Sleeping with the enemy

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(Credits from tumblr: florencentherpdumpshit)

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(Credits from tumblr: florencentherpdumpshit)

She hesitated outside the door; she would rather be anywhere else than right here. When she finally found the courage to push open the door, she wasn't shocked to see Aemond sat on the couch reading. She knew he wouldn't be sat in the bed waiting for her – surely, he wasn't that stupid. At first, she wasn't going to say anything, she saw Belladonna leave after running her bath and they shared a small smile. Eowyn finally turned to Aemond who still hadn't even looked her way, her arms folding over her chest as a soft sigh fell from her lips. "Why did you do that at dinner? Everything was going so well." He chuckled, finally dropping his book and looking at her with his one eye death stare.

"Because Princess. I'm a monster." Her eyes rolled at his response, and she moved to snatch the book from his lap. If he wanted a lecture, she would lecture him until his ears bled. But instead, he raised his eyebrow at her. "You should give me that back. Wife." He spat out the last word and she held the book behind her like a child would when fighting with a sibling over a favourite toy. He moved from the couch to stand before her and the height difference would never not surprise her, but she didn't let it faze her. He stepped towards her and of course she would step back until the backs of her legs connected with the bed. "Give me the book."

Of course, she was aware of where they were, but she was from one of the most stubborn families in the realm. As was he. No one would back down, it wasn't in their blood. "Make me, Uncle." His right hand was around her neck before she could finish her sentence, his grip making her choke out the last word. But still she gripped onto the book with all of her might. When he saw she wouldn't back down he decided to act another way. His hands dropped to her hips, he picked her up as if she was light as a feather and pinned her against the bed. The book firmly beneath her as she stared up at him. "What are you doing?" He chuckled loudly and forced his lips to hers in a battle for dominance. She couldn't fight against him; her hands were pinned beneath her as she still refused to let go of the stupid book.

"Princess." He whispered softly; his reaction threw her off and the next kiss was gentle. Her stupid body reacted to him, finally allowing herself to kiss him back. She was losing herself, losing this battle. But she was quickly brought back down to earth when she felt the deep cut against her thigh.

"Fuck! What was that for?" He had now moved to sit beside her, when Eowyn clamoured to stop the blood, he grabbed his book back and her blood bled onto the sheets, her hands and down her legs. She moved to stand up, about to grab the blade of her own to get her revenge when the door swung open and Aegon ran in. He saw the blood and clapped his hands together loudly, of course he was already drunk.

"Brother! Already? You don't waste any time. Mother will be proud. But come with me, I want to show you something in town and trust me, you won't want to miss this." He was already stumbling out of the room. Aemond had cut her to act like he had taken her innocence. The one last thing that she had that was hers and she hated him for it.

"Goodnight wife." He skulked out of the room, throwing the book over to the couch and once he left the maids came in to change the sheets and to run and tell the Queen.

"Cunt." She growled after him, the maid stood and waited for her blood-stained dress and Eowyn carefully climbed out of it. The blood was just a trickle now, but she still needed to seal the wound. Finally enjoying the bath that Belladonna had run for her. She cleared away the blood from her skin and once she was dry, she moved to the fireplace. This was going to hurt. She picked up the iron poker, giving it a wash in the bath water before holding it over the flame until it glowed orange. She held the hot iron against her flesh, sealing the wound and causing her to groan loudly before she stopped when she was sure it was sealed. "I'm going to kill him."

 She spotted the book from the corner of her eye and ran to get it, throwing it in the fire as one final fuck you to him and then went to bed. She slept with a dagger beneath her pillow. But sleep didn't come easily, she cried herself to sleep, and her husband didn't return until the early hours of the morrow.

He drunkenly fell into the bed beside her, pulling off his white tunic and falling asleep in his breeches. There was no way she could sleep now; the room was still dark, but the light reflected off his diamond white skin. When she moved to sit up, she just found herself staring at him. There were so many things in this room she could use to kill him, and he fell asleep so easily, he knew if he was to be attacked or killed by her then she would suffer a worse fate than him. But it would be easy, so easy and she would willingly accept her fate. She stared at the pillow she was now holding and when she went to move it over his face there was a knock on the door. She quickly laid back down and he was awake now. "Come in!"

It was Belladonna. "I'm so sorry but they're requesting your presence in the great hall. Both of you." Eowyn just nodded, she climbed from the bed and pulled on something warmer over her silk night gown and then he stood up too, nearly falling over his own feet.

"Is life with me that bad already? You must become your brother." He groaned, holding his head and groggily shaking away the aches and pains.

"I'd never be like him. But I found a beautiful woman to share a few drinks with." Eowyn shot him a glare; they'd been married less than a day and he was already seeking comfort from other women. She hit him hard in the chest before marching off to the great hall and he followed, slowly – but he was there.

When they both arrived everyone looked tired, Alicents eyes were red like she had been crying. Aegon was as drunk as his brother and Helaena didn't have a clue what was going on. She was truly the only innocent Targaryen to ever exist. Otto creeped out of the shadows, and he seemed to be enjoying what he was saying.

"My dear family. The King has passed gracefully in his sleep. He is no longer in pain." Eowyn felt the tears fall; she loved her grandsire. He was one of the nicest men she had ever met. But this meant her mother could return, to be Queen and she could find the comfort in her actual family once more. "On his deathbed the King expressed to my dear daughter of his want for Aegon to become King." No body complained about this as much as Aegon. He knew he wasn't fit to be a ruler. He was more interested in drinking himself to death and going out between a woman's' thighs.

"What about my mother?" Alicent couldn't look at her, Eowyn was the spitting image of her mother when she was younger, and it reminded her about her old best friend. "If you mean for Aegon to be King that means you want to kill her."

"My dear one, no one will be drawing steel. We have sent a raven to your mother, explaining her father's death and wishes. Your family have been offered positions here in the court as long as they swear allegiance to King Aegon." Eowyn scoffed and stormed out of the room. Her family would never bend the knee.

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now