Dragons Blood

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They didn't leave each other's sights for the next few months; they didn't trust anyone. Even when Belladonna visited the conversation was short and blunt. The pair were locked away in their chambers, laid cuddling in bed together as they studied books on various poisons. That way, they wouldn't see the attack coming. But Aegon and Alicent were smart, they had all of their food and drinks tested before they committed to the act themselves and someone innocent dying for them didn't sit right with Eowyn. "You do know we have dragons, right? Two of the largest I've ever seen."

"I want them to look me in the eye and beg me for forgiveness before they die." Her head tilted to look at him, smiling at his words. She wanted him all the time lately, she could live with his cock buried deep inside of her and live a happy life. "Seriously? You're not sick of me yet?"

"Never." She smiled more, slowly pulling the book from his grasp as she moved to straddle his lap and kiss across his chest, collar bones and neck gently. "You're intoxicating." Her tongue licked across his ear lobe before she whispered softly. "Or maybe it's because I'm pregnant." She felt him steady beneath her, his hands moving to her shoulders to gently move her so he could get a proper look at her, to see her face.

"Really? You're not joking?" She laughed softly, shaking her head as she moved one of his hands to her stomach. The pair sharing a warm smile as they thought about their future. They knew that this time nothing would happen to the babe, they'd both die before that happened.

"I'm late. I would have to see a maestor to confirm it, but I feel it. I just know." There was no one's opinion they trusted. They only had trust in each other. So, if Eowyn said she felt like she was pregnant, she was pregnant in his eyes. It would explain her mood lately, he had read somewhere that expectant mothers desire sex more often. "You're going to make a wonderful father, Aemond."

Her words touched him, more than she would ever know. His family wasn't exactly the healthiest, for years he had longed for his mother's affection, but she was too blindsided by Aegon and the iron throne to be a mother. That was probably why he fell for Eowyn, because as much as they hated each other in the beginning she always had a caring side. She would always ask him what was wrong and try to get him to open up to her and even through everything he knew she would always have that affection for him. Their child was lucky. To have both of their love.

"You will be the best mother; you've had plenty of practice with my temper tantrums." She laughed softly; she lost count at how many times she had called him 'boy' in high Valyrian, but it was one of the words they had promised not to say. He'd withhold from calling her a bastard and she wouldn't call him a boy. It was a fair trade. "When this marriage was first arranged, I didn't expect that within a year you would be my best friend." His words made her smile, and she pecked his lips softly. It was nice to know how important you were to someone; he had a habit of showing her instead but now his words always matched his actions and she continued to fall deeper in love with him. She was so glad that in her stubbornness she decided to marry him to make him miserable because now, she couldn't have been happier. Even without her family by her side, she knew all that she needed was him. They just had to decide if they were going to leave and spend a lifetime in hiding or try and find some common ground. If she were pregnant that would definitely calm down Alicent. She wasn't that much of a monster. But because of what happened the last time, she wasn't in any rush to reveal her pregnancy, she even managed to convince Aemond to slaughter a pig for its blood so they could keep up the charade of her monthly bleeds for as long as they could. Until her body revealed the secret to everybody.

They managed to hide her condition for several months. Even Belladonna hadn't realised until she helped the Princess bathe one day and saw her large bump. It was finally happening; she was going to be a mother. And a great one at that. She had promised herself she would be the best mother possible, never making her child do something they wouldn't want to do. Never forcing them into a ridiculous marriage to stop a war that would arrive anyway. And Aemond, well – he was their sworn protector, and he would do anything to keep them safe and away from harm.

Eowyn wore a simple velvet dress, but the fabric hugged her bump and there would be no more denying it. She stood before Aemond with a smile as her hands dropped to settle on her stomach. "So, are you ready to finally tell your mother?" He moved to stand behind her, placing several kisses against her cheek and neck while his hands settled to rest on her own.

"There's no more hiding it my love. You'll soon be giving birth and we need the maestor and midwives help." She leant back against him, just enjoying the comfort that came from his warmth. She could stand here in his embrace forever. But it was now or never. It would be nice for their child to have some form of grandparent in their life. And her parents were definitely not going to be involved. "I won't leave your side, we've got this." He laced their fingers together, moving from behind her but keeping their right hands interlocked as they walked side by side to Alicent's chambers. The pair ignoring all of the prying eyes on her condition. Aemond knocked on the door, hearing the permission to enter before he walked in first. "Mother, we need to tell you something." He carefully pulled Eowyn inside the room, Alicent's eyes going from the book she was reading to the doorway.

"Son, what is it? We don't have the time to play these games." She sounded exhausted, ever since Aegon became King, she locked herself away in her room. Some good news would be a blessing. When her eyes finally laid on Eowyn, she spotted the large bump and quickly scrambled to her feet. "Oh, the gods have blessed us." For once Alicent waited for some kind of permission before she placed her hands on the top of the bump, Eowyn giving her a gentle nod as approval. "You're nearly ready to bring them into the world."

"We wanted to make sure nothing happened, we wanted them to be safe." Aemond said softly, still not moving from his wife's side. "Will you be able to find us a wet nurse?" He figured giving her a job that didn't involve his brother would be good for her and she seemed really excited to be asked. He was also giving her a bit of trust back. There was already a positive change in her demeanour as she started speaking to guards about arranging meetings with the most recommended wet nurses in the surrounding realms.

"Alicent, I know I don't have to say this. But please, I want our child to be safe. We need to trust them." The two women shared a small smile before Aemond, and Eowyn left the room again. As they were leaving a guard handed Aemond a scroll recently delivered by a raven. "What is it?" She could feel him tense by her side, but she didn't know why, she peered over his shoulder to read the message. Lord Baratheon and his daughters were on their way to visit. The guilt over Lucerys must be fresh in his mind. "It's okay. It will be okay." She moved to place a kiss against his lips but there was no reaction, that wasn't like him, but she didn't want to cause an argument by questioning it right now.

"I have to go speak to Aegon." It was nice while it lasted, Aemond had managed to stay clear of the King and his bullshit but no doubt this was something to do with him. He had been silent for too long, probably plotting something to get even.

"Just be careful, please." She was expecting a kiss, even a touch on her belly but instead he just skulked off. She didn't like that. Heading for dinner alone she ate in silence, she wasn't hungry but knew she should try for the health of their unborn child. But her mind was racing, Aemond hadn't been this cold with her since the beginning of their marriage when they hated each other. Washing down her food with some water before returning to her room, Belladonna had been in to clean so had already ran the princess her bath and replaced the dead flowers in the centre of the room. They were beautiful, the roses so red they were nearly a shade of black. She undressed before climbing into her milk bath, washing herself with the warm water and putting some more lavender oil into her silver hair.

Pregnancy hadn't been that tough on her, the sickness had ended pretty early on and although she was always tired, she had gotten pretty lucky with such an easy pregnancy. Her eyes closed, allowing herself to fully relax beneath the water as she waited for her husband to return. She stayed in the water until it started to cool down, climbing out of the tub to dry herself and change into a fresh night gown and going to bed. Wrapping herself up in the sheets and quickly falling asleep.

When Aemond returned he tried his best not to wake her, it was late. She couldn't see anything in the room it was so black outside. She felt him turn away from her as he got under the covers, not giving her any form of affection or attention so she swallowed the feeling in her gut and returned to sleep. Something had happened. Tomorrow she would get the truth from him.

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now