Answering the rogue princes call

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When the deadline day arrived, they were expecting a raven, but it never arrived. Instead, a messenger from Harrenhal had. Daemon had taken up base there again now it was unguarded, and all of the witches had left once Alys Rivers was killed. He was requesting an audience with the hand of the King. Which now happened to be Aemond.

"You cannot be serious. You can't go to him. It could be a trap." Eowyn argued with her husband in the throne room as the King was refusing to let him go so willingly either. "It's a bad idea."

"It's the only idea we have, my love. Let me go, secure the terms." He tried to reason with her but when that failed, he turned to Aegon. "He asked for the hand, you made me your hand. It's my duty to go." Aegon frowned, he had grown closer to his brother lately and he didn't want anything to happen. Especially for Eowyn to end up hurt.

"As your King, I order you to stay here with your wife and children. But I know you will not. You're a man of duty and you will do your duty." Aegon looked down at the guards by the doors. "Prince Aemond is free to do whatever he wishes once he leaves this room. No one is to stop him."

Eowyn's eyes quickly glanced in disbelief at Aegon. "No. You can stop him. Lock him in his chambers, throw him in the dungeons! Just don't let him go." Aemond chuckled softly, trying to calm her down as he approached her. He placed his right palm on her growing bump, which was now visible for all to see, and he smiled back at her.

"Remember. The gods couldn't keep me from you." He kissed her lips softly before he knelt down to place a kiss on her bump too. It seemed too much like a goodbye and she hated it. She felt powerless to stop him. Her eyes looked at Aegon once more as she silently pleaded with him but they both knew Aemond would do this. He had set his mind to it.

Aemond left on Vhagar after spending some time with the twins and the family dinner didn't feel the same that night. Aegon was trying to distract Eowyn with jokes and stories he had heard through the years, but nothing helped. Even the twins couldn't help in bringing her back from her thoughts.

That night sleep didn't come easy, she had the twins in bed with her since they were big enough and as they cuddled into her, she finally managed to find some peace and drift off. But as soon as she was asleep, she had that god awful dream again. Witnessing her husband's death as if she was there as the two giant dragons fell to the earth. She could hear the shouts and screams of townsfolk, smell the dragon fire in the air. "Mama. Mama." A soft voice called out to her in the darkness and when she managed to open her eyes there was Baelon shaking her awake and she smiled softly while wiping away the tears falling down her cheeks with the back of her hand. She knew from the hole she felt in her body that something bad had just happened.

"Go back to sleep my little dragon. I'll watch over you." She kissed his forehead, and he laid back down and as soon as she could hear his little snores she carefully climbed from the bed. She opened the door to find Ben looking at her confused as it was the middle of the night. "I need you to fetch Belladonna to watch the children. Please, it's important." He nodded and rushed off to find the princesses own handmaiden. Belladonna rushed to the room quickly, still in her night dress and Eowyn felt bad for disturbing her dreams. "Please stay with them. I have something I need to do." Eowyn was in her own night dress and when she left her room Ben tried to stop her. "Stay guard, don't let anyone in that isn't me or people we trust." He fought a battle in his head and decided to listen to her, standing guard at her door.

When she pushed open Aegon's bedchambers she was quite surprised to see a young woman jump from his bed and flee the room, he pulled the sheets over himself quickly. She just assumed he could still have his fun, even without his cock. Wondering who dared to disturb him and his heart sank a little when he realised it was Eowyn. He didn't want her to be disappointed in him for slipping into his old ways. "Why are you in my chambers at this hour?" His words slurred and it was obvious he was drunk or had been drinking and she sighed softly. She moved to stand beside his bed so he could see her face properly. When he realised, she was in her night gown, and it left little to the imagination he moved the sheets again in a hope to hide the fact she had such an effect on him, but she paid it no attention. It shouldn't have been able to have any effect on him. But of course, Alys Rivers and her miracle elixir had done more than she could ever realise.

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now