The Targaryen Dynasty

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When they finally awoke the following day, they had to get Belladonna to draw them another bath as the one from last night went completely to waste. They bathed together, had dinner together and were just taking a long walk of the grounds when there was a sharp pain in her stomach and when she stopped in her tracks he did too.

"What is it? The babe?" Aemond asked curiously as he held onto her arm and steadied her as she let the small pain pass. She shook her head to say no, went to walk forward again but then her waters broke and she nervously chuckled. "Guards! Send the maestors to our chambers." He helped aide her walking as they returned to their chambers, scooping her up carefully in his arms as they approached the stairs. He kicked open their door and gently placed her on the bed, news travelled fast because the handmaidens were already bringing in fresh towels and bowls of warm water.

"Stay close." She knew it wasn't tradition for the father to be in the room, but Eowyn hated not being close to her husband. He forced a smile and left their room to stand in the hallway. Midwives, maestors and his mother soon joined them. Alicent stood with her son, not wanting to get involved in the birthing experience. Nowhere in the history books did it ever explain how painful it was, she had seen her mother give birth and it looked painful, but words couldn't do it justice. It was like being torn open from the inside. The midwives helped her onto all fours, one of them beneath her dress to judge how long it would take. But when the midwife asked for a towel quickly and then Eowyn saw the amount of blood that covered it, her heart sank. "No. No. Please tell me it's okay!" They were ignoring her pleas, trying to shush her as she screamed out in pain. Already she was exhausted, and it had barely started. It killed Aemond to stand outside and listen to her scream and beg, knowing she was in pain, and he couldn't help her.

Hours passed, the babe was being stubborn and wanted to come on their own time. Eowyn's hair was dishevelled, she was covered in sweat and her night dress was now tainted in her blood and she was growing tired. Her pushes grew weaker, and she didn't know if she could do this. She started to cry. Little did she know he had been outside this whole time and her cries were the final straw.

"I don't care mother. I'm going to be by my wife's side." He pushed through the door, running to Eowyn's side and holding her hand tightly. "Come on, you've got this. I've got you." Their foreheads resting against each other, his presence finally helping her find some strength as she pushed harder. Once he was by her side, supporting her the cry of their child echoed around the room and Eowyn felt like she was going to pass out. "You're amazing. You did it." He pecked her lips softly. The midwives cleaned their babe and the maestors re-positioned Eowyn onto the bed, so she was sat up.

"It's a girl." They carefully passed the babe to Aemond who was bundled up in a clean towel, he moved to sit beside his wife so she could look at their daughter, admire her features and just know that all the pain she experienced was worth it for this moment.

"She has your nose." He whispered softly, looking down at his daughter lovingly as his tired wife rested her head on his shoulder and just smiled down at their baby. She was perfect. He tilted his head to press a gentle kiss on her forehead. "You did great." The babe already had the silver hair, their eyes were Aemonds. The same shape, colour. She was beautiful. She would be a heartbreaker. The moment of pure bliss was soon interrupted though as she gripped her stomach in pain again.

"Don't worry Princess, that's just the afterbirth." The maestor tried to force a smile but she shook her head.

"No. This feels like before. Get it out of me." She snarled out, nearly ready to take his head when he dismissed her pain. Aemond moved to stand from the bed, passing their daughter to Belladonna who had been by the Princess side this whole time. The midwives started running around again, there was another. Another babe. Aemond glanced out into the hallway at his mother who was excitedly jumping up and down. Eowyn had struggled so much with the first it made him worry about the second. The panic was real now. "I can't do this. It hurts too much." Aemond swallowed hard and asked for help as he pulled the pillows from the bed, swapping them with his own body as he sat behind her. His knees by her side and his arms holding her close, letting her just lean on him in her time of need.

"You're the strongest person I know. You've gone through so much; you can do this Eowyn." He whispered softly in her ear, holding her against his chest and letting her grip tightly onto his knees as she continued to push. He didn't know but Alicent was watching them both from the doorway, she knew there and then she put the wrong son on the throne. Eowyn's screams of pain were drowned out by Aemond's praise as he tried to help her deliver their other child. It took several more minutes before there was a second cry and he just kissed her neck and cheek softly. "I told you. You did amazing." He eventually moved to sit beside her and their first born was brought back to his arms and then their second child was held in Eowyn's. A son.

"Aemond. We have a son." She smiled tiredly at her husband, admiring both of their beautiful children. Nothing made her happier in that moment. The midwives tried to take the children, to let the Princess rest. "Not tonight. I want them here tonight." Of course, they complained, but Aemond wouldn't go against his wives wishes.

"I'll stay and watch them." The voice caught them off guard and they saw Alicent finally entering the room. "I'll stay on the couch and watch them, let you both get your rest." She was now smiling at her new grandchildren and Aemond reluctantly agreed to the help. He wanted Eowyn to get her rest, so she could be well enough to spend her day with them tomorrow.

"I want guards outside the room at all times. Things have been too quiet lately." Those were Aemond's last words. If only he had known what horrors tonight would bring.

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now