7 | The Call

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Beverly's POV:

I have been summoned by the devil himself in his office.

With every footstep I got closer to the door, the more my feet began to drag.

I felt the bruises on my ribs began to pound like a heartbeat from my father's punches.

I am pretty sure I have a cracked rib. All because I asked for $20.

I grit my teeth tightly as I gently touched it, immediately regretting that descion as I slid my shirt all the way down, covering the bruises.

I knocked on the door, as faint 'come in' filled my eardrums.

I opened the door as I walked in and saw him sitting down behind his desk, looking at something at his computer.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Come in and sit down, please." He responded.

I walked to the chair that sat right in front of him. As I took a seat, I couldn't help but notice his tense muscles. And how frustrated he seemed.

God, what the hell did I do wrong now? I feel like if I even breathe, he gets pissy with me. And I don't even know why?

"Ok. So I called you here because I think it's important for us to discuss the rules regarding our relationship."

I narrowed my eyes at him as I tilted my head back slightly. "Rules?"

"Yes." He responded sternly.

I quivered my lip. "Ok. Sure. What are the RULES of our engagement."

A small smirk came upon the corner of his lips before he responded. "One. We have to act like a normal engaged couple in public, which means holding hands, hugging, etc."

I gulped as my eyes traveled up his body. Apart from me, I really wanted to explore his whole body. And see what amazing things he is hiding under those clothes. But another part of me wanted to rip him to pieces.

"Two. Don't expect me to be happy and cheerful every time we are around. Because as much as you are not happy about this marriage, neither am I."

I looked down at the ground. And sighed.

If only he knew, I didn't choose to do this. But I am just trying to make the best out of something I never got to choose.

He got up out of his seat suddenly and slowly walked his way towards me.

His shoes were clicking and clacking on the dark stained wood floors.

I found myself beginning to tremble as he got closer to me.

I found my breaths began to get heavier as my lungs expanded in and out faster.

He took the seat next to me and never lost my sight once. Not even to glance at anything.

His eyes glued to mine. And mine to his.

"And three." He said carefully.

"As you know. We will not fall in love. Hell. I don't even believe in that whole romance bullshit. My mother and father had a great story. Well, I don't intend to find that."

I felt my heart sink, as I remembered the story my father told me about Anthony's parents. Rosaline and Enzo.

The couple took the whole mafia company by storm. The love story started off strong and ended in tragedy.

The story that quite honestly made me believe my person was out there somewhere.

"Look at me." He all the sudden said.

I did slowly.

My lips parted and glossy.

"Do not. Fall in love with me. I can't love someone. Honestly, I am not even sure if I like you right now."

I narrowed my eyes at him before scoffing.

"I am serious." He responded.

"We can be friends. That's it. Nothing more."

The tension in the air right now was awful.

I nodded. And slowly looked down again.

Of course. This is what fucking happens to me. Of course, this is what my life turns into.

He sat back up and walked back to his desk. Before I exited without so much as a goodbye.

I walked straight into my room and locked the door behind me.

My back fell against the door as I slowly slid down it.

I wrapped my knees around in my arms as I quietly sobbed.

My father has beaten me for as long as I can remember. So much to where I have broken bones, dislocated shoulders, and busted lips. You name it. He has probably done it.

My mother is too afraid to get involved. So she stays out of it.

And honestly, I don't blame her. I take all this pain so she doesn't have to.

Because God knows, my mother doesn't deserve my father. I don't think anyone does.

After I finally gathered myself, I quickly changed into sweatpants and a tank top before heading downstairs to see what Madeline was cooking for dinner.


As I arrived in the kitchen, I noticed that my food was ready and on the counter.

Yum. Steak.

I could practically devour that in 10 seconds if I wasn't worried about being proper.

"This looks excellent, Madeline." I said as I walked in and sat at the bar.

A small smile touched her lips as she thanked me.

As I sat down and started eating, I suddenly stopped.

Where was Anthony?

"Um. Madeline. Where is Anthony?"

She sighed as she looked down. "He went out. Told me to tell you to go ahead and eat."

My eyes drooped as I sighed. "Of course. He is busy, and that is understood."

Her eyes traveled all over my body until her eyes landed on one spot of my arm.

I quickly followed and saw the massive bruises and scratches.

Fuck. I forgot about those that my father gave me before I saw Anthony.

How could I forget?

How could I fucking forget.

I wanted to drop down and cry right then and their.

"Ms. Jackson. What -" She began to say as she shook her head.

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly as I covered them up with my hands.

"It's nothing. I just fell earlier."

Her eyes widened as I could almost see tears evolve in her own eyes.

"You fell earlier?"

I nodded aside I looked down at my plate and continued to eat.

I'm trying to forget everything that had just happened

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