37 | Not Believing

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Anthony's POV:

I sat in my office, with rage and fury on my face, as I watched the video Nikolai had sent me on my computer.

Beverly was trying to run out the door with a suitcase, but Earl soon stopped her and pushed her into the wall.

Beverly was crying and screaming, but I couldn't quite make out what Earl was saying to her.

His finger pointed at her before he brought his hand up and punched her in the ribs. Breaking one of them.

Her screams increased as he gave her good slap, letting her fall to the ground.

I looked at his lips as he mouthed. "Don't try to leave again."

My eyes widened as I felt my blood begin to boil.

How fucking dare he touch her.

Touch what's mine.

Touch my Beverly.

And with that, I clicked the send button.

The video was now being sent to every news station in the Mafia, along with many other mafia officials.

I smiled as I watched the video getting sent.

I smiled because my plan was finally going into motion.

It was time that Earl Jackson gets a little payback for hurting my Mia Amore.


My finger traced my pen, as I began to sign some papers.

My fingers moving gently, stroking the paper.

Before my eyes suddenly darted up to the sound of my door slamming wide open.

I jumped up, as I saw Earl Jackson, come storming in. Anger and fury plastered on his face.

But me on the other hand, smiled.


Beverly's POV:

I was now on the elevator on the way up to Anthony's office.

I had food in my hands, with his favorite sushi ready to suprise him.

I figured he had been so busy and so stressed with work lately that maybe his favorite lunch would cheer him up.

The elevator dinged, as the doors opened.

I stepped onto the tile as I began to walk with a smile on my face.

His workers began to greet me with a smile and a wave as I walked past.

When I got to his door, I immediately began to hear yelling as my body forced a stop.

My back laid upon the back of the door as I couldn't help but peak in to see who was their.

And when I did, I immediately regretted it.

Their stood my father pointing a finger at Anthony. Yelling and screaming at him, while Anthony on the other hand looked happy.

"How can you sit there a smile when you just ruined someone's life!" My father yelled. His face lit up with rage.

Anthony scoffed. "Because this is pure joy to me"

"You have ruined my life and my career! Why does this make you happy!"

Anthony's eyes narrowed. "Because I know what you did to Beverly and because you took something away from me."

My father shook his head as he scoffed. "Why do you even care about Beverly. This was all part of a deal? You shouldn't care about her like this."

Anthony sighed. "It's not that I care about her you asshole. It's because you killed my father."

My eyes immediately widened, as I dropped the food to the side and covered my mouth. Forcing myself to not gasp.

My father's eyes widened so big, and his pupils began to dilate.

"You didn't think I would find out did you? About the people you hired to kill him, so you could gain more power in your seat of the board?"

Anthony shook his head. "You killed my fucking father, and I simply blackmailed you to get my fathers name back."

I looked down at my father's hands ad they twisted into a fist.

"Yeah I killed your father, so what. You didn't release the video because of that. You released it because you wanted to prove you were this big shot and become a bigger mafia king than your father."

The video? He released the video he told me about.

Tears began to spill out my eyes.

Now, the whole world knows about me getting beaten. Now they know about Beverly Jackson, the viticm of abuse for 18 years.

Anthony walked around his desk as he stood at least 2 inches away from my father's face.

He out did him in size and in height and clearly wasn't immitated by him.

"Beverly will never forgive you for doing this shit."

Anthony rolled his eyes. "I don't care what about her, nor do I care about what you think. I wanted revenge. I got it. She means nothing to me."

My heart immediately dropped as everything inside of me fell silent.


I meant nothing to him.

My father scoffed.

"I will be back you sick son of a bitch. And when I do. You are going to wish you never crossed me."

I couldn't hear anymore.

I immediately sat up.

Tears streamed down my face as I grabbed the food and walked up the front desk lady.

She immediately looked up from her computer, her look worried.

"Are you ok, Ms. Jackson?" She asked.

I nodded before setting the food down on the counter.

"Just came to drop off this stuff."

I quickly set the bags of food on the counter as I sped walked to the elevator.

I got in, as I headed to the first floor.

And when I did, I quickly exited the building and hopped into the car, where I released all my feelings out into the leather seat.

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