Lighting the match

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Sex with Aemond turned Eowyn absolutely feral. She discovered so many things about herself every time they became entwined. Last night was the biggest turning point, the blood on his face and knowing the violent act he had committed made her salivate. She had awoken before Aemond and for the first time ever he had fallen asleep next to her completely naked, normally he'd pull his breeches back on in case he was called upon. Her eyes gazed at how peaceful he looked, a stark contrast to his features last night. Remembering the blood, how he touched her – it was already making her ache for him again. With the smallest movements so she didn't wake him she slipped beneath the sheets; his cock already semi-hard from his morning wood he claims all men get. Her right hand wrapped around his base, slowly rubbing along his length and twisting her palm over his sensitive helmet before her tongue pressed against his tip. She licked his slit and felt him waking up as he propped himself on his elbows to watch her teasing him. "Good morning to me."

There was a small chuckle, enough to send the vibrations along his cock as her lips wrapped around his cock and she started to suck softly. His moans echoed around the room and her hand continued to twist and turn around his base while her tongue massaged her saliva into his sensitive head. His hands were soon in her silver hair, pulling it away from her face so he could watch her beautiful face and watch her cheeks hollow out as she sucked harder. It was almost too much for him already. Her eyes glanced up at him, watching him react to her movements. Her saliva was covering his cock and dripping down to his balls, but she managed to swallow most of it. He was getting used to her movements, so she pushed her head further down on him, her lips now clasped around his base as she sucked harder. Trying not to gag as his cock pushed her to her limits. She felt Aemond hit the bed and curse, he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer, but she wanted him to finish in her. To mark his territory. She pulled back with a coy smile across her lips and he laughed loudly.

"Oh, fuck off. You're not innocent." She shrugged her shoulders before moving to straddle his lap, she pulled him to her by his hair for a rough kiss, he didn't hesitate to reciprocate it. He didn't even care if he tasted himself on her. He was about to flip them around and take control, but he felt the cold steel against his throat and for a moment he was worried, that was until he felt her pussy wrapping around his cock as she sat on him properly. His eye just stared at her in amazement as she managed to ride him and keep the blade perfectly still against his throat. "I'm yours." He groaned out as her inner walls trembled around his cock, already she could feel herself close. The teasing had gotten the better of her and then Aemonds submission had turned her on even more.

"Until the gods take us back home." She slowly trailed the knife down to his chest now, letting the tip cause a tiny cut above his left nipple. Her head lowered, licking at the blood which caused him to hiss. He grabbed at her hair, pulling her head back and when he stared at her blood-stained lips, he became a man possessed. His lips slammed against hers, groaning at the metallic taste and he moved to sit up, not caring if she cut him more as he claimed the knife from her. One arm pinned her body against his as they started to battle for control, their hips violently colliding as he dragged the knife down her back. When she hissed, he knew he had drawn blood, he stabbed the knife into the bed and grabbed her ass to hold her tightly before moving to his feet. He decided to fuck her up against the white wall knowing her blood would taint the plain wall. His cock hit her deeper, her legs wrapping tighter around his waist to keep her balanced as her back arched, using the wall as leverage to slam against him harder. It caught him off guard and he didn't even have chance to warn her before his seed filled her. He cursed again, kissing her to silence her loud scream as her own climax hit. They eventually came down from their high and when he placed her on the floor, she laughed looking at the mess on the wall. "I never knew you were an artist."

"I just had to find my muse." He grinned at her, he moved to sit on the bed to regain strength in his legs as he just watched her in awe. "I love you." Eowyn quickly turned to face him, her heart nearly threatening to burst from her chest as she captured his face between her hands and gave him a gentle peck.

"I love you. I live for you." They finally decided to clean each other up and dress for the day. Alicent had now discovered what Aemond had done but because Aegon's actions were revealed she bullied him into staying quiet and now they were all going to have a dinner together and pretend they weren't a dysfunctional family. This was also the first time Eowyn would see Aegon since that night, so she ignored the violent urge to vomit as they approached the great hall.

Alicent was the first to stand and acknowledge them. "Thank you for coming. I know things haven't been great lately, but I want you both to know that I'm trying. I'm trying to mend this broken family."

Aegon wouldn't even look at them as they stood hand-in-hand, they eventually moved to their seats and would just focus on each other. Eowyn would occasionally answer a question, but she didn't really want to be there. After a few glasses of wine and a lovely dinner prepared by the kitchen staff she finally spoke. "How do we proceed on the attack against my mother?" Alicent seemed shocked by the statement, but she knew about Daemon and the tea, Aemond had told her the next day about what happened.

"I don't know. We are still trying to scramble the armies together. But just know, an attack like that will never happen again. We will not lose another member of this family." The two women agreed but Aemond was still to talk or acknowledge anything but when his mother spoke, he seemed to snap.

"Her only threat in this castle now is that wretched monster." He didn't have to point at Aegon, Alicent knew about that too. And although she hated his actions, he was her first born and they say nothing will ever stop her from loving or protecting him.

"Aegon has been dealt with. You saw to that." It seemed like a little snide comment, but what did she expect? It was either his cock or his head and he was still breathing. Just. He could still change his mind.

Aemond finished his glass of wine in one large gulp, never once blinking as he stared at his brother who still wouldn't look in his direction. "Next time he even looks at Eowyn, I'll take his head." He then moved to stand up, holding out his hand for his wife to take before they both excused themselves and left the dinner table. He was tired of pretending he could stand anyone in that room, anyone who wasn't his wife.

"I must say. Possessive Aemond is my favourite Aemond." He chuckled softly, pulling her in for a gentle kiss before they went for a walk together. They should have known there would be some kind of backlash from the attack on King Aegon because one of his loyal guards tried to attack Aemond from behind but thankfully Eowyn had seen the moonlight reflect on the blade while they were kissing. She unsheathed her husband's blade, pushing him backwards and away from the attack as she ducked beneath the opposing blade. The clanging of their swords filled the air and drew attention from other guards who was yelling at the fighting to stop, not at the Princess but at the guard who was coward enough to leave his helmet on and try to attack a man from behind. Aemond wanted to get involved but Eowyn shot him a dagger. "Not now my dear. Let me have my fun." He crossed his arms and watched in amusement as his wife went toe-to-toe with someone who trained day and night to be the best knight. They clearly didn't realise how much Eowyn missed combat training. If she had a blade in her hand that day Aegon attacked, she'd be stood over his lifeless body instead. The guards soon surrounded them, but she used the hilt of the blade to hit the helmet, making them delirious for a moment as she found the split in his chest plate and made sure to not only push the blade all the way through, so it came out of their back, but she twisted the blade. Blood pouring all over her dress and hands, when she removed the helmet, she realised it was Cole. He was always so loyal to Alicent, not Aegon. So, it made her glance at her husband with a knowing nod. It was time to light the match, to burn it all down to the ground.

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now