Master of charades

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Every day for a month, like clockwork. Aegon would send guards to collect Eowyn from her chambers and she would go and dine with the King. Her dresses varying in colour each time but her prominent breasts always on display. She would dine with him, go for a walk in the gardens with him and she would express her worries about Aemond and Alys to him. Some truth behind her worries now as Alys would often come to their rooms unannounced and Aemond wasn't so harsh with her anymore. But they never shared a bed again since that night. They had tempted fate enough.

"Having you here has helped my recovery." His words made her snap out of her own thoughts, smiling softly and holding her chalice to his as they 'toasted' to his good health. "The maestors are happy with my progress. And then Princess, I promise to deliver you your mother's head. Put an end to this infighting and then you can finally have your children come home, I can sense how much you miss them."

"I do miss them. But I wouldn't want to be the reason my mother dies; she is still my mother after all. Even after everything that has happened." Eowyn finally finished her slice of lemon cake, finishing off her wine too before moving from her chair and brushing any crumbs from her skirts. "Shall we walk the gardens again today? Or are you too tired after our lunch."

Aegon moved to his feet too, rather quickly than he usually did and as usual he offered out his arm and now, she was used to taking it without hesitation. There was still no trust there, but she had just got so good at pretending. The sun was warm on her pale skin, and she always just felt so free out here. Her eyes closed, letting the rays of sunlight highlight her face as a soft sigh crossed her lips. She then heard someone clearing their throat, as if to get her attention and her eyes opened. Only for Aegon to be pointing out Alys watching Aemond as he trained, and she couldn't hide the hurt on her face. "Why wont you let my guards kill her?"

"Because I brought her here. I promised her safety. Plus, this might be totally innocent." She didn't know if she was trying to convince herself or Aegon, but they stayed in the gardens which overlooked the training yard and when Aemond managed to disarm his opponent Alys jumped to her feet and clapped over enthusiastically and the sight of it made Eowyn's stomach turn. She quickly dropped Aegon's arm, turning away from him as she threw up. Thankfully, she managed to reach the wall and empty her stomachs contents over the side of the castle wall. She wasn't expecting his hand to rub her back calmly as he just let her get it all out. He signalled for his guard to come over.

"Fetch the Princess some water. Quickly." The guard ran off, as fast as his heavy armour would allow him and when he returned the goblet was passed to her with a weak thank you. "Maybe we should switch to water at our dinners from now on. You're not used to wine on the same level as I am." There was a weak laughter, without her even having to think about it as she swallowed the last bit of water from her cup.

"I told you; wine and the sun doesn't agree with me." She smiled weakly but the sick feeling didn't disappear. He escorted her back to her shared chambers with Aemond, leaving her at the door and returning to his own. Thankfully she would be alone for a while, and it would give her chance to get her head straight again. She glanced down at her bracelet, there was one gem left. One more day of this stupid plan and everything should go back to normal. Changing into one of her silk nightgowns she drank some more water before slipping beneath the covers to rest.

She was rudely awoken hours later by Aly's giggle, the room was now dark – the day having escaped her and when she moved to sit up in the bed she watched as Aemond was showing Aly's how to hold a blade properly, he probably had no idea the way the older woman was looking at him, but the sight made Eowyn feel sick instantly again. When she moved from the bed, the pair quickly separated and clearly had no idea she was even in here, usually she'd be gone with Aegon until the late hours.

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now