Ghosts of Harrenhal

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Eowyn had a strong bond with her dragon Juniper, even though they hadn't been flying since she fell pregnant, she still visited often. Making sure her other child was happy and content. They could feel each other's emotions, Juniper was flying faster than normal because she understood her rider was desperate to get to their destination. When they arrived at Harrenhal it was empty, except previous occupants which was good. Her father hadn't arrived yet, she had some time to prepare. When the dragon landed on the courtyard, she carefully dismounted her and gently rubbed under her chin. "Good girl." Eowyn turned to be greeted by a raven-haired female with beautiful pale skin. "My quarrel isn't with you, or this place. I'm just waiting for the rogue prince." The girl nodded her head before opening her mouth to speak but seeming to decide against her words. "What is it? Do you know something?"

"Your grace, the rogue prince will not be here for another week or so. In my dreams he only arrives in a storm and the weather is blissfully perfect." In her dreams? Eowyn looked her over for a moment before remembering the old tales about witches and witchcraft that originated in these halls. It was why everyone assumed the building to be cursed.

"Although there is a storm due, so why don't you come inside and make yourself comfortable. We had a fresh delivery of meats earlier today." Eowyn hesitated, not one to trust a stranger. Especially one who was so welcoming. "My name is Alys, by the way. Alys Rivers." The last name meant she was a bastard, something the pair had in common it seemed. They finally went back inside, and Juniper flew into the woods to find her own food and comfort.

The hall was pretty much empty except for maybe twenty ladies and five servants, it was dimly lit but everyone seemed to be pretty welcoming. Maybe because they were all women. Alys had ordered a small luncheon to be prepared and then sat at a small table with the Princess. "I know why you've come. You seek a peaceful end to this war. But there's only one way that can happen." Eowyn was picking at her food but soon stopped to give the woman her full attention. "Of course, Aegon will have to die. Something you've already figured out, but the peace is going to require a sacrifice on both sides. As more blood is going to be spilled this next moon." Her words were haunting, Eowyn had no intention of attacking she just wanted to defend herself. But Aemond was a loose cannon sometimes and he let his anger and emotions take over.

"Who is the cause, me or my husband?" Eowyn asked cautiously, she wasn't even sure she wanted the answer. Alys stood to fill the Princess' goblet with some Danish wine and placed a knowing hand on her shoulder and gave her a soft smile, answering her question without physically saying any words. "My children, will they survive?" There was a small silence as Alys moved back to her seat, not saying anything again until she's taken a sip of her own wine.

"They will. Your daughter will marry a lord from the north in years to come and your son will become one of the strongest knights in the seven kingdoms." Eowyn hid her tears by taking a long drink of the wine before forcing a smile to the woman sat opposite her. "Your other child, the one who was taken. They were a girl by the way." This was enough to break her, the tears flowing now, and it was like she was unable to stop. The pair sat in silence then, the sobs echoing around the room. Neither of them moved until the moon reflected on the tiles before them. 

"Come Princess, I'll show you to your quarters." Eowyn's feet were moving and following her before she even realised, it was almost as if she was bewitched by this woman. "I hope this will suffice." They stopped outside a wide door which she easily pushed open, and it revealed a four-poster bed, a small tub in the corner, a tall wardrobe and a desk with scattered parchment all over it.

"Thank you, Alys. You've been very kind today. Your kindness will not go unrewarded." They shared a small nod before Eowyn disappeared into her chambers. She wasn't intending on staying for long so didn't think to bring any change of clothes or nightwear, but it seemed Alys had thought ahead and set some out for her on the bed. She changed into a nightgown and put the rest of the clothes in the wardrobe before settling down for the night. Her hand automatically went to her swollen belly, and she sighed softly before the tears started to fall again, she must have cried to the point where exhaustion took her because she didn't wake up again until the sunlight crept through the window and long curtains. She was thankful to not be awoken by any servants as she bathed herself peacefully and pulled on one of the dresses from the wardrobe, it was a dark blue colour, and it was honestly beautiful. Simple but beautiful. She tied her hair in little plaits before leaving her chambers in the hope to find Alys again.

When she found herself outside in the gardens she took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air and just feeling a moment of tranquillity pass over her. But the sounds of giggling made her snap out of it, she followed the sounds to where a fountain lay and inside the water was several of the women – including Alys. Each woman was as bare as the day they were born but their bodies were perfect, Eowyn quickly turned away when she found herself staring at their bodies and comparing their curves. Her feet carried her back to the hall where she sat at the same table from last night and just waited for the women to return and hoped they hadn't seen her in the gardens.

Another hour passed before Alys arrived, sitting opposite Eowyn before ordering some honeyed milk to be brought to them. "The rogue prince will arrive tomorrow. I saw it in my dreams last night. He must have heard of your arrival and changed his plans." Eowyn sighed softly; she wasn't ready to see him again. But she hoped she'd be able to get through to him. "Don't worry Princess. No harm will come to you in this castle." As promising as that sounded, it sounded like a threat too. Like harm would come to her somewhere else in the future.

"Do the dreams always make sense? Or are they sometimes messed up? My dear sister, I think she's a dragon dreamer and she never seems to remember what she says or it's always in some riddle we cannot figure out until it's too late." The topic was something she would never dare breach with Helaena, she was too pure to realise what was happening to her.

"My dreams are clear. They are brought on with certain herbs, something the women here have taught me over the years. Like I saw your arrival weeks before you arrived, I saw your hair windswept as you climbed from your dragon. It was quite a sight to behold." For some reason, Eowyn could feel herself blushing and it didn't go unnoticed as Alys chuckled softly. "You know, I saw you this morning. I was quite hoping you would have joined us." Her heart skipped, of course she had been spotted. There were a few moments of silence before Eowyn dared to speak again.

"What was you all doing? I was drawn over by the sounds of your voices when I walked the gardens." It was the truth. Eowyn was in her own little world until those giggles pulled her back to reality. "I mean, obviously you were all bathing. Or was there some spiritual thing to it?" Alys chuckled softly before patting her shoulder and going to leave the room, but she stopped at the door.

"Rest Eowyn. Tomorrow will soon be here. You need to be up before the sun breaks because that when he arrives. If you're not already awake I'll send someone to your chambers to wake you. But remember, you're safe here." 

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now