2 | The Deal

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Anthony's POV:

When my car arrived at my office, i immediately straightened my suit up before stepping out of the vehicle.

I gave Thomas, my driver a friendly nod, before quickly heading up the stairs.

Another reason why I wanted to get out of that dinner so quickly was because I had a really important meeting to be at.

Something I have been dreading since it had been brought to my attention.

I finally arrived upstairs, and before I got to my office, my assistant Andy called me over.

"He's here, sir."

I eyed her. As I sighed. "Is his daughter here?"

She nodded before her stance changed. "I am afraid so."

Fuck great. Making this night a whole lot better.

"Thank you." I said before pushing open the door to my office.

The windows stood tall on the side of it, as it overlooked the city of Italy.

While very expensive furniture filled the room.

Black, Whites, and Grey's also helped.

But I couldn't help but notice the figure standing right by the windows.

His dark brown hair consumed the back of his head, as his wrinkly hands were raided behind his back.

His dark blue suit, complimented the light. Real asshole.

I already hated this man. I hated him because without this deal I was about to make, I couldn't become what my father didn't.

But as I looked down, I saw the side view of a woman.

The woman that I despise. The woman that was about to make me a taken man.

I already hated her, because I absolutely hated her family.

But her expression, even from the side was goregous.

Her wavy blonde hair that glided over her shoulders, as I couldn't help but notice her impeccable features.

Her goregous dark blue eyes, that shined. Her tan skin that was probably so silky and smooth.

Her breasts, perked up as she sat with amazing posture.

Her legs crossed as the black dress she had on hugged her hips.

Their was no denying that she was beautiful. You would have to be a fool to lie like that.

But no matter of beauty can make me change my mind about the Jackson's.

I finally cleared my throat before making my way to my seat, behind my desk.

The women's head turned, as she stared me down.

Her red lips, parted at the sight of me.

But her father started to walk over to us, as he sat down in the seat next to his daughter.

I took one more good look at her, she seemed nervous and uncomfortable. From what I have been told, she is the one who wanted this.

Her whole face was just as beautiful as her side profile. Probably even better.

"Ah. Mr. Brown. We finally meet again."

My eyes moved towards him, as I couldn't help but notice the girl staring her father down like a mule.

That makes two of us.

"Yes. Well, I didn't exactly have a choice now, did I?"

The man took a seat and threw his hands out in front of him.

"Now. Now. You knew that this was part of the deal."

A scoff came from me.

He gulped at my expression as I could see the anger that grew in his eyes. 

Meet Earl Jackson. The head of the Mafia courts in Italy.

He basically keeps all of the Mafia groups in order.

And when I tell you their are hundreds of them. Their probably are thousands. Hell, more than I know about.

But the Brown's is probably one of the most famous due to my father and mother's love story, plus my fathers death.

Although my father, Enzo, did die from a car crash. Somebody in the Mafia killed him. And I intended to do whatever I could to find him.

"What do I owe this pleasure?" I asked.

Earl cleared his throat before placing a hand on his daughter's shoulder.

"As you know. My deal is pretty simple. You marry my daughter. And you get your share.  So, I figured it was about time you two met each other."

My hands clenched together as they formed tight fists.

I wanted to punch the living shit out of this man, I hated him that much.

He was good at his job. I will admit. But he was even better at making deals with people. In this case, I couldn't pass this one up.

His fingers began to caress her shoulder slightly, as I noticed she began to tremble from his touch.

"This is my daughter, Beverly Jackson."

Beverly. That name is going to be in my life forever.

That name will always be imprinted on my skin. It's never going to leave. She is never going to leave. And I would make sure of it because all that matters to me is this deal. Not her, and not even her father.

Love was something I never explored before, something I honestly never wanted to or had the time for.

My one true desire in this world is leading this Mafia group and proving everyone wrong. And showing them the Brown family is not to be messed with.

I glanced at Beverly and gave her a small nod.

A small smile appeared on the corner of her mouth before it dropped as soon as her father looked in her direction.

Was she afraid of him? Was she scared?

Don't get me wrong. He definitely wasn't the best man. At least from what I saw in his records, but. I don't believe he would do anything to hurt her.

God, I hope not.

I don't care about her. Not even one bit.

But I don't stand for men hitting women or going against their wishes.

And if this was one of these cases. It was going to be one hell of a ride.

"So. We should talk about the wedding date." Earl said as he crossed his legs and leaned farther back in the chair.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. What about it."

His eyes narrowed at me. "Well. As seeing you two are now engaged, it should be one of our top priorities. That and the announcement, of course."


A realization struck through my chest, as I just now realized I never told my mother or twin sister about me being engaged.

God damn it.

How are you supposed to tell your family that you got engaged on the same day of meeting your spouse?

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