The two commoners

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Darkness fell over Kings Landing and sleep managed to escape the Princess like it had done every night since she found out her future. She dreamed of escaping but she needed an ironclad plan. She knew Robert had more ideas she could consider so she changed back into the same clothes as the night before. Burying her silver hair beneath a hat and a hood and escaping again through the hidden tunnels and hid in the shadows until she was back outside and could blend into the common filth outside of the red keep. Returning to the same inn as before, this time he was already there, and she moved to join his table. "So how often is the grain delivered to the docks? Maybe I can smuggle myself onto there to escape?" He chuckled, nodding his head towards a drink he had already ordered for her. Clearly, he knew she wouldn't be able to help herself.

"Why do you want to run? You never told me yesterday." She sipped her drink, using the small break to give herself chance to think of an excuse.

"My masters, they're sending me to another house. I don't think I'm going to like it there. I'm of an age now where too much is expected of me." He nodded, considering her reason but of course the little rat knew the true reasoning. She didn't want to marry.

"You're worried your new owners might have their way with you?" She simply nodded, not wanting to admit it or say those horrible words herself because she hated the thought of having to lay with anyone. "You do know that sometimes it's good for the woman too?" Her face looked pained, everyone that had avoided the subject made it seem like it was only to produce heirs and it wasn't anything enjoyable.

"They do? I've never heard of this." He chuckled, picking up his pint and throwing back the rest of its contents before he tipped his head at hers, telling her without words to follow his lead. When both goblets were empty he moved to stand and this was the first time she saw how tall he was. He towered over her small frame. She followed him outside of the inn, down the backstreets and they reached another inn. Well, she thought it was. When they went inside her eyes went wide. She had never seen so many sights before in her life. Everywhere she looked there was bare skin, but it was the noises that excited her. She had never seen a woman react these ways. She just stood there, watching what was happening in this brothel and then she felt Robert take her hand, she followed him down some stairs and things were better down here. The women were flushed with desire, and it was probably one of the most beautiful things she had seen. Even her beautiful Juniper couldn't compete. "Robert. What is this place?" He passed her a silver goblet of red wine, something she didn't usually drink but in this setting it seemed right.

"This is a brothel. Men come here to, well, as you can see. And the women here, they take money as payment, and they enjoy themselves. Just listen to them." Her eyes shut momentarily, just listening to the various moans and groans which blessed her ears. When her eyes opened again, he was stood in front of her – his wine soaked breath so close the warmth fell on her skin and for the first time in her life she felt herself blushing. "Have your eyes ever seen such delights?"

"No.." Her voice broke as her eyes scanned his face, he was kind of beautiful in this light. His jaw was so sharp it would probably cut like Valyrian steel. She nervously raised her glass, sipping some of the liquid but he stared at her so intently she dropped some on her chest. Not much of her skin was on show but the tiny bit of flesh above her dress was covered. Robert didn't even hesitate, his head lowered and his tongue cleared away the liquid and she watched a couple in the corner. The man had his head between the woman's thighs, and she was practically screaming, but not a painful scream. She was enjoying herself. The mixture of this image and the male claiming her flesh made a unfamiliar burning sensation build between her own thighs. She clamped them together with a small squeak. When he pulled his head back from her chest, he had a cocky grin on his lips, and she rolled her eyes. "Are you trying to seduce me?" His shoulders shrugged, his left hand holding onto her chin, and he pressed his lips to hers. She had read about this but hadn't actually kissed anyone before. The kiss was short and sweet, but it took away her ability to breathe, think or talk.

"Well, that's a first. Usually, the women have a bit more to say." She laughed; well, it was more of a giggle. She knew if they were caught, she'd be the reason he lost his head but she didn't want to tell him the truth and scare him away either. He watched her gaze at the exit more than once and took a small step back. "I'll be there on the morrow Deanna. Goodnight." She gently touched his chin, smiled softly and left him alone in this visual heaven. She managed to sneak back but this time she ran into Belladonna who was sat in her chambers.

"Princess. Your mother requests your presence. But don't worry. I've only just got here." Eowyn smiled and quickly changed out of these clothes, pulling on her white silk gown and making her way with Belladonna to her mother's chambers. With a gentle knock her mother answered and pulled her inside.

"We have a surprise for you. We know it's not your name day yet, but we couldn't wait any longer." Daemon stood beside a box at the other side of the room. Her mother guiding Eowyn over to him by her arm. "We know you love sparring with your brothers, so we all had design ideas for this." Eowyn opened the box, her eyes gazing at the beautiful Valyrian steel with a golden hilt covered with Rubies and Sapphires. It was stunning. Her own special blade. Finally.

"This is perfect. Thank you mother.. Father." She gave them both a gentle hug, her eyes never leaving the blade. Now she needed a name. "I'll thank the boys in the morning too." She carried the box back to her chambers and as Belladonna went to leave, Eowyn stopped her gently.

 "Before you go, I know the hour is late but could you run me a milk bath?"

"Of course, Princess." Eowyn hid the sword beneath her bed, she wouldn't use it yet. Not until it had a name and she would probably debut it to her future husbands throat before she ran away with Robert. If only. Belladonna left once the bath was drawn and then Eowyn settled beneath the warm water. Her eyes closed and she was back at the brothel, the scent – the sounds – the sights. Everything was so vivid. The burn between her thighs hit again, only this time she let her right hand go to investigate. She had seen some of the women touching themselves in this manner, but she never realised how good it would feel. Her thumb and index finger rubbed against her little mound of skin. The pressure in her chest continued to build and within minutes she was trembling in the tub. "Seven hells!"

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now