Fixing Wrongs

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Eowyn had returned to her chambers late that night and it seemed Aemond hadn't moved from his spot. He was obviously worried how this would play out, but when she returned unharmed and explained everything he was at a loss for words. Maybe Aegon had become a better man? He had the woman he loved in his chambers, and he didn't try anything, he didn't even hint at anything like he normally would have. Love had truly blinded him. Normally he would be jealous, knowing someone else was after his wife's affections but he knew that no matter how strongly Aegon had felt for her, Eowyn had only loved Aegon platonically. The pair went to sleep that night, feeling a bit more positive about the following day. But Eowyn was still plagued by the same haunting dream.

When they awoke the following morning, Belladonna had arrived to get them ready. Something that hadn't happened in weeks so already things were looking better for them. Eowyn had missed the grand hairstyles that the young handmaiden seemed to have mastered. And she missed her advice in what colours or style of dress to wear. Aemond always insisted on dressing himself, but he was glad to see some normality return for his wife's sake. Once he changed and the princess had put on her blue dress for the day there was a knock on the door before Ser Blackwood opened it.

"The King requests you both for breakfast in the grand hall." He smiled when he saw some colour had returned to the princesses' face and she greeted him with a smile. She would no longer be confined to her rooms, Aegon had given him the order this morning to allow them to come and go as they pleased and for Belladonna to return to her usual duties.

"Thank you, Ser." With one shared glance with her husband, they went arm-in-arm to the grand hall, when they went inside Aegon sat at the head of the table, Otto and Alys were standing in the hall in front of his table with chains wrapped around their wrists and Eowyn's breath hitched in her throat when she saw the scene before them. "Aegon?" She whispered softly, leaving Aemond to approach the older brother who sat proudly in his chair wearing the conqueror's crown.

"Princess, you're just in time to see the traitors to the crown be banished. My grandfather of course has a lot to say, but he doesn't know that you have already told me everything." He reached for her hand, and she stood behind him as their hands were one. Otto had a murderous look on his face and Alys seemed genuinely shocked by the turn of events. Almost like she didn't see this in her visions. "Brother, you know of my desire to have you be the new lord hand, yes?" Aemond finally approached Aegon, standing at the other side of him as Ser Blackwood placed the pin of the hand on Aemond's black jacket. "Your first task is to send Otto back to Oldtown, I believe mother wouldn't want to see him dead. But as for the witch, take her head."

Aemond moved instantly, not having to be told twice as he now stood before Alys who was crying and begging for forgiveness. Even claiming to love him and Eowyn gave Aegon a knowing smile before she left his side to go to Aemond. She seemed to place her hand on his sword as if to stop him from removing the blade from his sheath.

"Oh, thank you Princess! You have always been so.." Eowyn quickly turned, one swipe of her Valyrian steel blade taking her head clean off, blood sprayed over herself – Aemond and Otto who cried in disgust. The relief that washed over Eowyn's body was instant as the limp body hit the floor with a thud. She wiped her blade on her silk dress to clear away the blood before she moved to stand beside Aegon again, void of any emotion and the king just smirked at his warrior woman. While Aemond dragged his grandfather from the great hall in chains to send him back to Oldtown and remind him what would happen if he ever tried to come back. The guards and servants removed the body of Alys Rivers and cleaned the floors to the point there would never be any evidence of what happened.

Food was soon brought out and Eowyn sat between the brothers once Aemond returned, enjoying their first bit of proper food in weeks as Aegon spoke again. "I have a surprise for you both. I hope you won't be mad." The pair looked at each other before their eyes fell on Aegon who seemed too cheerful. "Guards, bring them in." The wide doors opened and in walked Alicent, Queen Helaena and the twins. Eowyn nearly fell down the stairs as she ran so fast to them, her children who were now a year old and as beautiful as ever. Aemond placed a hand on his brother's shoulder as if to say a silent thank you before he went over to his family. They had no idea how Aegon had found them but if it was that easy for him, then thank the gods he got them here first. Aemma and Baelon Targaryen were home.

Helaena was still a shell of her former self, the death of her children never healing and the only time she felt some comfort was being an aunt to the twins and Eowyn wouldn't take that from her. The family settled for dinner, and everyone seemed to be getting along, there was no hidden agendas or lies in the room. Eowyn wouldn't be separated from her children, plaiting Aemma's hair and reading a book to Baelon on the floor of the grand hall as they ate some fruits. Aemond watching the scenes before him in awe.

"I've insisted on doubling the guards stationed in the castle each day so nothing so horrible can happen again." Aegon had turned into someone else overnight, he was sober and competent. Maybe he wouldn't be such a bad King after all. He even made effort in consoling Hel and attempting to help her through the grief by talking about their children. Alicent seemed happier than she was, maybe living without the presence of her overbearing father would do her some good.

When the skies started to darken and Alicent and Helaena readied themselves for bed the hall started to clear out. Aegon was discussing small council issues with Aemond, and it was nice seeing the pair act like brothers should. Eowyn moved to her feet, Aemma positioned on her left hip and Baelon on her other, but Ben rushed over to assist her.
"Princess, remember you are with child. You shouldn't be doing so much by yourself." She chuckled softly and allowed the older man to take her daughter because she knew he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"I'll see you later tonight Aemond. And thank you, Aegon. You have brought the light back into my world." She smiled softly before bowing at him as she left the hall with her sworn sword by her side. The walk to the chambers was short and thankfully the handmaidens had brought in cribs for the babes and she placed them down gently, giving them both a longing stare before turning back to Ben with a small smile. "I assume you know what happened with the other children. It would kill me if that happened again."

"I promise Princess, no harm should ever fall upon your family while I am here." She took a deep breath of relief before he left her to ready herself for the night. The babes slept peacefully as she changed, and Ben guarded her door. He only stepped aside once that night and that was to let Aemond return to his wife's side. She was already asleep, not in the bed but on the sofa by the cribs and her right hand dangled into crib and Baelon held her finger as they slept. The sight was enough to kickstart anyone's dead heart and Aemond just adored his little family. This is how it should have been from the begging. But he knew unless they calmed down the blacks then this peaceful tranquillity could no longer continue.

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