36 | Deep

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Beverly's POV:

My moans covered the room, as Anthony began to thrust into me so deeply.

My body is about to give in.

I was on my knees, back arched as he took me from behind.

His hands gripped onto my nipples so tightly, twisting and turning, causing my eyes to shut so tightly I thought my eyelids were going to rip off.

Our bodies were sweaty, as with one last groan from him. And one last scream from me we both found our release.

He laid down on top of me as he gave the side of my head a quick kiss.

He got up as he stood up and walked to the bathroom.

A few seconds, the shower turned on, as I laid their with a smile on my face.

We got home about 2 weeks ago, and things have been great as expected.

Our wedding was in May.

And we had exactly 2 months until then

And to be honest, I was ready. I feel like I want to get married to him.

We have gotten to know each other so much over these past couple of months. I feel like we have really connected.

And the sex.

Don't even get me started with that.


After Anthony got done with the shower, he came out fully dressed while, on the other hand, still laid in his bed naked with nothing to cover me.

I laid on my side as his eyes immediately traveled down my body and gave me a smirk on his face.

"Are you trying to make me late to work for the hundredth time, Mia Amore."

I chuckled. "Depends. Do you want to be late to work?"

His eyebrow raised as he walked over to the bed and brought his lips down to mine.

He kissed me hard and passionate.

As I wrapped my arms around his neck. Deepening the kiss.

I opened my mouth as he brought his tongue in, interwining it with mine.

I moaned against his tongue as I felt his hands travel down in between my legs.

But before he could insert his fingers, he let go of the kiss and removed his hand.

His body straightened as a cocky smile filled his face.

My expression turned into anger.

"Mad? Are we?" He said.

I narrowed my eyes at him and whispered. "Furious."

He laughed as he fixed his tie and opened the door to his room.

"I would love to stay here and recreate what we did this morning and last night, but I have a really important meeting that I have to attend."

I rolled my eyes. "You always have those."

He scoffed. "Not always. But this one is important. And will probably take a while. So I will see you later, ok?"

I nodded as the door closed behind him.

Leaving me naked and mad in the middle of his bed.

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