25 | Stuck

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Beverly's POV:

My eyes started to finally open again, as my nostrils got a good wiff of the air around me.

Smelled like gasoline and wood.

My head began to pound like a migrane as my eyes adjusted to the light in the room.

I felt so numb and broken.

I felt alone.

But I also felt the raging pain that hit inside my chest. Yep. I can confirm I broke a rib.

Wouldn't be the first time.

As I concentrated more, I quickly looked down at the ground and realized that I was up against the wall.

Are you fucking serious? They tied me up to a fucking wall.

My arms hung from the ceiling, as my whole body laid across the wood walls like a X.

I began to look around the room as I looked at everything I possibly could.

The room was dingy and dirty with dust.

Their was a few furniture pieces like a desk and than a table and chairs but along with that their was nothing.

I had no strength, but I knew I needed to pull it together and fight. I needed to get the hell out of here.

I began to pull and tug on the rope as I gritted my teeth and pulled as hard as I could.

And as soon as I felt some sort of luck, my head immediately turned to the opening as I stared at the door.

In came in 3 men.

One by one. All in a row.

They stared me down as the one had one a mask, his eyes barely visible.

My breathing began to become heavier.

As the 2 men walked to the sides of the door, but the one just sat their with his hands behind his back eyeing me like a dog.


The man chuckled. "You didn't but your pretty little fiance did."

I narrowed my eyes at him as I shook my head.

"I am not in charge of what my fiance does and does not do. So why am I being held here?"

He scoffed before walking over to me.

His presence filled with mine with some sort of familarty.

I felt like I knew this person. But I didn't recognize his eyes, nor him in general.

His hand immediately came up as he slapped me across the face so hard a sting left behind.

A yelp came from me as he put his hand to his side, but only for a few seconds before his hands wrapped tightly around my neck pressing against it so hard I began to not breathe.

"You think you can trick me huh? You think I am stupid don't you."

I coughed out as tears began to flood out my eyes. Spiraling down my cheeks and now onto his hands.

"No! I don't even know what you are talking about!"

His fingers squeezed even harder, before I felt my body began to give out.

I felt my skin become cold and purple, before he finally let go.

My breathing was so heavy, I thought I was about to drown.

He pointed at the two men and ordered them out of the room.

"Why the hell are you doing this to me?" I said trying to catch my breath.

He scoffed. "Your fiance did a bad thing. And now he will pay for his crimes." He said before he reached into his pocket and out came a knife.

A really sharp knife.

I began to panic, as he didn't even give me a chance to breath before he stabbed right into my side.

The amount of pain and pressure that went up my body and down my legs caused me to scream out.

I began to cry so bad, as I barely had anymore strength left.

The man's eyes stared me down deeply, as he had not a single ounce of remorse.

But I had to figure out something. I had to at least try and fight.

God I needed Anthony.

I began to cry out loud for him, I wish I could have said sorry to him at least one last time before I sit here and rot.

I felt my eyes began to grow heavier and heavier by the minute, as I did my best to try and resist the urge to pass out.

Come on Bev. You have to fight. You have to pull one last time to release your hand.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to get rid of the pain.

And finally, I gave my arm one last good pull as the rope popped out of place.

My arm was now completely full as I yanked the knife out of me, causing me to scream even more before throwing it across the room, as it landed just on the man's neck, causing him to fall to the ground and scream in pain.

I smirked, before I yanked my legs and my arms off the wall.

Finally, I dropped straight to the ground as the amount of pressure increased in my wound.

I winced at the pain as I held my side.

Come on. I have to find a exit.

I limped all the way to the door, as tears began to spill even more.

I grabbed the door knob and yanked it open as I began to run as fast as I could.

Finally, I came to a corner as I saw some light.

I began to run around the corner, as I was all the sudden stopped by a huge figure.

Their arms caught me in their embrace as I began to panic, no. They found me.

But as I looked up, Anthony stood their.

His eyes were so wide, as men spiraled around him.

"We found her!" Anthony yelled at the men.

"Find any others and lock them up."

I felt the blood began to ooze out of my side, as I winced in pain.

His hands grabbed my cheeks, as his eyes had a sense of worry in them.

Until finally, his lips slowly moved towards mine as they connected.

His hands had so much control over my cheeks, which was the only thing keeping me from dropping to the ground.

I kissed him back with every ounce of energy I had left.

God. I missed this.

I missed him.

He finally let go of the kiss as I winced in pain once again.

His eyes searched my body as his eyes widened at my wound.

"Oh my God Beverly. What the hell?"

His eyes widened so big and bright.

On top of my stabbing, my broken ribs, and my bruises. I would say this definitely tops the cake for all the beatings I have gotten over the years.

My legs began to wobble, as I suddenly fell as my head hit the ground.

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