Just one dracarys

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Eowyn had never felt so alone this past week, she had lost her dear grandad and her last line of support in Kings Landing. Queen Alicent had been exceptionally brutal, and the keep was littered with bodies of who she considered a traitor because they had already sworn allegiance to her mother. Aemond went out most nights, but he didn't come home as drunk now but would always make a comment about a woman he'd lay with and although she hated the fact it made her jealous – it did. She was always told she was beautiful, but he would rather lay with a street rat. 

On her usual walk of the gardens, she encountered the twins, Ser Erryk and Ser Arryk. She had interrupted them arguing it seemed. "My apologies." The brothers split apart, and Ser Erryk followed the young Princess. They had been conversing a lot this last week. When they moved to hide behind one of the towers, Eowyn reached between her legs. Pulling out the late Kings crown from where she had strapped it to her thigh. "Take this to my mother. And my grandmother, she's locked away somewhere here. Make sure she escapes too. I don't want any more bloodshed. They are crowning Aegon later today. It's a great diversion." The princess went to walk away but stopped for a moment. "And Ser Erryk. Tell my family I love them." He nodded and left the princess to find out where they were locking away her grandmother.

The gardens were the only part of the keep which wasn't littered with bodies, so she found herself sitting her most days. The sound of footsteps caught her attention, and she looked over to see her husband approaching her. "Princess, I've been looking for you everywhere."

"Clearly not very well dear husband. Maybe the loss of your eye is a bigger hindrance than you thought." He hissed at her, and she tried to hide her triumphant smile.

"We're being called upon. Today they crown my brother." His body language was obvious. He was jealous. Aemond was the one who did all the training, learnt all the histories and his brother just demolished drink after drink. Yet he was being handed this just because he happened to be born first.

"We should of ran away when we had the chance." He chuckled softly, for once they agreed. Eowyn followed her husband, the whole city was all over, guards forcing the people to the dragon pit to watch the coronation. In a way this was good though, it would give Ser Erryk a chance to help free Rhaenys and they could escape back to Dragonstone. She knew her grandmother would never leave her beloved dragon Meleys but thankfully the coronation meant she could take them with her if she just got to the pit without being seen.

Eowyn hated that she had to stand next to Aemond, pretending to be the happy married couple to the thousands of civilians who had been forced to be here to witness Aegon being handed the crown. Aegon had disappeared hours before his planned coronation and the twins and Aemond had to go search the city for him. They found a drunken mess but thankfully he was pretty good at pretending to be sober when the time called for it. But when she saw him approaching, she witnessed the change in his body language when he heard the crowds cheering for him. The power had already gone to his head. He wore the crown barely five minutes when the ground beneath them started to shake. She knew it was her grandmother, she would make it very clear that Queen Alicent wouldn't keep her prisoner and when she appeared out from the smoke on Meleys Eowyn couldn't hide her smile. This was it. Her grandmother could take them all out right now, and she would be a willing sacrifice.

There was horrified gasps and screams from the crowd, but Eowyn just closed her eyes, accepting of her fate. To her surprise she felt herself get pushed back a little and now Aemond stood in front of her, as if he would take the flames instead. Gods he was so confusing. Was he a hero, or the villain? He couldn't decide apparently. Rhaenys left Kings Landing on dragon back, she would go warn the blacks of the war, but she wouldn't be the one to draw first blood. What a shame.

"Are you okay? Eowyn? Hello?" She was finally back in the room with her new family, and she chuckled softly at the look of concern on Aemonds face. He wasn't used to her being so quiet.

"Did we die? And this is what hell looks like? Your face." He laughed, giving her a playful shove, which wasn't like him at all. Clearly her insults were starting to charm him. She'd have to go back to plotting his death instead.

Everyone returned to their chambers, the Queen put the rest of Kings Landing on lockdown. She needed to know who released her prisoner and thankfully because Eowyn was on the same altar, she had an alibi. "Why did you try and push me out of the way?"

She could see him tense as he pulled off his white tunic. "I guess I've gotten used to your company."

"Is that why you spend every night in between some whore's thighs?" He groaned and lowered himself into the warm bath that was drawn for her, not him. He was trying to ignore her, but she wouldn't let that slide. "Aemond. I will climb in there with you." She watched his one eye open, stare at her then close again. He didn't believe her threats. She was soon stood to her feet, pulling off her dress and corset before she sat opposite him in the tub. "You brought this on yourself. If you answer my question, I might be nice enough to leave you to relax."

"I haven't. I just like telling you that because I see how much it gets under your skin." His gaze was back on her now, he grabbed the cloth and dipped it in the water before washing his arms with it. "If you must know Princess, I haven't touched another woman since they announced our possible marriage." His statement shocked her a little. But it was probably the most respect she would ever get from him.

"What's it like? Being with someone in that way?" He chuckled; he already knew she was a virgin. Most women of her calibre were. They had to keep themselves in one piece for their husbands.

"It depends. Sometimes it can be slow and sweet, sometimes it will be rough and bloody. Everyone has different tastes. Tell me Princess, have you ever touched yourself before?" His question made her blush, she had – once. That night after he lured her to the brothel under false pretences.

"Once. After the brothel." She barely whispered, why was she telling him this? Why was she giving him that power? He closed the gap between them now, washing her own arms with the cloth as an excuse to intimidate her some more.

"Did you think of me?" His lips peppered kisses against her collar bone, his hand disappearing beneath the water to 'clean' her legs. But really, he just rubbed at her thighs and sent tingles through her body.

"No. I thought of Robert." She pushed his head beneath the water, climbing out of the tub and pulling on her silk gown. "Goodnight husband." He laughed loudly as she ran from his poor attempt at seducing her. She wouldn't let him win her over.

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now