Storms End

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When Eowyn woke up the following morning, she was alone in the bed, this is how she preferred it but whenever he left too early it worried her. She knew it's because he was being sent somewhere to prepare for this bloody war. But the only thing keeping her calm is she knew her mother, her mother wouldn't be the first one to draw blood. She would try and calm everything down with words before it turned into a fight. But the Greens didn't think like she did. She climbed from her bed and as she moved the sheet back a piece of parchment fell to the ground. This was the first time Aemond had ever wrote to her.

'Wife. My mother is sending me to Storms End to speak to Lord Baratheon. I should be back before sundown.'

In a way it was sweet, he didn't want her to worry about him. Maybe he was starting to realise how lonely she was here? She had no one and if he continued to be horrible to her then there would be no reason for her to even show her face. She changed into a silver dress, this one had a little green mixed into it and she hated it. She knew Alicent would be loving it. She found Helaena in the nursery with her two children, and this is where she found some peace during her days. Playing with the babes. After a few hours she would settle down with a book, reading about the lords and ladies of the north. She really wanted to visit the North. It would be cold, but she was sure it would be beautiful. Just like all of the history books read.

She had dinner with Alicent, and Otto and it was honestly something she would never do again. The hall was filled with an awkward silence. Until the Queen finally decided to speak. "Are you with child yet dear?" Eowyn finished chewing her mouthful of food before responding.

"No, my Queen. But rest assured, we are trying." She smiled at her, hoping they would both believe her lie but honestly beyond Aemonds teasing he hadn't even tried. He made her bleed the first night so they wouldn't have to have a mating ceremony because if they had to consummate their marriage while his mother and grandfather watched she would probably just take a blade to her throat.

After dinner she returned to her shared chambers with Aemond, she was just in her undergarments because she planned to bathe when he returned home. He wasn't speaking. He was soaking wet, and he seemed to be in shock. "Aemond? What's wrong?" She approached him carefully; he had been caught in the rain returning it seemed, but his face scared her.

 "Husband?" She gently touched his chin and he finally looked at her, and she saw it. Tears. "What happened?" He grabbed at her wrist, pulling her onto his lap and it caught her of guard. "Talk to me."

"I don't want to talk. I want to forget. Please help me forget." He seemed so vulnerable in that moment, and it pulled at her heart strings. She was about to open her mouth to ask how she was supposed to do that when he had kissed her. This kiss was different than all the rest, he kissed her as if his life depended on it. Her arms snaked around his neck, holding him close as she finally allowed herself to get lost in the moment. He needed her and if she was being honest with herself, she needed him too. He broke the kiss first, but only to try and pull off her remaining clothes and when he couldn't, he used his dagger and that awoke something inside of her. Her lips slammed back against his, her hips firmly pressing against his own and causing her to moan when she realised that she could feel him through his breeches.

"Take it off.." She whispered softly, her hands helping him to remove his cloak – tunic and breeches. Now they were before one another, as vulnerable and as naked as the day they were born. Both of them couldn't breathe, just admiring the form of the other.

"Are you sure?" She chuckled softly, pulling him in for another kiss. They needed this. His hands dropped to cup her bare ass, holding her against him as he moved them, so she was now laid against the bed beneath his toned form. "If it starts to hurt, we will stop."

"Just fuck me already." Her brazenness caught him off guard and he chuckled softly, his lips kissed along her neck – collar bone, breasts. Her moans were just what he needed to hear right now. Like sweet music. His left hand moved between their bodies, and he started to tease her, his index finger rubbing at her sensitive bud of flesh while he suckled her breasts. He wanted to make sure she was prepared for him. "I'm ready. I promise, I'm ready." He now pressed the head of his cock against her slick entrance, taking a deep breath before he slowly pushed himself inside. He waited a moment for her tight walls to adjust to his length before he started to rock his hips and already, he had her clawing at his back as the pleasure hit her. "Oh Gods." Her eyes watched his face, she was getting off even more on seeing his facial reactions to her tightness.

His left arm now scooped her up from the bed, holding her against him as he moved to his knees. "This is going to hit deeper. Let me know if it hurts." She nodded her head quickly, her arms draping around his neck again as he arched his back and thrust his hips, his cock hit so deep inside of her now it was building a tension in her stomach. "That's it, Princess. Take it all." His right hand settled on her hip, helping to guide and teach her what to do with her own hips and once they settled into a rhythm their moans and groans echoed around the room. The door to their bedroom opened quickly.

"Brother, Mother needs.." Aegon quickly had to shut the door and run because Aemond had thrown a silver tray at the door to get him out. Thankfully he didn't see anything of Eowyn's. But Aegon's giggle as he ran down the hall was frustrating. How was he King? And did he never knock?

The two of them quickly ignored his interruption though. They were both chasing a high and the more their bodies moved together, and their hips collided it continued to build. He growled softly into her ear. "I know you feel something in your stomach. Stop fighting it. Let it go." The Princess tried to do what he said, letting herself fully get lost in the moment and within minutes she was moaning his name, her body started to tremble and shake, and it was like nothing she had ever felt before. He followed her own climax, his seed shooting deep inside of her and as soon as they had finished, he kissed her several times. Speaking between each kiss. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Why? I'm not hurt. You didn't hurt me." Eowyn was confused at the sudden change in personality again once they had finished. He carefully lifted her to the bath so she could clean up. She had bled a little on the bed and it worried her, Queen Alicent had eyes everywhere, but Aemond saw her gaze. He picked up the glass beside the bed and broke it, shards going everywhere, and he cut his hand.

"Guards, fetch my handmaid." The guard on the other side ran off to find someone, when they came in, they cleared the room and the bed. No questions were asked because they thought it was from Aemond. He changed into some dry clothes and now he wouldn't look at her again. "I need to go see my mother. Don't wait up." He left and she just sat in the tub as confused as ever over his ever-changing moods.

This was the first night Eowyn went to sleep and didn't feel completely alone. She felt wanted. Needed even. Sleep came easier this night. Ready for the nightmare tomorrow.

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