A passing moon

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It had been six weeks since Otto and the coven had stormed the throne room and there was still no word from the women. Eowyn had known about her pregnancy since the same time but had managed to hide it still. Everyone had slipped back into their normal lives. Ben had his sister Alysanne visiting, she was much younger than anyone expected and well Aegon had been following her around like a lost pup. Aemond was of course happy by this, not wanting to share his wife any longer and the more Aegon was busy with Alysanne the less the pair saw of him. But Ben kept a watchful eye, he wouldn't let his sister get hurt. Alicent and Rhaneyra became inseparable, the pair rebuilding their bond through their shared grief over lost children. Cregan was a little more at home since his son Rickon had arrived, he announced they would be staying until the summer. Not wanting to travel back to the North during the harsh winters. It was blissful. But of course, nothing would ever remain so easy for them.

They had dinner together every day, as if they were all one big happy family and that they hadn't hurt each other in one way. It was a harsh reminder of how things could have been without the interference of others. Eowyn was starting to struggle to fit into her dresses now, only able to wear the ones without a bodice but even then, the fabric clung to her flesh. Her breasts threatening to spill out of the fabric and the silk hugged at her small bump. She still hadn't told Aemond, or anyone really except that first talk with Belladonna. But she was scared to admit it, not wanting people to have to worry about her or another child while the threat of the witches and war still remains. There was a gentle knock on the door and Eowyn quickly brushed out the skirts on the dress as if it would help to hide her swollen belly. "Come in."

Thankfully it was only Ben, and she knew he would never betray her trust. She could see his blue eyes scan over her appearance, and he stepped closer to her with a soft smile. "Princess. You look radiant." His left hand gently settled on her bump, he of course had to ask. "I assume this is Prince Aemonds doing?" She quickly nodded; she hadn't even thought about Cregan. Or considered him to be a possibility. She had consumed the moon tea almost immediately afterwards.

"I had the handmaid there bring me the moon tea. Aemond was shortly after he arrived home." She forced a smile, not wanting to focus on the topic for too long in case anyone was to overhear. "I haven't told anyone yet. We have other things to focus on first. Can I trust you to keep it to yourself?"

"Of course, Princess. I only came to remind you that dinner was a little early today. I'll walk with you." He smiled as she linked her arm with him, and he walked with her from her chambers to the grand hall where the rest of her family or the small council were already eating. Eowyn stopped Ben at the door before they went inside.

"I wish you were my father. You have been there for me through a lot, you have been my strength most days. I owe you a lot." He had to look away because tears were building in his eyes, he gave up the chance of being a father when he made his vows of the kings' guard, but if he was ever going to be a father, he would be exceptionally proud if his daughter was anything like Eowyn. He gently captured her face, resting his forehead against hers and sighed happily. An unspoken 'I love you' between the pair before they finally went inside. Ben went to sit by his sister who was happily speaking with Aegon. Alicent and Rhaneyra had offered a warm smile as their eyes fell to her bump. Cregan had tensed in his chair, mainly because he couldn't deny how radiant she was. Her dress leaving little to his imagination now he knew what her flesh felt like on his own. But Rickon was quick to steal his attention again.

Aemond's eye glanced at his wife as she sat down, how could he be so lucky to call her his own. He was about to speak, to tell her how beautiful she was when the doors blew open again. This time no one entered the hall. The guards were quick to shut the doors again but the second they closed it, they all dropped to the ground. Their armour echoing around the room as it hit the floor. Eowyn jumped from her seat again, already on the defensive as she grabbed the closest thing to her which was a bread knife. It was dull, but with enough force it could probably do some damage. There was a sick laughter that echoed around the room now and she knew they were back. Aemond had stood before her, instinctively pushing her frame behind his as if he would challenge their foe head on if it meant protecting his wife.

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