14 | The Dinner

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Beverly's POV:

I sat at the dinner table right next to Anthony, as Anthony's mother and sister sat across from us.

He hasn't even looked at me since our moment by my door at all.

And I wasn't even the one who said 'love'? So I don't know why he is freaking out.

Anyway, my introduction to Rosaline was amazing. She truly is the shining image of a sun.

She is absolutely stunning. Now, I can see why she was one of the most famous models of the century. I mean her looks tell a whole fucking story.

And Ellie, looks just like her. Her long brown hair that goes past her shoulders just slightly. Along with her brown eyes, just like Anthony's. Her lips big and full as her lashes were so long. She was also a men killer.

God what the hell was up with its family and their looks.

Rosaline, was the first speak as she checked her posture.

"So. How did you two meet?" She asked.

Me and Anthony looked at each other. Before a short pause came between us. Neither of us knew what to say or who should speak.

Anthony rolled his eyes before he spoke up. "It's a long story." He said as he took a bite of his mashed potatoes.

Rosaline narrowed her eyes before giving him a glare. "Ok. I would love to hear it."


Ellie just stared us down, as she sat back and watched the show.

Before Anthony could say anything, I reached out a put a hand on his arm before I spoke up.

"Certainly." I began to say with a smile.

Rosaline immediately put her attention on me as she listened in.

And little did she know, that I was going to make this story way more extraggerated than it needed to be.

"So. Me and Anthony met at the training facility, where I was training some men to become mafia leaders, and he was working out. And I just thought he was the hottest thing when I saw that he was wearing a swimming suit to the gym."

Her eyes squished together as she eyed me. "Swimming suit? He wore a swimming suit to the gym?"

A small laugh came from me, as I continued. "Yes! And after I went and introduced myself to him he ended up taking me out on a date to a ice skating rink. And get this." I said before I paused.

"He fell in the middle of the rink and yelled out so many cuss words, that we got thrown out of the rink."

Ellie immediately busted out laughing before dropping her fork. "Oh my God. My twin brother fell in the middle of the skating rink." She said with another laugh.

A smirk formed on my face as I nodded.

I side eyed Anthony whose face looked pissed. Like really mad. He must not like getting embarrassed.

Rosaline on the other hand was smiling so big and bright. Her cheeks bright red, as I could tell she was trying not to laugh out loud.

"Anthony. You take this pretty woman out on a date and then fall. Man, what a shame."

Anthony's arm tightened under my grip as I could tell he was about implode.

"Well. That's nothing compared to what happened with her." Anthony spoke up. His voice a little rigid.

I turned my head towards him as I narrowed my eyes. "Oh. What exactly did happen?" I said.

His head turned to me as he gave me a small cheeky smile.

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