Rooks Rest

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"So, remind me again little brother why we are traveling there when your bride will be the one who gets vengeance? It was my children they killed." Aegon had shouted across to Aemond and Vhagar. Aemond hated the fact he was even with him; he would never forgive Aegon for what he did to Eowyn all those months ago. Even when he was dead, there would be no forgiveness.

"I think you're forgetting the blacks have killed multiple children now." He didn't bother to look over at his older brother. He repulsed him. He just focused on their flight, trying to bury his emotions so they didn't affect Vhagar in any way. "We have to be smart here brother, we can't just arrive and rain dragon fire down on them."

Aegon scoffed, gripping the seat on Sunfyre. He hated the fact people still refused to see him as King. He believed the throne was his just because he was the first-born son, regardless of their fathers wishes and now he had the people of Kings Landing behind him his ego was worse than ever. "I can do whatever I want. I'm the King."

"You're a drunken fool, brother. You're unfit to rule, to be a husband, a father. The list goes on, would you like me to continue?" The venom in Aemond's voice wasn't unfamiliar but Eowyn was usually around to calm him, to make him think before he spoke and now his lifeline was away fighting this war she didn't want, against her own family – for him.

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry? I was drunk, she just happened to be there. I have no self-control, you know this." Aegon tried to laugh it off, like the rape he committed wasn't anything to him. "You took my cock. You made me pay already." It was Aemond's turn to scoff now. His brother was honestly fucking delusional. Their mother and grandfather have truly poisoned his mind. "I was jealous brother. You didn't even want to marry her, you hated her. Gods, you killed her brother, and she still loves you. I needed that. I needed someone like her to help me be a better person, like she has with you."

Aemond's knuckles turned white as his grip on the reins grew tighter. Thankfully Rooks Rest was in sight, he wouldn't have to talk to his brother for much longer. "You could be such a good man, if you only tried. But you've done too much damage to ever go back. Eowyn saw good in me; I don't know how but she did. If we all survive this, I want your word brother. I want your word that you'll never try and interfere with us again. The only person stopping me from burning down the seven kingdoms is Eowyn. If I lost her, well – it wouldn't end well for anyone."

"What if I love her?" Aegon barely whispered and Aemond laughed loudly before his one eye settled on his brother. Silence fell for a moment. "It is no joke. I fucked up, truly. But after that night, seeing how kind and warm she is. How quick witted she is. I find myself thinking about her, wishing I was you."

"She's my wife Aegon. She will only ever be my wife." He bit his tongue, resisting the urge to scream at him, to curse him. Finally, they reached their destination and it was eerily quiet, the only thing they could see in the distance was another dragon and a few foot soldiers standing guard on the towers. "Rhaenys is here on Meleys. Try not to anger her brother."

The three dragons drew closer to each other, but Aemond just watched the older woman. He observed her and wondered why Rhaenyra would have sent her instead. The Queen who never was, was pretty intimidating as she eyed the two brothers from her dragon who flew a little higher than Vhagar and Sunfyre.

"I'm sorry about the children." She finally spoke, was she being sincere or trying to provoke a reaction? They would never know because Aegon attacked, his dragon going straight for her and instead clamping around Meleys neck, crimson blood leaking from the bite as her dragon roared into the open air.

"Aegon! No!" Aemond tried to stop the two dragons from fighting, hoping the size difference in Vhagar would be of benefit to him but instead Meleys hit Vhagar with her fire and Vhagar roared in annoyance. Flashbacks from the night above Storms End began to plague his mind, his hand quickly coming to his dragon's neck. "No. You'll never disobey me again. Please Vhagar. Listen to me." The she-dragon seemed to move back from the fighting and Aemond just watched on as he tried to figure out how to stop them without bloodshed. He reached into his left boot, removing a dagger from it before he threw it at Aegon's direction, it hit its mark and pinned his right hand to his dragon saddle. Aegon screamed out in pain. "Stop this!"

The pain Aegon felt didn't do anything to stop their fighting, Sunfyre had clamped their teeth into Meleys neck even deeper, and the dragons seemed to become tangled. Both falling from the sky and landing on the ground with a loud bang that shook the foundations. Aemond's breath hitched, waiting to see any kind of movement but he could see nothing. He flew down onto the courtyard and dismounted Vhagar before slowly approaching the pile of horror. His body stilled when he saw the burnt corpse of Rhaenys pinned beneath her dead dragon. She was Eowyn's grandmother, and this was another blow that they didn't need. It would only anger the sea snake and bring his naval forces into play.

"Br.." There was a weak cough from the pile, Aemond stepping over bloodied dragon wings before he found his brother there. He was burnt too but was somehow still alive. This was the goal. Aegon to die on the battlefield but seeing him so broken and begging made Aemond make a stupid decision. He carefully pulled him from under Sunfyre, lifting him carefully into his arms and walking back over to Vhagar. Maybe he'd die on the way? But at least the guilt of not doing anything wouldn't haunt Aemond for the rest of his life. He clipped his brother into the saddle and climbed on behind him before they flew off to return to Kings Landing. To get his older brother some kind of relief in what he believed to be his last moments.

When they arrived back at Kings Landing, he managed to get the guards attention and they all scrambled to place a dying Aegon into a cart and rush him into the castle to find a maestor. Aemond shut his one eye and sighed out softly before he whispered under his breath. "May the gods forgive me." He knew Aegon had to die. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. He was a coward. Eowyn would look at him differently now, he knew it. He had to go and see her, try and explain everything but before he could walk back over to Vhagar a guard approached him.

"Prince Aemond, King Aegon is asking for you. He won't let the maestor tend to him until he sees you." Facing another defeat, he sighed softly before following the guard back into the castle.

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now