The royal wedding

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For some reason the Queen took it upon herself to design one of the most horrible wedding dresses Eowyn had ever seen. She looked like a giant fluffball. How was she supposed to ruin someone's life looking like a wet cotton ball? It angered her how ridiculous it was and even when she showed her mother Rhaenyra laughed softly at her appearance. "Daughter, it's not that bad. I promise." But she wouldn't stop laughing.

"Mother. I cannot wear this. I refuse to wear this." She threw her arms around and turned to look at her mother who was stood in awe looking at her daughter. She saw her mother had opted for resting her hands on her stomach and it made Eowyn smile. "You're to have another?" She knew the signs and her mother was always glowing when she was pregnant. The two shared a tender hug.

"How about we cut the sleeves off?" Eowyn nodded quickly at her mother, and she let her delicately cut away the sleeves. Already it looked so much better. "There, we are getting somewhere." She smiled at her daughter, now trying to carefully cut off some of the frills from the front. It took about half an hour but when they were finished it was a beautiful, simple – curve hugging dress. Not that she wanted to impress her husband, she didn't. She just wanted to look good on her wedding day. She wanted the crowds to see her beauty.

Rhaenyra was plaiting her daughters hear with the help of Belladonna and putting white flowers in her hair when there was a knock on the door. It was Cole, it was time for the wedding and for some reason Eowyn was nervous. She clumsily moved to her feet, gripping onto her mother as they all left for the grand hall above the dragon pit. Thousands of people had gathered for these shambles. But she wanted to be the people's Princess, so she smiled and waved at everyone they passed on the short but tense walk to where the altar was.

She passed her brothers and smiled warmly at them. They were wearing their finest cloaks and it nearly brought a tear to her eye on how grown up they were. They were men and they would make some of the finest knights and husbands in all of the realm.

Her smile soon dropped when she reached the altar and she saw Aemond beside her. He stared at his boots more than anything and she could hear Alicent's whispers about the dress that Eowyn had 'ruined'.

"Today we are gathered to join the two families in an unbreakable bond. Princess of Eowyn from house Velaryon and Prince Aemond from house Targaryen. Together they will strengthen their houses and bring the Targaryen's to new heights. Do you both accept one another?" The pair nodded, surprisingly Aemond nodded before the Princess did. He must have been warned to behave by his parents before the ceremony. The priest started to wrap some rope around both of their hands, and she hated having to be connected to Aemond for that long. "In the name of the Dragon. You are both now legally married. You may seal this promise with a kiss."

She felt sick, she felt as if she would throw up around the whole room but thankfully the kiss was over in a second. It was a gentle peck, a stark contrast to the last kiss the pair shared which was full of hunger and passion. The crowds' cheers echoed around the pit, and they all bowed before this union. "This is shit." Eowyn didn't even realise she had spoken these words out loud until she heard Aemonds hearty laugh beside her. He gave her shoulder a condescending squeeze before the hall emptied out for the feast.

The greens seemed to have a feast for everything, and this was no different. Returning to the great hall back in the red keep. It was frustrating because now she sat opposite from her parents and siblings, now she sat beside her new husband who was as talkative as ever. He remained sat at his angle which meant he was just staring straight at her rather than into the distance like before. "Can you just act normal for one night?" She whispered to him as she sipped some of the wine. He groaned and moved in his chair. Not even dignifying her with a response.

Rhaenyra moved to her feet, holding out her goblet to propose a toast. Thankfully she didn't mind swallowing her pride to get rid of the silence first. "To my first born. I wish you a life of happiness and a wonderful future. To my sons, who I have recently betrothed to their cousins who will be the next ones to marry and to my unborn child. May you be as healthy as my other children." Eowyn smiled, toasting to her mother and brothers. She noticed the company on this side of the table were less than cheerful and barely made any movements.

Surprisingly Alicent stood next and judging by everyone's reaction to her they didn't expect her to speak. "To my old friend, Rhaenyra. May all of our differences be put aside from this moment on. You will make a perfect Queen." Viserys was smiling, the first proud smile he had done for a while and Otto looked in pain, but they all drank. Following her suit and not wanting to stop the progression Eowyn stood next.

"To my new family. To the health of my family and to my new husband. I hope for nothing but the best for you." He scoffed as he drank and when Eowyn sat back down, she gave him a hard kick under the table. He shot her a glare, but she pretended she hadn't seen it and listened to the rest of the party give toasts. It was going well. Or it was, until they brought out the stuffed pig and Eowyn saw the look Lucerys gave Aemond and the large bang on the table caught everyone's attention as Aemond stood for a toast. Gods no. There's never any bloody peace.

"I propose one more toast. To my new wife, who willingly signed up for her fate. To my family and to my nephews. Not only are they wise, brave, kind.." There was a slight pause, and she could see him smirking and already knew what was coming. "Strong." Everything happened in a flash. Jacaerys had punched Aemond, Aegon had Lucerys pinned to the table. Everyone was on their feet and guards separated them. Alicent tried to punish Aemond but he just walked away, another 'hmm' leaving his lips and then she heard her mother say they should leave. She was about to follow them but realised, this was her home now. She was stuck here, with them. With him.. Her belongings had been moved to his chambers, she felt sick.

 Her belongings had been moved to his chambers, she felt sick

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(Credits from tumblr: florencentherpdumpshit)

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now