Dragon Dreamer

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The next few weeks the pair were confined to their rooms and only allowed to leave under what they thought was Aegon's orders. Alys and Otto had become a formidable team, but Aegon was still blinded by his love for Eowyn, even if it would never be reciprocated. He sent food and drink to her rooms regularly, had Ser Blackwood escort her around the castle grounds for an hour a day. He wasn't fully sure why the small council and grandfather had insisted to lock the pair away, but he would play along for now. Let them play him for a fool.

"You look pale Princess. Perhaps I should let the King know that keeping you locked away isn't good for you or the babe." Her eyes rolled a little, Ser Blackwood had been her shadow lately and there was no bad blood for the man, but she knew he was loyal to Aegon. Even if he showed care for her on their daily walks. She felt like she couldn't trust him completely yet.

"If you could organise a meeting with the King and I, that would be better. He might need to see me for himself, I already know his head has been filled with lies." They stopped by the gardens, the sun falling on her face, and she just lost herself in that peaceful moment. Benjicot, or Ben she had decided to call him took a small step back to let her just enjoy her moment of freedom. But it was interrupted by Alys approaching the pair.

"Princess, you're looking well. Pregnancy suits you." She had the nerve to approach Eowyn and for once she didn't have Otto following her around like a lost child.

"Why are you still here? Haven't you got what you wanted?" The guard took several steps back, letting the ladies have their little spat because he didn't want to be bothered by gossip. But if the princess was in trouble or he could see she felt on edge he would remove her from the situation. "I saved you from Daemon. And this is how you repay me?"

"Daemon won't be a problem for much longer, I've seen it." There was a flash of pain in Eowyn's eyes as she remembered her dreams, the same dream that has plagued her sleep daily. Always the same outcome and the same horrible scenes. Her father and husband – dead. Aly's watched her for a moment. "Hmm, interesting." She stepped closer and placed her hands on Eowyn's tiny, formed bump and chuckled softly. "It seems your daughter and I will share a gift."

"Get off me!" She quickly pushed her hand off her, unnerved by her words and it made her mind wander. Is this why she's having these horrible dreams? Is her unborn child seeing visions and prophecies like Alys did. And how many other Targaryen's did, Helaena included. "Where is the King? I wish to speak with him."

"He's in his chambers, with a whole whorehouse Otto tells me. It won't be long until he forgets about you and you're left locked away to perish in your rooms. My elixir did more than heal his scars princess." Before she could speak anymore there was a loud smack, Eowyn's right fist had connected with Aly's face with such force it made the older woman stumble back. Now Ben ran over to get between them both, protecting the princess he had sworn an oath to. "Big mistake. The truth from me and he would have your head."

"You know what? Tell him. I'd rather die than be a prisoner and be kept from my children any longer." Eowyn was still trying to charge at the woman, but she was pulled away kicking and throwing punches until she finally calmed down. "Fucking witches." Ben laughed softly at her temper tantrum; she was the reason he knew he'd never have children. But he had started to care for her, as if she was his own blood.

She returned to her room, Aemond seemed unbothered by his prison and was reading a book he had probably read a thousand times. He only put it down when he saw her face again, he forced a smile before seeing her bloodied hand. "What happened?" He put the leather-bound book back on the table and went to wet a rag before cleaning her knuckles.

"I ran into Alys. I wanted to wipe that smug look off her face." There was no emotion behind her words, being locked away – even with her love was making her retreat into herself. She rarely laughed, smiled or did anything these days. "She tells me the babe is a dreamer, that those horrible dreams I'm having will come true." He sighed softly, guiding her to sit her down on the bed as he pushed her loose strands back from her face.

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now