10 | Late Night Snack?

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Anthony's POV:

Later that night, when I finally left her room. I ended up waking up in the middle of the night.

I kept tossing and turning in bed because I couldn't quit thinking about Beverly and her sociopathic father.

I knew their was something off with them two at our meeting earlier.

I just couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

As someone who has never grown up with abuse, I never knew how that felt.

And I can't even imagine what she went through with that shit.

Besides the amount of bruises and scratches she had on her, her body looked stunning. Their was no denying that. Her curves were all in the right places. Her boobs were a bit small, but still amazing. And her ass.

Don't even get me started.

After I finally tossed and turned and started at the ceiling for a little while, I sat up out of bed as I made my way downstairs to fetch me a snack.

I made my way down the steps, as my whole house was pitch black besides the small lamp that was lit in the corner.

I immediately stopped on the steps as I stared and studied the lamp.

I never leave that lamp on at night. And Madeline isn't here. And as far as I know, Beverly is fast asleep.

So who the fuck was in my house.

Every step I took down my steps, filled my body with more and more worry.

My eyes immediately darted to the kitchen, as soon as a loud bang filled the room.

That's when, my legs finally picked up as I began to run.

As soon as I got to the kitchen doors, I pushed them open as fast and hard as I could.

I looked around before seeing a startled Beverly staring me down.

Her eyebrows furrowed, as her eyes widened.

I looked down at her, as her chest began to heave up and down.

I glanced down a little farther to find a plastic bowl on the ground.

That's what that bang was.

I rubbed my hand over my mouth as I sighed in fucking relief.

If she would have been anyone else, they would have been dead before they could even take a last breath.

"God damn it Beverly. You scared the shit out of me." I said.

Her head titled forward as she picked up the bowl on the floor, and sat it on the counter top.

A scoff came from her. "You? You scared the shit out me. Coming in here acting like a ninja."

I couldn't help but smile just a little bit.

And she definitely noticed, because I got a small smile right back.

"What are you even doing up this late?" I asked.

She walked over to the freezer, as she pulled out a carton of ice cream before shutting it again.

"I could ask you the same thing Brown."

I rolled my eyes before feeling the sudden urge to look her up and down.

And my god. I am so glad that I did.

She changed into a matching silk pajama set. Which was a light baby pink. Those shorts hugged her hips tightly, and I guarantee if she bent down you would get a glimpse of her ass. Just a bit.

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