28 | Recovering

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Anthony's POV:

The next couple of weeks went by in a blur as they mainly consisted of me calling everyone in the fucking mafia as I threatened them to give me answers about this guy that attacked and almost killed my fiance.

I also spoke with Nikolai, who was currently holding one of the men that was there when Beverly was captured.

So a little visit to him was required.

But first, I had to call my mother and Beverly's parents and let them know what happened.

So I did. And let me tell you, I can definitely see a difference between my mother and Beverly's parents.

My mother was so fucking worried, that she ended up coming over and spending the day talking and watching movies with Bev, while her parents really didn't give a shit.

They asked if she's was ok and to keep them updated and then they ended the call.

Fucking pricks.


I stood in a room, my sleeves rolled up just above my elbows.

The Light was dingy and dark, as the man that sat in front of me practically begged for mercy.

But I wasn't in the mood for mercy.

I was in the mood for revenge.

A lot of it.

Nikolai stood by the door with his arms behind his back and he watched me.

My knuckles were covered in blood as a small joint of pain consumed them.

But that wouldn't stop me from giving this man what he deserves.

Small droplets of blood covered the floor, as he already suffered from a broken nose, concussion, and busted lip.

I cleared my throat as I stepped towards the man tied up in the chair.

His lifeless eyes stared up at me with anger.

"So. I am only going to ask you one more time. Who the fuck do you work for?" I said as I grabbed his collar holding it strong and tight in my grip.

"I already told you. I am not telling you shit."

I smirked as I set him down. "Wrong answer" I said as I swung a punch hitting it right across his face causing him to groan in pain.

Broken jaw.


"Fuck!" He screamed out as a small chuckle came from my mouth.

"Hurts doesn't it? Think about how much it hurt when you stabbed my fiance."

He spit blood at the floor as his breathing got even heavier. "I didn't fucking stab her! All I did was pick her up and put her in the van!"

I narrowed my eyes as I glared him down.

"I don't care what the hell your job was. You hurt MY fiance. And if anyone tries and takes what's mine. Well, I guess I will have to kill them right?" I said as I began to pull the gun out my pocket.

My hand gripped the holster as it slowly made its was out of my pocket.

His eyes widened suddenly.

As mine widened with happiness.

"Your not actually going to kill me." He said.

"And even if you do, you will regret it because my other men will come after you."

The man looked in his mid 30's with short black hair and a small mustache right by his upper lip.

I laughed once more, "They can try. But I am not making any promises that I won't kill them to." I said as I reached my gun out in front of me.

Pointing it at the man's head.

My finger place right on the trigger. Ready to blow his brains.

"Any last words?" I said.

He grunted before shaking his head.

"Damn. You don't even have any smart remarks to say to me? I thought you were a man." I said before pulling the trigger, sending the bullet straight through his head.

His head flew forward as he sat their dead as a skunk.

My eyes just stared at his lifeless body.

Don't mess with my girl. Don't mess with me. And you won't get a bullet straight through the head.

I snapped my fingers as men came spooling from behind me as they untied him and slowly carried him out of the room.

"I didn't think you were actually going to kill him." Nikolai said.

My face stayed the same. "Yeah, well, he almost killed Beverly. I wasn't going to let that slide."

Nikolai gave me a small smirk at the corner of his mouth. "Yeah, I kind of figured you wouldn't."

I rolled my eyes before walking past him and out of the room. "Don't start with me, Nikolai."

He shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't even say anything!" He called out as I walked out of the room and made my way home to see my girl.

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