The Lord Baratheon

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When she finally awoke, he was already gone from their chambers. She hadn't felt this alone in a long time and she just hoped it wasn't intentional. That he was just feeling guilt over her brother and couldn't be around her, but something inside of her worried her. It made her feel like it was something much worse and she was always told to trust her gut. Climbing from the bed she dressed herself in a black dress with red ribbon detail, it had been a long time since she wore those colours together, but she felt the need to today. Belladonna came in just in time to braid her hair for her.

"Thank you." Her hair was pinned high, she looked like the royal princess she should have been. Her index finger pinched at her cheeks to get a natural rosy glow to them and puckered her lips for a little more colour against her skin. She left the room and left for the grand hall, she walked into an already full room. There was Alicent, Aegon, Aemond, Lord Baratheon and all of his daughters. "Apologies, the babe doesn't like me to rise too early." She moved to stand by her husband, ready for whatever this visit was.

Aegon tried to stifle his laughter as Lord Baratheon introduced his daughters. Of course, Eowyn caught it. But she wouldn't let him win, whatever game he was playing. He would get no reaction from her. One of his daughters moved to stand beside her father, she had long black hair and was a little younger than she was. "Apologies my King, you know why we have had to visit."

"Ah yes, the bastard child." Aegon relished in the words as he spoke. Aemond took his cock, Aegon would has his revenge now. Eowyn tensed, looking straight at Aemond and he closed his one eye. The sound of little feet running across the hall caught her attention and she locked eyes with the one-year-old, his long silver hair and she swallowed the vomit that threatened to escape. If their first child had survived, they would be the same age. It was like looking at what could have been, and it destroyed her, but she was a Targaryen, and her face hid her heartbreak. "Of course, the plan was for my brother to kill his new wife and marry your daughter. When I learned he took her virtue and she had a child, I couldn't as your beloved King let this go without having our meeting." What? He was going to kill her. Marry another. Alicent seemed to be as shocked as she was and was trying to get Aegon to stand down without causing a scene. "All I can offer you right now if the marriage of my other brother and the kingdom will think this child is his."

Eowyn stood there, as strong as ever but she felt like her legs would collapse at any moment. Her eyes still fixated on the child who looked exactly like her husband. "My apologies, Lord Baratheon. I didn't mean to cause such a hindrance in these plans." It was a dig at her husband too, letting him know she wasn't happy – at all. There were some things she could forgive, maybe if this had been months before their marriage but on the night, he decided to lay with her, and her brother had died. How many times could he spit in her face?

"It's not your fault, Princess." The young female responded now, and Eowyn's eyes rested on her. She had fallen for his lies too so there was no blame on her. She was probably as innocent as Eowyn was before Aemond Targaryen became her betrothed. She offered a warm smile, her hands now settling on her bump as she knew there was nothing else to say. "I'll marry the other Targaryen. But my son must be in line to inherit the Iron Throne. He won't be known as a bastard." Eowyn's eyes closed, trying to shut out the thought and Aemond finally spoke.

"Fine. But after my heir." Eowyn laughed loudly, how dare he? He'd fathered a child and is now acting as if theirs was more superior. He was an idiot. "This is over. My brother will become your husband and the King will no longer get involved." He gave his older brother a glare, an unspoken threat of what would happen if he kept getting involved in his relationship. The Lord Baratheon and his daughter agreed to the terms, they didn't really have a choice. It would bring shame on their house if she remained unmarried and people realised, she was a mother. The room emptied and Eowyn looked at the small, innocent child follow his mother and without a word she left too.

Already there was sounds of scurried feet behind her and she knew it was Aemond, but she refused to stop for him. She refused to let him twist the truth. She was told to avoid stress during her pregnancy and then today happened, if she was alone, she probably would have broken down in tears, but she wouldn't give this family the satisfaction. "Eowyn. Please. Give me five minutes." Her feet carried her a few feet further, eventually stopping to sit on the bench in the garden and her eyes glanced at Aemond as he sat beside her.

"Aegon knew the only way we could get Lord Baratheon on our side was by offering marriage, they assumed I was offering my hand. He had me spend the day with his youngest and I was stupid. I thought it would just be a bit of fun, I didn't know she would fall pregnant. They knew I was married, and I told them I'd find a way out of it so I could marry his daughter, Beth. It was a lie. I had to secure his army, for my brother. She was there when I saw Luke. She asked if he was going to take my balls like he took my eye, that's when I decided to take chase."

Each word cut deeper but knowing her brother's death was caused by him trying to impress a woman made her chest hurt. Her poor innocent brother died for nothing. "Once the babe is born. I'll leave, fake our deaths and you can marry your whore." She moved straight to her feet, bowing her head to him. "Your grace." This was the most official she had been with him; he knew how badly he'd fucked up by this simple gesture and when she left him alone in the garden and returned to their room. She had held in her tears until she was alone, she had remained strong but now she could finally break down. She had truly fallen in love with Aemond and now she felt like everything was ruined. There was a sharp pain in her stomach and her hand dropped to settle on her bump.

"I'm sorry little one. I'm trying. I'm really trying." She took several deep breaths and moved to sit on the bed. Finally managing to somewhat calm herself down. Her hand remained on her bump, feeling the tiny kicks against her palm. The babe wasn't happy either. When the door opened, she expected Belladonna, but it was Aemond. He was silent until he shut the door.

"Don't do this to me. You know how I feel about you. I made a mistake." He dropped to his knees before her, his hands settled on her own knees, and he stared up at her. He could see she had been crying and it stung, he had hurt her more than he ever could have imagined but none of it was ever intentional. "I didn't know about the child. But I could have told you about her, I know that. Just so much happened, we consummated our marriage and grieved the loss of a brother and child. There was never a right time." His words had some truth to them, but he had lied to her. To her face.

"Do you remember the night you told me that you'd not even looked at another woman since our marriage was proposed? You could have told me then. But now I'm blindsided by a lover and a child in front of everybody. You've made me look so stupid Aemond. I'm your wife. Now I'm left feeling like the other woman." She sighed softly; her eyes focused on his single eye as his expression never changed. He truly did seem broken. She knew Aegon had done this to break them apart and honestly, he nearly succeeded.

"At that time, there was no one else. You will never be the other woman. You're my wife, even if we didn't choose this at first. I would pick you every single time. You make me feel things I didn't know I could. This child is our new beginning, our future and our blood. Nothing else matters to me but the two of you." His hand now moved to hers, and she saw his lips curl into a little smile as he felt the kick too. "See, they know their daddy is truly sorry." When he looked up at her she bit the corner of her lip as she thought about his words and considered everything, she had found out today. "Eowyn."

The sound of her name pulled her out of her thoughts, she took a deep breath before finally forcing a smile as she looked back at him. "One day, you're going to make me want to kill you." He chuckled, leaning forward to kiss her bump before he pecked her lips. The simple kiss still set a fire in her and she knew there's no way she could stay away from him. Even if she wanted to. They would always be drawn together. "But I'm glad that day isn't today." He pulled her to stand up slowly, kissing the backs of her hands before he kissed her properly now, his kiss displaying all of his love for her. Trying to apologise a thousand times over without words. His fingers entwined in her hair as he just breathed life back into her. The kiss eventually broke, their foreheads resting against each other as she sighed softly. "What do we do now? Aegon has landed another blow on this family."

Aemonds eye closed, just breathing in her scent and thanking the gods she saw through his brother's plan. He still had her. "We kill him." She didn't know if it was a joke, or if he was just annoyed with the games his brother played. But she would never forgive him for raping her, she could easily drive a blade through his heart without a second thought. But that would give them both a death sentence. They had to be smart with this.

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now