18 | Don't Kiss & Tell

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Anthony's POV:

Why the fuck did I kiss her. Because now all I want is more.

And I guarantee if dumb fuck over their, Nikolai wouldn't have barged in here. I would be inside her right now.

Or better, we would continue to kiss on top of this desk.

I shouldn't have kissed her though.

And I can see it in her eyes she is regretting it just as much.

But her lips longed for mine. And mine for her's.

All I wanted was to take back what I just did and undo it all.

Fuck man. Why the hell did I kiss her.

She just. I don't know.

She is like a drug to me. I can not see to stay away from her.

No matter how much I deny it, and try and not talk to her, it kills me.

Like the week, we had barely spoken a word to one another. God, that was hard. Really fucking hard.

I closed my eyes in instant regret, as my hands sat still sat on the sides of her desk right next to her hips.

She sat their absolutely bewildered.

"Um. I was just coming to say your parents wanted a picture. But I can tell them you need more time?" He said with a cheeky smile on his face.

I cleared my throat before glancing up at Beverly, whose eyes were still bugged out of her head.

"Um. No, that won't be necessary." Beverly suddenly said.

She hopped off the desk and fixed her dress before walking away and past Nikolai.

He gave her an up-down look before she exited and shut the door behind her.

I laid my hands at the top of my head as I cursed silently.

"Man. She sure looked beautiful tonight, didn't she?"

I scoffed. "Cut the shit Nik. Why did you come in here?"

He rolled his eyes. "I told you dumbass. For the picture."

I turned to face him as I straightened my suit jacket.

"It's a good thing I did come in here because, 5 more minutes and your clothes would have been on the floor."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "No, they wouldn't have."

He shook his head. "Can you just admit that you find her attractive?"

I walked closer to him as we were now only a few inches away from one another.

"Yes. I think she is very attractive. Hell. Almost everyone does. But what happened was just a simple kiss. Nothing big. So don't overreact about it like a toddler seeing candy for the first time."

Nikolai gave me a small nod before I began to walk past him.

His presence filled the air and caused my to feel a little uneasy.

"Hey." He said as he touched my shoulder causing me to stop in my tracks.

But I didn't dare give him the satisfaction with me looking at him.

"If you do like her Anthony, you know you can tell me. Just because we are in the Mafia doesn't mean we don't have emotions."

I sighed before not responding and walking right out the door, in search for my fiance.

Beverly's POV:

I had to face my parents. I couldn't avoid them the whole party, and after the kiss in the office, I think my adrenaline is way up now. 

God. My mind was still racing as my heart continued to beat and hit my ribs.

I shouldn't have kissed him. It felt good, though. Don't get me wrong.

God, it felt amazing. If only Nikolai didn't walk in on us.

Maybe we would have panting because of one hell of an orgasm.

I finally found my way to Rosaline as I embraced her and Ellie in my arms, giving them small pecks on the cheek.

"You both look stunning, as always." I said with a smile.

Rosaline waved me off. "Oh, stop. This is you and Anthony's day, I should be the one saying that to you."

I gave her one more smile. "Thank you for this, by the way. Everything has been absolutely lovely."

She gave me another small hug before glaring away in the distance behind my shoulder.

She signaled them to come over, but I was too busy searching for my parents to see if they were still here to even bother worrying about it.

But she was right, this party was absolutely amazing.

Although I wish I was celebrating something different, I can't help but feel a tiny bit of happiness trickle through.

I felt arms all the sudden hook around my waist as I looked down at the arms.

A part of me began to panic before I looked up and saw Anthony smiling above me.

I gave him a small smirk again before sinking into his body.

I felt his strong and rock-hard chest, hit my back as Rosaline looked at us with wonder. Like she was studying us down like a book.

Ellie, on the other hand, was over their gaulking over Nikolai.

But anyone could notice how close they were standing to one another, her body language, and they way both of their faces lit up with they spoke.

I wonder if something is going on between them? If so, Anthony would kill them. I just know he would.

So I am not bringing up shit to him.

"Thanks, mom, for this amazing party. we both appreciate it greatly."

She nodded once. "Of course, you're my son. And I absolutely love Beverly like she is mine already."

My heart melted.

God, she was so sweet. Anthony is so lucky.

"Mrs. Brown, have you seen my parents by any chance?" I asked. 

She quivered her lips as she searched the room. "You know, now that I think about it. I have not. I think they left."

And there ya go, my heart sunk.

Of course they fucking left. They never stay for anything.

I mean, I did practically run away from them, but I guess they didn't want to take a picture with us.

We were supposed to keep this arrangement a secret. And it seems like they are the ones who can't keep a secret.

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