8 | Abuse

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Anthony's POV:

I had to get the fuck out of this house.

It hasn't even been 24 hours yet with her in my house and I was already going insane.

I had my driver take me down to Nikolai's gym, or "Italy Boxing Club"

I needed to go somewhere. And I needed to get a special someone out my head.

When I finally arrived, I walked inside as other people worked out in the backround.

Some of them stopped what they were doing and stared at me in disbelieve, others just carried out and didn't care.

I mean, I am dressed in a tux in a gym so I can understand the stares.

I walked down a hallway all the way into the boxing room, before spotting Nikolai punching a bag.

I walked over to him, as he finally looked to his side. Spotting me.

"Hey man." He said as I came closer.

"Hello Nikoali."

His eyes narrowed at me before a big smirk popped on his face.

"What?" I said annoyed.

He shook his head and continued punching the bag.

Beads of sweat dripped down his forehead, as his eyes did their best to focus.

"What is it jack ass."

A small chuckle came from him as he finally stopped. His breathing heavy.

"It hasn't even been a day and you are already avoiding her."

I rolled my eyes. "I am not avoiding her. I just needed to get AWAY from her."

His head tilted to the side with a raise of his eyebrows. Before he quickly laughed once more. "You are already a mess Brown."

I rolled my eyes as I slanted against the wall, crossing my arms. "Whatever." I replied.

He immediately went to the bench right next to me and took a seat.

"Look man. Why did you really come here? Because I know you, you didn't just come here because you are trying to avoid your fiance."

I sighed. "She is pisses me off Nikolai. Like REALLY bad. Her whole family pisses me off."

"Why? Because of this arranged marriage? I mean if I got to marry someone that looked like THAT. I think I would be plenty happy."

I narrowed my eyes. "How do you know what she looks like?"

A small smirk came upon his face, as he now crossed his own arms. "Dude, I am surprised you don't know who she is. She is like one of the most famous mafia trainers in the country. She trains young men when they are like 16, to become a asshole like you."

I gulped. I didn't know that. I didn't know Beverly even knew how to fight, let alone TRAIN future mafia leaders. But how did I not see her? I was their in the academy? I don't get it.

"She is?" I asked.

"Yeah man. She trains my cousin Mark, and she is all over the cover of magazines all the time."

I shook my head. "I had no idea."

Nikolai rolled his eyes as he bent down and picked up his gym bag.

His eyes met mine, as he gave me small poke in the chest.

I narrowed my eyes at him as I filled my lip into a straight line. I don't care if your my friend. Touch me like that again. You die.

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