4 | The Move

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Anthony's POV:

And here she is. Standing in my living room, completely gaulking over the size of it and the decor.

I can't imagine why, though?

Her family is way richer than mine. She must be used to this stuff by now.

Guess everyone takes longer to process things than others.

I absolutely hated this arrangement. And if I had this any other way, I would be getting this position and NOT marry Earl Jackson's daughter.

She was beautiful. Absolutely stunning at that. But that wasn't even the point. The point was, I was MARRYING HER. In exactly 6 months.

This reminded me so much of my mother and fathers story that it's honestly crazy.

My mother got kidnapped (I know sounds bad) by father, only to be forced into a marriage with him.

He soon gave in like a coward and fell in love with her, and because of that, he started to change and wasn't the hard-headed, badass that he used to be. He became.


So he let her go, only to realize what a fucked up descion that was. They reunited. Got married. He died. Blah blah.

Except. I couldn't let this one go, even if I wanted to.

If I didn't marry her, I would lose the Brown family name forever. And that was something I wasn't willing to risk.

"Our house is really nice." She said with a smile as she looked around the room.

"My house." I corrected.

Her head turned towards me as she gave me a disapproving glare.

"I hate to break it to you Anthony, but I live here to, so it's our house."

A scoff came from me. "Whatever. I will have someone go and grab your things, and take them to your room."

She rolled her eyes, before she went outside to start.

I sighed as I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

I immediately pulled it out, only to find a call from one of my good friends, Nikolai.

I immediately answered it, before I walked up the stairs, and into my office I went.

I did my best to lock the door silently, and took a seat at my desk.

"What's up." I said.

Nikolai sighed as soon as I answered.

"What's wrong?" I immediately asked.

"Well. I heard about your engagement announcement in the paper, and wanted to know what the hell that was about."

Shit. I totally forgot that Earl was going to release that.

"Fucking Earl." I mumbled.

My eyes immediately shot up. Before realizing, I never even told my family.

They don't even know one speck about it.

"Fucking hell." I said as I slapped a hand to my forehead and rubbed gently.

"What?" Nikoali responded.

"I didn't tell my mother or sister. They are probably freaking the hell out."

I could tell that Nikolai probably did an eye roll.

"Whatever man. They will get over it."

God, obviously you have never ment my family before.

"Anyways. You said you had something important to discuss with me so what's up?"

I sighed. "Well for starters, yes I am engaged. And it's a long story. But I will explain it to you later. I am not in the mood to discuss this bitch I have living with me."

I am not happy that she is here. She is like a pebble in my shoe that I can't seem to understand. Or rather something I don't want their. That's Beverly.

"Damn. What's her name?"

"Beverly." I responded.

A whistle came from the otherside of the phone, while I rolled my eyes.

"She sounds hot man. Why are you so worked up over her?"

I almost interrupted him, before I quickly denied. "I am not. Worked up. Over her."

A small chuckle came from him.

"Well she sounds great. I will have to meet her."

I raised my eyebrows. "Well. You might not be meeting her if my plan goes well."

Nikolai immediately paused for a few seconds before, responding cautiously.

"What the hell plan are you talking about, Brown?"

I smirked as he said that. This plan was, in fact, genius.

I had the perfect way to get Beverly out of my life and my Brown title once and for all.

"Well. I need help from you."

Nikoali growled. "What the fuck kind of help, Anthony?"

Another smirk appeared. "I need you to find any dirt you can on Earl Jackson. AND I need you to look into my father's car accident, I don't care what. I just need something."

A big breath out flooded my ears.

"That's a lot Brown. How much time do I got?"

I narrowed my eyes and leaned back in my chair.

"I would prefer it pretty soon. Like really soon. But your deadline is in 6 months."

A psh sound came from Nikolai.

"I will have it done way before then. Don't worry. But why such a want for information all the sudden?"

I sat up slightly.

"Because. I need to get this girl out of my house."

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