Twin Flame

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(TW: a rape scene. Not for the easily triggered. I promise, Eowyn will have some good luck soon.)

In the weeks after the loss of their child, the pair had been inseparable. Aemond had grown even more protective over the Princess. They spent all of their days together. It had been five weeks since she had declared her vengeance. But this was also the first day that Aemond had been sent away from Kings Landing to go and gather more men for the impending war. She could feel the heavy weight back in her heart once he was gone, no one would have guessed how close they would have been judging by their intense hatred of one another. But he had been her rock. She knew she had fallen in love but had never wanted to say those words in case it scared him, and they went back to square one. She was walking the gardens, enjoying the peace and tranquillity when a servant girl went running past her in floods of tears. Then stumbled Aegon out from one of the arches, his pants still down by his ankles. "I'll go and fetch the Queen, my lord." She hated addressing him this way, but she had promised Aemond she would make more of an effort.

"No." He pulled his pants back up and stumbled over towards her, instantly she felt uncomfortable, and he stunk of alcohol. "Has anyone ever told you that you're quite beautiful?" He went to touch her face, but she managed to evade his touch.

"Yes, your lord. Your brother. My husband." She hoped this would remind him who she was and who she belonged to. He scoffed at her response; he was jealous of Aemond just simply because he was born after him. If Aemond had come first, this responsibility would have been his.

"But tell me princess, where is my dear brother now?" His words were haunting, and he soon had her pinned against the castle wall. There was no one around, no guards to shout and no one to help her. They were alone, it was her word against his. He was King, no one would believe her. She was powerless in that moment. "It seems to me, that I can finally play with one of his toys and he can't stop me." Eowyn honestly considered just throwing herself over the wall, in fact she was in the process of doing that when he had pinned her down. Her body bent over the wall and her back was facing him. "Do you dare deny me? Your King?!"

"You are not my King! You never will be!" She screamed out at him, she managed to put up a bit of a fight but even in his drunken state he was stronger than she was. He kept her pinned with his left arm, whilst his right pushed up her dress and tore away her undergarments, she was crying and pleading for him to release her, but this only seemed to make it worse. He seemed to get off on her begging.

"There we go, pretty girl, cry for me." She felt sick. She closed her eyes and tried to escape the moment; she knew there was no escaping what was about to happen. She ignored the noises of him pulling down his breeches, but she couldn't ignore the pain of him thrusting himself inside of her. It was painful, it felt like he was tearing her open as he repeatedly slammed into her from behind. Her chest grazing against the castle wall and drawing blood as he violently took her. Her tears continued to fall but she tried to be silent, she didn't want him to get that satisfaction from her. After what felt like a lifetime he finished, he was slurring his words as he spoke. "I bet I got the job done. I bet my seed lays where Aemonds cannot." He stumbled away, leaving her alone and exposed and after a few minutes she collapsed back down against the floor. She didn't want to move. What's the point? Aegon could tell everyone she had initiated this, and they'd all believe him.

The sun started to set, and darkness fell on Kings Landing. She curled up against the cold concrete ground, ready to basically stay here until death came. Her eyes shut, them stinging from the tears. She hadn't even heard the footsteps approaching until she was in someone's arms.

"Eowyn! What are you doing out here?" It was Aemond. His presence breathed a little fire into her, willing her to open her eyes. His eyes fell to her bloody dress, looking around the gardens before he looked back at her. "What the hell happened?"

"I.. You won't believe me" He scoffed, shaking his head as his hands now scooped up her frame and he carried her back inside. She was ice cold, and he didn't want to be a widow already. "Aemond, I need the moon tea."

She felt him tense, his arms pulling her closer as if it was a natural reaction. Once they were back in the safety of their room, he carefully placed her on the couch. "Who?" He knew what had happened, his jaw clenching as he considered all of the ways to kill the person who dared hurt her.

"Aegon.." A silence fell in the room, Aemond moving to sit beside her for a second before he abruptly stood to his feet. "I knew no one would believe me." He gently cupped her chin with his hand, directing her gaze to his own before placing a gentle peck against her lips.

"I'd always believe you. I know what my brother is capable of, my mother has let it slide for too long. He crossed the line when he touched you." His thumb gently trailed against her chin, before he let his hand drop. "I'll have Belladonna come and draw you a bath and fetch you the tea. I'll be right back." Eowyn didn't have chance to ask him what he was going to do, she knew he wanted her to feel safe and his brother had destroyed that. Aemond left the room and within minutes Belladonna arrived and hurriedly ran the bath. She put all sorts of oils and scents in the tub, she must have been told to do what she could to help relax her.

"Princess, it's ready." Belladonna saw she didn't move, and she saw the broken woman and decided to help. "It's okay, you can trust me." Her smile always brightened Eowyn's day and even now, it was the light in the dark. The young handmaiden helped her to undress and held her steady until she was sat beneath the water. "Just let the water relax you. I'll stay by your side until the prince returns." She started to help Eowyn clean herself, but mainly focused on washing her hair because she realised when the princess first arrived that she enjoyed the scalp scratches that came with it.

"Thank you. You've always been so kind to me." Eowyn considered her to be a friend, she had been there to help her adjust to living in Kings Landing again. To marrying a prince and just dealing with the various idiots in her family. The door to the chambers opened and it made the princess jump slightly, but she was caught in Belladonna's arms. It was just another kitchen maid bringing in the tea. No doubt the Queen had heard about this now. She reached for the cup, slowly drinking the contents and trying not to remember what happened the last time she drank this.

It was about two hours later, her hair had been washed several times and now smelled like vanilla and lavender, her skin was covered in the finest lotions she had, and Belladonna had dressed her in her night gown. The young maid had stayed, waiting for Aemond to return and when he did, she ignored the blood splatter on his face and bowed to the married couple before leaving the room. Eowyn looked at her husband concerned and then he dropped something into the fire. The smell of burning flesh filling their room. "Wait, what was that?"

Aemond chuckled softly, turning to his wife with a mad smile on his face. "Let's just say, no more heirs will ever be coming from the Kings cock." Suddenly it dawned on her what he had thrown in the fireplace. He had literally castrated his brother and removed his cock for good measure, so he'd never hurt another woman again. Eowyn slowly moved from beneath the covers, approaching her husband before she touched his blood splattered cheek.

"He could order your execution." To anyone else they would be grossed out by his reaction, but to Eowyn and her new way of seeing the world. This was the biggest romantic gesture he could have done. He had proved he'd kill for her. He would die for her. His one eye looked at her more intently as he considered death, it would be worth it. Even after everything that happened today, her horrifying ordeal she still looked at her husband with lust filled eyes. The blood smeared on his face making her unholy thoughts come to the surface as she kissed him hard.

"Eowyn.." Her name was a whisper as his hands dropped to her hips. He assumed this would be the last thing she would ever want to do. "I'd burn the whole of Kings Landing for you." That was it. That was Aemonds 'I love you' without ever saying those words.

Her eyes glistened as she heard him speak, their lips connecting again before she hopped up into her arms without any warning, mumbling against his lips. "Let's burn it down together."

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now