29 | Tell Me A Story

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Beverly's POV:

I felt like shit.

Absolute shit.

My muscles ached, my ribs and my cut hurt like a bitch even if they were wrapped up and stitched.

Rosaline sat in the chair that used to consume Anthony's presence.

And man did I miss him.

I missed him so much it hurt.

Rosaline was kind though, her hair was tied up into a tight pony tail as she wore a really nice workout set.

If I saw her on the street I would never think she was close to being 50. Because she still looks like she is at 30.

I had Gilmore Girls playing as we both watched the screen.

Our eyes glued as her legs were crossed.

My mind was honestly in a million places that I couldn't even think about the show right now.

The kiss that we had, the kiss that was so simple and gentle, yet more impact full than ever.

That kiss was the only thing that has been keeping me going.

I should say that I am used to this, I mean I have been beaten up like this before by my father, I have broken a rib once, twice.

And my muscles have DEFINITELY ached. So. This isn't anything new.

Rosaline finally looked up at me as she gave me a small smile.

I gave her one back.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

I nodded. "Good. Thank you for coming. You really didn't have to."

She waived me off. "Of course I did. I mean me and Ellie were worried sick when we got the call from Anthony. But unfortunately, Ellie couldn't come today as you can see."

I smiled once more. "It's fine. Honestly I didn't even think you were going to come."

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Your apart of the family now. I had to come."

She slowly put her hands on my leg as she patted slightly. "And to be honest, I really like this new Anthony."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"What new Anthony?"

She breathed out as she patted my leg again.

"Anthony has always been a tough cookie to crack. He has always acted big and bold. But since I am his mother I knew that deep down he was this sweet man who would do right. And thanks to you, I am finally seeing that sight of my son again."

My eyes softened as I watched her movements.

She was sad.

I could tell.

I could read people really well. And I could tell that she missed her husband. You would think that after this many years she would have learned to move on.

But no.

Not her.

You could tell that whatever her and Enzo had was special, and a very unique kind of love that you only experience once.

Something I have dreamed of having since I was a little kid.

A chuckle came from my mouth. "I appreciate that. But I highly believe that I did that for him. Maybe he just realized that needed to do better."

She shook her head. "I highly doubt it. I mean he looks at you like you are some sort of prize."

Another laugh came from me. "I guess I hadn't noticed."

She now smiled, "Yes well. Most people don't unless they are told."

I nodded. Did he look at me like that?

Did his eyes shine when he looked at me? Just like mine did when I looked at him?


The sun began to set, as Rosaline soon left.

Anthony took her place as he sat their holding my hand in his.

We now switched to a movie, as we began to watch Twilight.

And after about an hour of convincing he finally watched it with me.

And soon, we were done with the first and moving onto the second.

I smiled as I watched his eyes light up as he stared at the screen.

Finally, when the credits for the second movie his hands threw in the air as he startled me.

"Oh come on! That cannot be the end of the movie."

I laughed. "It is. But their is 3 more don't worry."

His eyes about bugged out of his head.

"3 more?!"

I nodded. "Yes. And they get better and better."

His eyes stared into mine as he suddenly stopped talking.

My lips formed into a small smile as I slowly met his eyes.

The volume in the room muted as the stars shined through my windows.

The temperature also seemed to rise.

My focus, on the other hand, wasn't all on him. Nothing else.

My eyes examined his body as his perfectly sculpted body was hidden under neath all of that cloth, begging to be ripped off.

I slowly draped the blanket off of me, reavling my tan legs and small pajama shorts.

I dangled my legs over on the side of the bed as his eyes couldn't help but glide them up and down.

His speed began to increase as he slowly stepped inches towards me, each step getting closer and closer to me.

He reached me as his eyes stayed locked on mine.

My body was longing for his touch. I needed to feel him.

I wanted him. I didn't care if I was hurt or not.

I didn't fucking care.

I needed him.

His finger moved to my knees as a soft gasp came from my lips as his touch sent tingles up my leg.

Hitting me right in the spot that made any girl release.

His fingers went to the inside of my knees as he began to spread my legs wide open.

And soon, his body was right in between them.

His hands moved to my cheeks as he grabbed the sides of my face.

His eyes searched mine for consent, as I gave me him a small nod, barely even noticeable.

Before he slammed his lips onto mine.

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