23 | The Truth

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Beverly's POV:

We arrived home, and I was slightly irritated.

I could not be the only one who felt some sort of spark between me and him.

And even if neither of us wanted to admit it, it needed to be said.

Over this last month, things have been different. I have felt different.

He and him stepped out of the car as he practically sprinted upstairs.

I immediately followed him as it led us to the balcony where and him Rosaline talked.

His hands were behind his back as I could tell his muscles were tense.

He didn't dare turn around. But he knew I was here. He knew what he was doing. 

"What is wrong with you, Anthony?" I asked . I walked up from behind and stood right next to him.

He still didn't look at me. He just kept staring out.

I sighed before placing my hands on the railing.

"Why did you stop. You could have kissed me again. Why didn't you."

He gave me a side eye before finally responding.

"Because there were people their."

I narrowed my eyes at him as my frustration kicked in. "Bullshit! You're the one who said we needed to act like a couple. And it's my understanding that couples kiss."

He closed his eyes tightly as he turned his back to me as he ran his fingers through his hair.

He was stressed.

But why?

It was just me.

"So why? Why did you storm out of the party like Cinderella."

I moved closer to him as I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist.

His head glanced down at my arms as he quickly waved my hands off. "Stop." He said angrily.

I threw my hands up as he now was all the way on the other side of the balcony.

I felt the wind begin to pick up as I looked up at the sky and realized the clouds were starting to get darker.

"Please. Just tell me what I did wrong!" I said.

He turned around so quickly as a small growl came from him.

"Nothing you did nothing fucking wrong!" He yelled.

I pointed my index finger as I felt my breathing begin to get heavier.

"Than why didn't you fucking KISS ME!"

He didn't even give me a chance to breath before he responded loudly. "BECAUSE I CAN'T."

Our eyes stared deeply into one another, with so much hatred and so much anger towards one another. As my chest heaved up and down.

"I can't kiss you anymore Mia Amore."

I shook my head. "But why? Am I really that bad of a kisser?"

He squished his nose togethe as he shook his head. "No. It's just."

He took a deep breath and then took 2 steps closer to me. 

"I can't. You are causing me to re-think everything I have ever told myself. And I can't fall in love with you."

I narrowed my eyes. "One kiss is not going to make you fall in love with me!" I said.

His eyes locked with mine. As step by step he got closer and closer.

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