12 | Watching You

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Anthony's POV:

I stood their still as a feather. She watched her as she corrected some of the men's movements. She continued to be a teacher before she dismissed them and walked my way.

Now, she was standing right in front of me.

Her arms crossed just below her breasts as her eyes were filled with brightness and love.

"So. Did you come here to stalk me or something?" She said with a cheeky smile.

With a scoff, I waived her off. "Hell no. I came here because I needed to tell you something."

She nodded slowly before quivering her lip.

"My mother and sister will be coming over for dinner tonight."

Her eyes widened a little bit, almost not even noticeable. As her stance changed. "What. Why?"

My eyebrows furrowed. "I don't know? Maybe because I am engaged and they are freaking out because I haven't even mentioned I have a girlfriend or anything?"

Her hands went up as she rubbed her eyes.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

She looked back up immediately. "Yes. I'm just tired." She replied with a little chuckle.

I sighed. "Well. You were up late eating ice cream."

She rolled her eyes. "Yes. Blame the ice cream."

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"Listen. My mother and sister are very welcoming. But they might be pushy since they are surprised. So don't be weird, please."

Her head tilted back as she looked offended. "Weird? I am not weird."

"Never said you were. Just said DON'T be weird." Theirs a difference."

She rolled her eyes once more before raising her hand. "I am going to get my stuff. Stay here. I will be right back."

I stayed still as she walked away from my distance.

As soon as her body left my vision, my ears immediately circled to a conversation that was happening right next to me.

I turned to my left slightly as I saw 2 men leaning against the wall, whispering to one another.

And I couldn't help but listen in.

"Dude. Our teacher is kind of hot, not going to lie." One man in a white tank said.

The other male in a black tank top laughed. "Bro. You better shut the fuck up. Someone might hear you."

He rolled his eyes before waiving him off. "Nah. No one will. We're good. Theirs no one here that knows her."

Oh. That's where your wrong white tank top. I do know her.

I know her because she is my fucking fiance.

"No seriously. Did you see her rack and her ass? Some chick's only have one or the other. But Ms. Jackson has the whole fucking package."

My eyes about bugged out my head.

Oh hell no. You don't talk about my fiance ever. And especially not complimenting her body that's my job.


My job?

What the fuck am I even saying.

My job.

It's not.

My job is to cut this engagement off as fast as I can, and ruin her father's career AND win the Brown's title. Not defending a woman that I hardly know anything about besides her father beats her.

"Yeah I know. Hopefully we can bang sometime." Blue tank responded.

Alright. Fuck this.

My feet immediately started walking towards the men, as anger rose in my veins.

Don't kill them.

Don't pull out your gun in your bag. Don't do it.

My hands tightened into a fist, as I found myself standing right in front of them.

Both of their heads turned as now both of their eyes stared directly into mine.

I wasted no second and grabbed the man or, should I say boy in the white tank top by his collar and pushed him against the wall.

His legs dangling as his face immediately resorted to fear.

"Alright. This is how this shit is going to go." I said staring the boy down.

"Your going to get on your hands and knees and beg for forgiveness. Or. A bullet is going to go straight through that thick skull of yours." I said as my voice began to rise.

The guy in the blue tank top was already gone. But he would know better not to mess with me or her again. Because by now he probably already knows me.

I felt the man's breaths become frigid. As redness began to flush his face.

"You are going to go. And never come back to this fucking place ever again. And if I hear." I said as I tightened my grip.

"That you ever SPEAK of my fiance again. I will find you. I will kill you and hang your head above my desk. You hear me asshole?"

He closed his eyes struggling to breath, before I lifted his body above the wall and slammed it back down. Causing a big bang to occur.

"Do you. Hear me." I yelled.

"Yes!!" The man cried out.

A small smirk came upon my face, before I finally dropped him to the ground as I watched him.

He picked up his bag so quickly before running away and out the door he went.

As soon as he left, my mind went blank.

Why the fuck did I do that? Protect her like that?

I shouldn't have done it. I felt bad. Just like I did for her dad.

I feel bad her. That's all.

And as I turned my head.

Beverly stood their. Her eyes wide. Her lips parted as her grip on her gym bag was tight.

I gulped, before she blinked fast. "Um. Thanks for doing that for me. But you didn't have to pretend to care. I could have taken care of him myself." She said as she pointed towards the door.

"I know."

She nodded before she walked fastily towards the door. "I will meet you in the car."

I nodded as I wanted her leave once again.

Pretend to care.


That's all I did was pretend to care.

Right on Jackson.

Right on

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