34 | Paradise

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Anthony's POV:

This trip has been going by so fast that I don't even know how long we have been here, to be honest.

But I didn't care.

I have been having the best time with her.

And even if things started out rocky between us, things have cleared now.

Why I let myself not feel this sort of feeling is honestly insane to me.

I love being around her. I love laying in this bed right next to us, most of our clothes filling the ground beneath us, and the large windows opened right in front of our bed, letting the wind blow in here.

Beverly lay on her back, fast asleep.

Her bottom half was covered by the sheet as her soft back was not.

Her blonde hair covered the pillow case as her body moved every couple of seconds to breathe.

A small, gentle smile covered my face as I began to trace my fingers down her back.

I wish we could stay in this moment forever.

I wish that she wouldn't have to know just how bad of a man I really am.


Later that night, me and Beverly decided to go out to dinner at this really nice resort.

And of course, she was stunning.

Her blonde hair was down, and curly and her makeup was flawless even if she didn't need it.

She had on a short yellow dress, which was simple but so pretty on her.

I wore my standard black dress pants and blue collared dress shirt.

She sat across from our table, with her elbows on the table and her face in her hands as she stared at me.

I smirked. "What?" I asked.

She shook her head in return. "Nothing."

I eyed her like money as she picked up her glass and took a sip of her wine.

"I want to know more about you." She blurted out.

Her words caught me off guard. "What do you wanna know?" I asked.

She sighed before her eyes glanced up the sky, signaling she was thinking.

Fucking adorable.

"Tell me about when you were a kid."

Now I was the one sighing.

I took a sip of my own wine, before carefully setting the glass back down.

"My family life was always. Complicated." I said.

"My mom worked her ass of as a model to support me and my sister, and although my dad did leave her a shit ton of money. She wanted to feel like she accomplished something on her own you know?"

She nodded as her eyes studied me carefully.

"But. My mom has the biggest heart I have ever seen. Which is why I feel bad for giving her such a hard time these past couple of months. But anyways, my dad passed away as you know. Died of a car crash. Which killed my mother so much but she never let it show in front of us."

I paused as I looked up at Beverly one last time.

Her eyes shined as the light reflected of her glass filled eyes.

The beautiful blue tint shining through.

"But. She would tell me all these stories about my father. The good and the bad." I said as I let out a small chuckle.

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