemond tense behind her, but he remained quiet. The direwolves were a Stark tradition. As Dragons were a Targaryen tradition. Agron would have both.

Aemond rested his head on her shoulder for a moment, she knew he was about to make some kind of comment because of how he was trying to soften her up first and her hands were too slow to grab his as he stormed off. Instead of him screaming at Cregan, he picked a fight with one of the innocent sailors and as she approached them to stop the pointless fight the sailor had pulled out a dagger. "Aemond!" The fear in her voice and the glimmer of light against the blade alerted him to it and within seconds he had disarmed the sailor and slit his throat with his own blade. Cregan growled to himself as he pushed himself off from the railing and he approached Aemond, his large hands stealing the blade from him and throwing it overboard as Eowyn's stomach threatened to bring up her small breakfast. Aemond had just killed someone. For no reason. Because of jealousy. Because of Agron.

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