Royally screwed

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Eowyn had been up most of the night, for weeks, worrying about what was going to happen in the upcoming months. Alys had never revealed her true powers to her, but she knew the witches could do a lot more than just have visions. If they had truly used blood magic, then they weren't ones to pick a fight with. But she had her family to protect, children to think of. If she couldn't fight, what could she do? Aemond didn't return to their chambers because he didn't know what to say. But in a way, I guess they were even now. Except she truly thought he had been lost. Aegon had tried to send one of his knights to her with a letter, but she just threw it in the fire, she didn't want to hear from either of them. The only one who didn't try and reach out was Cregan and that pissed her off even more, especially with what he had said about her to her mother. She groaned as she threw back the covers, barely making it to her feet before she had to run to the bathroom. Her stomach contents quickly emptying, Belladonna had heard her and rushed over with some water thankfully.

"I know this is the last thing you would want to happen. Forgive me for even asking, my lady. Is there any chance you could be with child again?" Her heart sank, her and Aemond had only laid together once since he returned to her. Has her body betrayed her again so quickly? She sat there and tried to calculate the dates in her head before she started to cry, the young girls' arms wrapping around her to console the princess. "What can I do? Fetch Prince Aemond?"

"No. No one needs to know. Not yet." Eowyn begged with her handmaiden before they helped each other back to their feet and the princess brushed out the creases from her nightgown. "I need to dress for the day. We need to decide on our next plan of action." Belladonna was always in awe of the royal's strength, she never wanted people to see her weak. Her poker face was one of the best. The maid helped her change into some dark purple silks, the fabric caressing each curve of her body and she looked amazing, even if she didn't feel like it on the inside. Her hair was plaited, tied with purple ribbons to match the dress before the maid had left her to finish getting herself ready. She moved to stand up, looking at herself in the mirror before she swallowed the lump in her throat back down and put a fake smile on her face and left to join the council.

For weeks the room had been full of royal advisors, anyone who could offer any kind of input. Alicent had changed, the shadow of her controlling father no longer haunting her, and she was more outspoken – offering her true thoughts about things. Ben was there too, but his suggestions were always a little biased – he would always subconsciously be protecting Eowyn with his suggestions. Aegon and Aemond was just angry, always offering to deliver the first killer blow. Cregan had remained in Kings Landing longer than he expected, his son Rickon and a handful of knights traveling to him at this very moment. Eowyn kept zoning in and out of the conversations, only her mother and Ben seeming to notice the change in herself.

Rhaneyra stood from her chair, everyone watching her curiously at what she was going to suggest. "I say let them take it. Get them in the red keep and then we climb atop our dragons, and we burn the whole place to the ground. We can rebuild somewhere else. All we need is our family."

"No. I will not send the people of Kings Landing to their death. Nor will I let them be ruled by those women." Eowyn finally spoke up for the first time that day. "But I do have something to ask Lord Stark." She moved to her feet now, looking over at Cregan who had been avoiding her for weeks. "My daughter Aemma, I believe she would be a suitable wife for your son. It would be an honour for me to join our houses and strengthen our alliance for years to come."

Cregan looked at the pissed off expression on both of the Targaryen princes' faces and held back his amusement as he nodded his head to her. "We already know that the wolf and the dragon make a good match. Now we can prove it to anyone else."

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now