11 | Watch & Learn Brown

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Beverly's POV:

Despite the fact that Anthony found out about my father, I still woke up this morning in a very good mood due to the talk we had last night.

God. The way his eyes guarded me like a fucking animal made me really want him last night.

Maybe it was the hormones in me, or maybe it was just me. But apart of me really wished he would have carried me to his bedroom. And really give me something to talk about.

But then again, we haven't known each other for more than one day. I need to learn how to control my emotions. And my hormones.

Today though, I had training. I was called to help some new cadets learn how to throw knifes which was easy for me conserding it is one of my favorite things to do.

I was always at the top of my game when it came to throwing knifes. My presicion and aim was always spot on. And my focus was always 110%

I quickly got up out of bed, and got dressed into black leggings, and a black sports jacket.

I put my hair up into a tight pony tail. Before doing just a little bit of makeup.

I made my way downstairs, before walking into the kitchen to find Madeline.

She was sitting in the kitchen watching the news on the television.

"Goodmorning Madeline." I said with a smile.

She immediately turned around as she greeted me with same smile back.

"Good morning, Ms. Beverly. How are you this morning?"

I shook my head. "Ok. Just heading off to the training center and was wondering if you could call me a car."

She nodded once as she responded. "Yes of course. But aren't you going to eat? You have to be hungry."

I waved my hand at her. "Suprisngly, I am not hungry. But thank you."

She sighed before picking up the phone and calling the car.

And after a few minutes, the car arrived as I hopped in.


After what felt like an entirety, I arrived at the facility.

I immediately walked in and scanned my badge as I walked back to where the training part of the building was.

As I walked through the glass doors, holding my gym bag in my hand and my phone in the other I couldn't help but notice the stares I was already getting by these young sixteen year Olds.

I was used to it by now. Every single one of them mainly give me the look that says "Damn that's our trainer?"

And yes. I was in fact their trainer, but just because I was a woman and younger, doesn't mean I was going to be nice and cuddly.

The Mafia world was hard. It required discipline and sacrafises and if these younger men were so focused on getting into my pants. Then, it's clear that they wouldn't last in the real world. Let alone here.

Their was about 10 of them all together.

They all stared as I walked in and sat my bag on the bench.

Some looked me up and down. And others had their silly little Whispers.

For fuck sakes.

I loved my job tremendously. I think this is the only thing that kept me same while I lived with my father.

But. Everytime I would get another new group of kids, I couldn't help but be slightly bugged by their comments and stares.

But I always did my best to not let it bother me to an extent.

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