3 | The Woman

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Beverly's POV:

My legs are crossed as tight as a pretzel, as I slowly watch my father and Anthony.

Yes. My father has already told me his name.

Just like he just now told me about this arranged engagement.

I am so pissed I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stick up.

If I could do this my own way, I would tell this 'Anthony' guy to fuck off. And I would take the first car out of here and back to my place.

I licked my lips softly. As I looked up at Anthony.

He laid on his back, as his chair was bent backwards slightly.

The way his eyebrows were furrowed and how his lips were straight as a line. I could tell he wasn't to fond of this arrangement.

The deal with my parents is that if I didn't find a suitable match by the time I turned 18. They would find one for me.

And I did everything to fall in love with every other guy I dated. But I always thought something was off with each one. And automatically, stopped it before they went to far.

Growing up, I have always been this perfect person. The perfect daughter. The good girl, perhaps.

My parents have raised me well. And I would be a huge liar if I said otherwise.

But I also didn't have many choices when I was a teenager.

I still don't, and I am an adult.

So. To avoid conflict. I wear my pearls and seamless outfits, when I am around them to please them for so much time.

But when I am free of their torture. I don't let none of that bother me.

My father is.


Very mean. Very rude, and hates conflict.

Especially when it comes to me.

Since I am only child. I get all kinds of shit thrown at me.

And I mean that litterally and

That's why I decided to wear a long sleeve today.

To hide all of those bruises, scratches and burns that my father has given me.

Some of them are permanent. While others are only temporary.

"So as discussed Mr. Brown, you will be marrying my daughter in a short amount of time." My father began.

I felt the tension in the room grow heavier and heavier with each word produced.

"So. We should start by letting the public know as soon as possible."

I closed my eyes slightly and took a deep breath.

Breath Bev. Breathe.

"Yes I am very aware Mr. Jackson, that we must allow the public to settle in on OUR engagement."

I gulped at the way he said that.

"Perfect. Well all that means now, is for you to make plans of you guys to move in."

I blinked fastly and looked at my father. "Moving in? Whoever agreed to that shit?"

My father eyed me like a dog. One that he could smack around a bunch and they would still get back up.

I saw his knuckles began to tense up, before Anthony interrupted.

"She can move into my place tomorrow. I have the day off."

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