16 | Not Enough

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Bevelrly's POV:


I am standing here in the boxing room, in the facility, as I paced the room with my arms cross and my eyes completely focused on the 2 men fighting each other in the ring.

"Bring your left hand up!" I yelled.

The man did as he was told, and before long, he knocked out the other guy.

Yeah, he won't last another week.

The medic staff helped him up as they took him out of the room.

I rolled my eyes as he limped out. Fucking weak.

I sighed before telling everyone to get some water.

I walked over to my gym bag before taking my own sip.

Me and Anthony have barely spoken a word to one another this week.

It has been exactly one week since we got 'engaged' and let's just say the whole mafia team in Italy is celebrating.

Put it this way, they are probably happier than I am and their not even getting married.

Me and Anthony did set the date sometime in September. And it was May.

I was counting down the days until my life officially becomes miserable, and I get locked into a marriage with him.

He has been acting extremely strange these past couple of days. And to be honest, I don't mind.

After the awkwardness I expirenced in his kitchen last weekend, I think it's better if we don't speak.

My mind still can't wrap around what to even call us. We are certainly not dating nor are we romantically involved with another. We are just. Friends.

I close my eyes and rub them as all these thoughts are practically consuming me at the moment.

Before long, I have to get back to training so that's what I do. And I can't help but add a little more sass and strictness when I am speaking.


Anthony's POV:

I am sitting at my desk, looking through papers that Nikolai has sat down.

He sits in the chair that used to consume Beverly's presence.

"So. My men are still working on getting the file together for Earl. So it will probably be a few weeks. Maybe even a month."

I growled. "Why the fuck does it take a month to get a small file on a man?"

His eyebrow went up as he crossed his legs. "Brown. You are asking for a WHOLE life profile on a headmaster in the Mafia world. So yeah, gonna take a while."

I rolled my eyes. "Ok. So what's this?" I said glancing down to the file below.

"That." He said pointing to it. "Is the file you asked me to put together on Beverly."


I completely forgot that I asked him to put together a file together.

"Ok. And what did you find?" I said as opened it. Revealing all kinds of papers and pictures of her walking down the street.

I quickly swiped through the papers, but quickly realizing their was barely anything.

"Where is everything else?" I asked.

Nikolai shrugged his shoulders. "That's it boss. She is pretty straight forward. No criminal record. Perfect grades at the academy. Great combat skills. Their is nothing in their that is fishy."

I glared at him. "Their has to be something."

He shook his head. "The only thing in their that might be a small interest is that she had a couple surgeries, and I have no idea. The doctors report looked like it had been hacked or something. Because it was clean. Just kept saying she tripped and fell."

I immediately paused everything before widening my eyes. "What do you mean it was hacked?"

"I am saying, someone changed the report that typed on her surgeries. That means, their was probably a series of events that happened that someone is trying to cover up."

I sighed before slamming the folder shut. "Thank you Nikolai for this. But the file on her father. I am going to need that soon. And fast. I have to figure out a way out of this engagement. Because she is driving me crazy."

He rolled his eyes in return. "What could she possibly be doing that's pissing you off? Like the file said she is as straight as an arrow."

I ran my fingers through my fluffy brown hair, before letting out a deep breath.

"I don't know. It's like she is messing with me or something. But you are right, she is not doing anything physically. It's mentally."

A small laugh came from Nikolai as I narrowed my eyes.

"What the hell could be so funny?"

He laughed one more time before eyeing me hard.

"Dude. You are so obsessed with her."

I immediately slammed my hands down on the table causing everything to rattle.

But Nikolai didn't move a muscle. Instead he sat their with his eyebrows up and his arms crossed in some fucked up cocky way.

"I am not obsessed with her you jackass! How many fucking times do I have to tell you! I dislike her so bad and you don't know that because you don't live here. So how the hell do you know how I feel about her?"

With a shrug of his shoulders he was up onto his feet and standing right in front of my desk with his hands in his pockets.

"Your right. I don't know because you get so defensive everytime I bring you and her up, so you won't tell me how you actually feel."

I rolled my eyes as I walked out from behind my desk and to the window I went.

I stared out onto the clouds, as I caught a glimpse of Nikolai's reflection behind me.

With a sigh he walked over to me, as he stood right next to my me.

"You have only known her for a week man. And I can already tell you are starting to change because of her."

I gulped trying to control my anger.

"I have not changed. I am still the same. I am not like my father, who got soft for another woman because he fell in love with her."

Nikolai glanced over to me as his lips parted slightly, shocked by my response.

And to be honest, I didn't even care. It was true.

I promised myself from the very beginning that I would not fall for Beverly. And I intend to keep that promise. Even if that calls for me not talking to her. So be it.

I don't believe in love. The only thing that love does is ruin people any cause them to become weak.

Well, not me, I will not be known as the weak Brown.

I will be known as the brown who could actually get things done.

Unlike the old man I called my father who died in a car crash.

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