Three's a crowd

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Aemond had left after their encounter, going to see his brother and Eowyn went to run a bath for herself, she almost screamed in terror when she spotted someone else in their bathroom

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Aemond had left after their encounter, going to see his brother and Eowyn went to run a bath for herself, she almost screamed in terror when she spotted someone else in their bathroom. The tub already full and sat comfortably in the water was Alys. How long had she been here? And how did she know which room was hers? It's like Eowyn forgot her gift in that moment, she pulled the sheet closer to her body as if to hide it from the older woman who had probably just seen more than enough of her. "How long have you been in here?"

Aly's fingers slowly moved beneath the milky water that smelled like lavender, her eyes finally looking at the Princess who was flushed in the face because of her reunion with her husband and because she had been caught. "I didn't want to interrupt. You both have missed each other. But I can leave if you wish."

"No. Stay. I'd have the company." Eowyn had no idea where the surge of confidence had come from but when Alys looked back at the water the sheet was dropped and the younger princess was now sat beside her in the warm relaxing water. "I don't know what to do Aly's. What if Aegon doesn't die? I can't expect Aemond to kill his brother." She sighed softly, she loved Aemond beyond words, but she knew he could never deliver that final blow.

"I can do it. You just need to ask it of me." The pair shared a smile before Eowyn subconsciously rested her head on Alys's shoulder, closing her eyes as fingers smoothed through her locks.

"I should have the strength to do it myself. Aegon could have ruined my life several times. But instead, I cower away and hide behind my husband." Alys arms just enclosed around her, making her feel safe in that moment as they sat in silence. The fingers still trailing through the signature Targaryen silver hair.

The comfortable silence covered the room, neither of them making an effort to move or even bathe properly. It was only when the door opened that they moved apart in surprise, only to see Aemond stood before them both and he was staring at the scene before him with utter confusion.

"Your witch I suppose? The glorified fortune teller." His voice was rather harsh, and Eowyn gave him one of her signature looks that would usually make him back down or apologise. But he wasn't expecting to find his wife here with another.

"My name is Alys actually. I'm the one who is going to help you finally kill your brother." Aemond scoffed, removing his jacket and throwing it over towards the bed. "I mean it, I know the perfect opportunity for it to look like he passed naturally. You just have to trust me as your wife does."

"My wife seems to be blinded by your witchcraft at this moment. But go on, I could do with a laugh." He was now sat on a stool, unlacing his boots and Eowyn had moved to the edge of the tub to whisper a warning to him, one which he instantly ignored. "What special tonics have you placed in the tub to bewitch her?"

"Aemond, you are a fucking idiot." Eowyn finally spoke loud enough to express her sudden annoyance. "My heart will never belong to another." His eye softened at her for a moment before he stood and removed his tunic. Confusion now covering her face instead. "What are you doing?"

Tourney To Love | Aemond Targaryen and Eowyn VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now