Don't play with fire

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After the encounter with the bandits at the stream Eowyn didn't seem to leave the company of Aemond or Cregan if she didn't have to. It wasn't the killing that had messed her up, it was the vile things the men were saying and thinking of doing. It had brought up her fears she had tried to bury since that night Aegon had forcefully taken her. Although she had forgiven Aegon, it still had a massive impact on her and perhaps Eowyn thought burying her feelings was the right thing to do. The ride to the vale was quiet mostly, Eowyn was too lost in her thoughts so it was only Aemond or Cregan who tried to encourage a conversation. When they arrived, Aemond had given Cregan a silent nod and then Cregan's horse seemed to leave the group which snapped the female out of her thoughts.

"Where has he gone? We need to remain together." There was a little fear in her voice but she hid it, just like everything else but Aemond knew his wife was struggling. He reached over for her horses' reins, pulling the mare to a stop as he climbed off his own horse and tied them both to the nearest tree. He held out his hand for her and she knew she couldn't deny him. Taking his hand and climbing down too she looked around before her eyes fell on him. "Why do we stop?"

"What happened down at the river, Eowyn. This isn't like you." His hands gently touched her lower arms, trying to not push the topic but it scared him to see her like this. She was always so strong, through everything that had happened. The last time he saw her this numb was after Luke, before the pregnancy gave her a little bit of her life back.

"Nothing happened. I killed them before they could do anything to me." A small sigh left her lips, she didn't want to say those words. To make it so real. But thankfully he seemed to understand where this was going and his arms just moved around her to hold her. Something she desperately needed in that moment but would never ask or admit she needed help. Her arms surrounded his frame, holding onto him as if to stop herself from drowning in the pit of despair. Men were cruel, horrible creatures who believed they were superior. There were only three men she trusted wholeheartedly, and she was on the road with two of them. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be so weak. We are here to get our son back. Not to worry about me."

"You are a lot of things, my love. Weak isn't one of them." He pulled his head back a little to smile warmly down at her, but his arms remained around her slender frame.

"Stubborn, kind, beautiful, loyal, brilliant, intelligent. A skilled warrior. I could go on, but we would never get to our destination. There is no one else in the seven kingdoms who could hold a candle to you. My light. My princess." Her eyes just watched him, how far they had both come from hating each other to not being able to survive without the other. She reached for his chin, her index finger and thumb directing his lips towards hers so she could kiss him softly.

"I live for you. My heart beats for you. I fight for you, for our family. You have always been my strength, Aemond." They shared another soft kiss, her hands dropping to rest on his chest gently as her eyes finally glanced around at their surroundings. Noticing for the first time how close they were to the Vale. "We are closer than I realised. Is that why Stark ran ahead? He's hoping for a real greeting before we arrive?"

Aemond chuckled softly, his hands placing over his wives before he helped her over to her horse. Helping her back into the saddle before he untied both of the reigns from the tree. "Hopefully he will have news before we get there, and we don't even have to go and pretend to enjoy the Lady's company." Their horses remained side by side as they slowly ventured closer to their destination.

The great gates and lovely gardens is what greeted them next, the gardens were like nothing the pair had ever seen before. The colours vivid and beautiful, the smells strong and sweet in the air. Cregan's horse was left grazing on some fresh hay a bit further up from them but the lord was no where to be seen. When Eowyn climbed from her horse, she ran her fingers through the long grass and focused on the beautiful flowers. Aemond just watched her, letting her enjoy the beautiful gardens but to him – she was the most beautiful thing in that garden. Her attention was caught when they heard footsteps approaching the pair and it revealed Stark with an older woman. She was maybe five and thirty but she looked well for her age and she certainly dressed like one of the inhabitants of a whorehouse but Eowyn smiled and greeted her. As did Aemond.

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now