41 | Hopes & Dreams

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Beverly's POV:

I lay in my bed, contemplating if I was going to go to this party or not.

It was a party in celebration of 50 years of the Mafia, and unfortunately for me. I had no choice but to attend.

When it comes to the anniversary of their precious mafia, you have to attend to this party if you are married or born into it.

And if you don't come, let's just say you won't see the light the next day.

I was currently staying at a nice hotel a little outside Italy.

It had been exactly a week since I found out all the secrets and all the lies that Anthony was keeping from me.

The moment I found out that my fiance never truly cared about me from the start.

I sighed as I finally managed to get myself out of bed and started to get ready.

And soon, I was dressed in the nicest clothes money could buy.

I wore a dark purple ball gown that poofed out so big I thought I was Cinderella for a second, as I looked at myself in the mirror.

My hair was curled slightly as I put it up into a princess braid hairstyle.

My makeup was very minimal, and so was my jewelry.

I eyed myself in the mirror for what felt like an eternity and was soon reminded of when Anthony saw my scars for the first time.

I immediately looked away and closed my eyes so tight, so I would cry for the millionth time and ruin my makeup.

I soon called a car, as I got in it and drove to the party.

And the whole ride their I couldn't help but think what these people were going to think of me.

What they were going to think of the video.

Because by now everyone probably saw it.

If this party wasn't such a high demand, I would be at home snuggled up in my bed watching Gilmore Girls. But no.

I just HAD to be here.

Soon, the driver pulled up to this beautiful white mansion as they came around to the side and opened the car door, and showed their hand.

I immediately grabbed their hand as I stepped out.

Good thing there weren't a lot of people outside.

Which just confirmed they were all inside.

Now, I was fully outside as I waived the man goodbye and watched as the car drove away.

I soon began to treck my way up the steps until I finally got to the big French doors, leading to the main room.

2 men stood by them as they gave me faint smiles before they opened the door wide open.

I took a huge breath before I stepped inside the hall.

People were surrounded everywhere, as I couldn't help but feel my anxiety to rise.

I began to glide through the tile floors, as eyes soon looked up and widened at the sight of me.

I felt sweat began to trickle down my back as my body began to get overwhelmed.

Whispers started to happen, as no one could look away from me. And I automatically knew it was about the video.

Just stay here for an hour and then you can leave.

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