35 | Heaven

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Anthony's POV:

My anger about got the best of me.

I mean, it really did.

I wanted to slam my phone into the concrete right below me and watch it as it shatters into the ground. 

But that wouldn't be enough.

I should have killed that bastard when I saw him at the engagement party. I could have apologized to my mother later and taught that fucker a lesson.

The way my mind could imagine how bad he must of hurt her, how much trauma she has in her mind.

My glanced to the side, to see her head through the window.

Her palm was still on her chin as she looked around the room and taking drinks of her wine.

She looked like a normal woman. A goregous woman.

She looked happy.

But I know that deep down she was struggling. She was struggling bad.

I squeezed my eyes shut to restrict me from crying.

As I set my phone back in my pocket and took a deep breath before walking back inside.

I walked down the aisles of tables before finally reaching ours.

And now was the hard part. I had to try and act normal.

But I guess if she could do it, so could I.

She gave me a concerned look as she quickly searched my face for answers.

"Are you ok?" She said. "You were gone for a long time."

I sighed before nodding. "Yes. Just something at the office."

Her eyes narrowed slightly, I could tell she didn't believe me.

And honestly. I wouldn't believe myself right now either.

But, as our food arrived, we ate in hurry and didn't even say another word during dinner or on the car ride back to our hotel.

And I know she could tell something was off because her face looked pissed.

And when we got to our hotel, she couldn't hold in her rage anymore.

We walked into the room, as she slammed and locked the door behind us.

"Ok. What the hell was that phone call?" She said.

My back faced her, as I closed my eyes.

"You were so talkative and happy, until you stepped out and took the call. So what was it about?" She said as she walked over to me and placed one hand on my shoulder, caressing it gently.

My eyes squeezed together even tighter.

For the love of God she needed to stop.

I was going to unleash this information if she didn't quit.

"I don't wanna talk about this anymore." I said as I shrugged my shoulders forcing her hand to fall to the ground.

Her eyes squished together as she shook her head slightly. "But why? I am here for you Anthony! I just want to know what has you so worked up!"

I immediately turned around and stopped towards her.

Fear gripped onto her skin as I grabbed her cheeks to hold her into place.

Her eyes stared directly into mine with worry.

"Why didn't you tell me." I responded with urgency.

Her big lips parted as she was speechless, almost.

"Tell you what Anthony."

I shook her head in my hands slightly.

"That your father used to beat you, and practically forced you into staying their with him."

Her eyes immediately widened slowly. Her pupils dilating. And her lips, forming into a straight line.

Her face softened so much I thought that if I squeezed her cheeks to hard she would shatter into a million pieces.

Her hands reached up, as she gripped my wrists as she yanked my hands off.

She walked past me. "I don't know what your talking about."

Her words hitting me like a thousand knives.

"Don't fucking do that." I snapped.

"Don't act like you have no idea what I am talking about Beverly."

She walked over to the bed, as she sat on the edge and began to take her heels off.

She gulped as her eyes didn't dare to meet mine.

"You were beaten Beverly. He beat you and lied about it so no one would know what a selfish and horrible person Earl was."

She closed her eyes as she threw her shoes across the room, immediately burying her head in her hands.

"Why didn't you tell me." I said. 

She looked up at me, as she stood up and walked towards me.

Her body stopped about 5 inches away from me.

"Because. I wanted to put it behind me. I wanted to forget about everything he did to me." She said as a few tears began to fall from her cheeks.

I took a few steps towards her, as I wiped away the tear falling from her cheek.

Her body began to tremble in my touch.

"How did you know?" She whispered.

I sighed. "After the first time I saw your bruises, I knew something was going on. So I had Nikolai look into your medical records, and he found a video of you trying to leave and getting beaten up. Plus your father's fake records."

Her eyes narrowed. "Why would you do that?"

"Because Bev. You were hurting. My girl was hurting. And I wasn't going to stand for that."

A small smile came upon her face. As the shiny essence of tears filled her eyes.

"I am so sorry Bev. But I would never hurt you. Ever. And he is never going to touch you again. Not as long as I am here."

Her eyes glanced up at me, as she began to sob so much. I thought I was going to cry myself.

I immediately scooped her up in my arms and carried her to bed.

I pulled the sheet and comforter up above us, as she snuggled up in my arms.

My chin right below her head.

She cried in my arms without speaking for at least an hour, before I finally felt her body soften. She fell asleep.

I looked out the window as I watched the shore come in, and the waves crashing down.

The moonlight shining in, through the white curtains.

She was at peace. Finally.

I am sad. And I am not even the one who got beaten as child.

I shouldn't be.

And yet, my brain is still telling me the smart thing to do is drop this woman to the curb and leave my father's name for good.

But my heart is telling me that I need to stay here with Beverly forever, and protect her from her father and everything else bad in the world.

But for right now, all I knew.

Was that I was going to lay here, fall asleep and continue to hold this woman's hand until she feared nothing else.

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