39 | Die

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Beverly's POV:

I began to cry uncontrollably, as this man held my neck up against the knife.

"Who are you?" I whispered out.

He silenced me again as he pushed me against him harder. "Don't talk you bitch."

I closed my eyes tightly, as I felt my whole body begin to shake and wonder if I was going to die right here right now in this kitchen.

"Just show me the way out of here, and maybe you will get to live."

I nodded just a bit, as I pointed towards the kitchen doors.

"Their?" He responded.

I shook my head once more.

We began to walk, as his grip was tight on the knife I was sure he was about to cut me.

We exited the kitchen soon, leaving footprints behind.

"Who are you?" I said.

He scoffed. "You should know."

My eyes immediately widened.

I looked up and looked at the man with the mask.

I recognized the mask, because it was the same one that the man wore when he kidnapped me and almost stabbed me to death.

I began to panic, as I looked further into his eyes as they glared down at me.

Anger and fury rose in them as I almost saw a fire figure rise in his pupils.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

All the sudden, a gun shot rang out as the man hit the ground.

A yelp came from me, as the man almost pulled me down with him.

But I quickly got loose of his grip as his body gave out.

I looked out in front of me, and saw Anthony standing their with his gun.

My eyes widened as my chest heaved up and down.

He tried to walk towards me but I quickly stepped back.

Raising my arms to hug my body.

"Don't you dare touch me." I said.

His fixtures softened as he reached a hand out.

"Mia Amore please, let me explain."

I shook my head as I felt water began to spill out of my eyes. "Please don't call me that." I whispered.

"You just killed a man." I said as I looked at his dead body on the ground.

"Yes. And I know who he was. He was hired by your father."

I titled my head slightly. "How do you know this?"

He sighed before looking at the ground. "Me and Nikolai have been tracking him for a while."

I laughed sarcastically as I slapped my thighs with my hands.

"Great. Another secret."

He shook his head as he tried to walk over to me again.

"Beverly please hear me out.".

"No!" I screamed out.

"You lied to me Anthony! And you-" I had to stop because I was about to cry so hard I might have a heart attack.

His face looked so hurt and so sad that he knew he had fucked up badly.

"You, told my father you didn't care about me! You told him I didn't mean anything to you!"

He ran his fingers through his air, stressed as ever.

"I thought." I began to say.

"That you actually began to care about me. I actually believed that this wasn't just some stupid arrangement." I said as my breathing began to take over.

I held my chest with my hands trying to find some comfort that wasn't their.

"I had no one Anthony! No parents, no friends, NO ONE! I thought I finally had someone. I thought I finally found you. But I was so clearly blind by your constant demand to be at the top."

Anthony sighed once again as he took a few steps closer to me.

"I didn't mean what I said Beverly, you have to know that. I care so much for you Beverly. And yes, the original plan was to blackmail your father so I could become the Brown's leader, but I don't want it if I can't have you."

My lips parted slightly.

He walked over to me so close, as his face was only a few inches away from mine.

He grabbed my cheek as I turned my head, forcing myself to not look at him.

"You lied to me Anthony." I said gently.

My breathing finally comed down so I could at least talk like a normal human being.

"I know. And I am so sorry. I wish that I could take back what I said. But I can't Bev, and that's a moment that I will regret for the rest of my life."

I shook my head, as I felt a single tear fall down from my cheek and with a swipe of his thumb, the tear was gone.

I gulped before a few sniffles came out of my nose.

"I have to go. I can't stay here anymore. And I don't want to see you again." I said. Those words are coming out like taffy. It's sticky, and it's hard to say.

I knew that if I stayed here, my mind would always race about him and my dad.

I needed to get away. Away from Italy. Away from him.

"No." He replied.

I immediately turned my body around as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me closer to his chest.

"Please don't go." He whispered as he kissed the top of my head multiple times.

"It was never about loving me. It was about getting what you wanted. This was about some stupid deal. And now Anthony, my life is ruined because of that video."

I threw his arms off of me as he stood their so pathetic and so soft.

I had never seen him like this before.

"Beverly, please."

I waived my hand at him as I passed him to grab my suitcase.

I immediately looked down at the cold, dead body laying on the ground, reminding me that the only two men I had in my life were the worst people in it.

And how I could never trust them no matter what I did.

My father tried to kill me. Twice. He beat me, and here I am getting fooled by the man I thought I fell in love with.

My heels clicked on the floor as I stepped over the body to retrieve my luggage.

I sighed and closed my eyes as I grabbed the handle as I began to drag it along with me, heading towards the door.

Once I got the door handle.

I immediately paused before turning around.

"I really wish you the best of luck with running the Mafia Anthony. Your are your mother deserve justice, but if destroying someone else's life means that you get that. Well, who is the selfish one now." I said as I turned back around and walked out of the door.

I'm trying to get every trace of him out of my head. Out of my brain. Out of my heart.

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